This is the clown who just started a brawl on Hollywood and Highland at the Trump walk of fame star, physically assaulted SLIGHTLY OFFENSIVE and camera crew
Based hwood bro, I live a block away. LAPD is already hungry for 90s justice. This is why most trump supporters dont even bother, the left and illegals are too emotional and salty.
Ayden Lewis
Wow brown people add so much to our wonderful civilization
Angel Scott
he's a marine? and he blames Trump for starting wars? Go figure
Zachary Powell
He graduated High School on June 7 from Helen Berstein High School in Los Angeles
it get DEEPER boys! the woman in pic related was interviewed on slightly offensive not long ago. I cant help but wonder if she was upset she made herself look stupid and got this retard fired up about it.
Sweaty, wild-eyed, feral. I swear, this is where we're headed collectively.
Anthony Kelly
The video will be provided to the police, guy will be indicted and maybe charged for misdemeanor assault, slap on the wrist in the long wrong. Nobody is going to care about this, and if the story does get any viral action the narrative will probably be about how a small gaggle of Trump supporters started shit and got their asses kicked in for it. It'll die away in less than a week.
Fucking mobs, man.
David Lopez
>trump living this rentfree in their heads absolutely deranged
Ryder Cooper
This fucker is going to be gone once Jow Forums gets on his ass its over
Juan Campbell
Can anyone tell what school his diploma folder came from? Also- he is likely a marine Corp vet using the gi bill. Find the school- find the veterans service faculty- lock him up.
We need to find local marine corps recruiters- jrotc officers- and rotc officers that frequent the area. Find the marines and then have them lead you to him.
Get him charged with felony assault and he can kiss his Marine dreams goodbye
Connor Lewis
potential false alarm lads, I cant confirm via clothing it is the same woman. actually looks like it isn't the same woman, what do you think? shes at the very start of this video
Looks the same face couldve gotten her cloths dirty or simply changed out of the cloths for some reason
Ayden Green
>Jow Forumstards Please user just call us Jow Forumsacks.
Jonathan King
he actually left the scene and returned "with his boys" which makes it a premeditated assault.
Wyatt Sullivan
He's already been identified... Lalo Neza:
Julian Evans
Same necklace too
Noah Mitchell
Are these spics?
Julian Hall
Dont give a shit what happens to dan Harmon. I'm just calling out some attention whore faggot trying use Jow Forums to spring board some clicks.
Justin Martinez
Hows that Trump supporting going for you? I told you to stick to hiding behind your computer screens because these things will happen IRL.
>please donate on superchat shameless greed at such a time where you should be picking up your teeth and returning to the safety of your Jow Forums threads and ethugging.
call every single recruiter in the area and let them know about this conduct
Elijah Lee
Anyone actually have his real name yet?
William Perez
That flithy spic was sweaty and working his jaw like he was on coke or crank.
Gavin Thomas
Who the fuck travels five hours to Olive Garden , it's pretty much plastic spaghetti
Cameron Smith
Im already on it thank god for jrotc in highschool already have a few connections
Luke Brooks
Or I could use contacts to make his dream unobtainable. Or I could just wait for his criminal nature to reveal itself and let him actually ruin his own life while I sit in comfort and watch as he becomes a fifty year old dish washer
Isnt it illegal for you burgers who are marines to criticize the commander of your nations army? Seem like something you would get thrown in jail for down there and given a medal for up here. Also Canada annex when??? Can't take it much longer, I'm in Toronto bros... HELP ME
James Nelson
Silence you fool
Adam Thompson
oh yeah, let the mods remove this thread and keep all the other ones full of faggot shit up
Supposedly played football at Helen Bernstein HS. That's all I got boys.
Grayson Harris
Angel Baker
hahahahaha yup. like I said, you'll get over it. Maybe you'll be like I was and report as often as you can being a super stickler. Eventually I stopped caring(coincidentally stopped paying for a pass as well) after seeing how selective modding is, or it's just outright not modded until you goto the IRC and get a mod, but they don't like it when you do that ;v)
Jeremiah Sanders
that was actually tumblr, they have since been absorbed into the summer newfaggotry and are now ex commies, but perhaps still self loathing.