I’m depressed I spend almost all my time on the internet just posting anime and political stuff and lurking...

I’m depressed I spend almost all my time on the internet just posting anime and political stuff and lurking. I have a job as a cart pusher but it’s I mean it’s not much. I just want to die...

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>I just want to die...
Go out in style

Life is about perspective. I've been there I was a homeless junkie years ago. Don't give into the negativity here.

Explain what you mean by perspective

Life is how you perceive the information coming to you. I used to be incredibly upset about my parents and how I was raised which manifest in many negative forms. When in reality I can't change the past and any negative energy that comes because of it is MY choosing. Now days I'm happy to be alive because after sleeping next to trashcans I greatly reduced my expectations developing a threshold that I built upon. The worst times aren't in the here and now. You just think they are because they are at the forefront of your thoughts.

I regret a lot of things but I mostly regret not knowing what I wanted to do with my life at an early age I’m still not so sure but if I could go back I’d have wanted to go to college after hs to study economics and political science like Steve Bannon.

Fuck off attention whore

Very few people know what they want to do. Just like meeting women your career isn't going to come knock on your door. Also don't have those kind of expectations I was like that as well. Found my "career" at 27 almost in the absolute bottom of my spiral. If you're under 30 don't let it keep you up at night.

What is your “career”?

I'm a bitcoin trader. Discovered in about 2011.

You almost had me there

I'm not kidding.

an hero

I want you to die too, user.

what is pic from op

Take control of your mind. Measure the time you spend shitposting and divide it in two. Don't stop shitposting, because you like it, and this is the current year so it's part of life. But divide that time and use half of it to read books that are difficult for you to understand. Within weeks you will feel better and begin to be more assertive and self-controlled, which will trickle down into every other aspect of your life.
t. constantly depressed person who hasn't been depressed in a very long time, thanks to this strategy.

Clean your room.


what in the goddamn

Embrace the void that is reality and find purpose in fulfilling your pointless evolutionary purpose out of spite of every other group of humanity not as closely related to you.

she's just a animation blogger who says she's not a furry

Find a hobby you can personally enjoy, try to look for a career you really want, maybe even have your hobby turn into said career.
Either way dwelling on negativity is bad for your sanity, distance yourself from the things that hurt you the most. Works great for me.

>Why are you assholes so mean? What is wrong with being lgbt? We aren’t bothering you...

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I have a curse. All my friends die. I see the future for people who are going to die. There's only been one instance in my 31 years where I managed to warn someone before they're hurt, and that was two weeks ago.
In summer of 2003, it started; I had a dream in which the front end of a train came crashing through my bedroom wall. The cattleplow on its nose was covered in blood and entrails. The closet doors swung open as though a gale had passed through the room, but I felt no wind. The closet, I saw, was totally empty, but a voice cried out from it: "BEWARE THE RED MAW."
A week later, my mom and sister were hung up in traffic. A train on the tracks in front of them wouldn't move. They learned an hour later that my cousin had sat on the tracks the night before and let the train kill her. Not "maw," it said "ma,"as in "mother." She left behind two kids.
Now I've dreamed of a girl named Tara, two weeks ago. All I know is that her death is imminent unless I get to her first. I know of four, as of tonight: One I worked with, one is dead, one I met by the river late Friday night, and one has left me a voicemail from a health club. This has never happened before. One of them is in great danger, and I thought after I met and warned the Tara by the river on Friday night, that I had done well and could rest easy. Then I got a voicemail from Tara at Genesis. There's another. I don't know what to do. And I still have a company to run.
There are worse things to have on your conscience. Be glad you're left with only what you have.

^^This. If you wanna feel better about yourself take a stroll on over to Jow Forums

You know deep down in your heart what you must do. Load your laptop with Isis and liberals bullshit over the next year. Then aloha snackbar Ginsberg.

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Leave you fucking degenerate.