Fulfill your destiny Whoopi.
Today is the day Whoopi
How can we get it out of her?
what exactly are these threads about user?
been seeing them for days
Who fucking knows
>seen some shit
>exited Hollywood fame quietly
>comes back
>signed on as a talking head agenda provocateur
>Goldberg surname
I'm not quite sure what you are expecting from her OP, but I think you'll be disappointed if you're expecting integrity out of that person.
Spill the truth on Whoopi right now or you’re a fucking LARPer. She ain’t saying anything.
does this mean this faggot LARP will finally end? stop spamming up Jow Forums with your cryptic nonsense.
no need. it's coming out whether she wants it to or not. She's a nigger, so she'll try to keep quiet and be utterly devastated by the time she admits the truth.
comic relief
Shes a jew
Her destiny is to kill herself...
she murdered Robin Williams
She’s the worst type of being possible - a nigger-jew. She will guilt you for racism, then shove a knife in your throat, all while rubbing her hands and dreaming of your shekels
A robin williams blind bag on crazydaysandnights?
And a pedo
Jew + Nog equals max degeneracy
She’s done so many evil things she doesn’t know which one she’s supposed to confess to. First time a negress ever shut up.
She is not a Jew, she played the name game in reverse to improve her chances in acting.
>> He's something I found out. Find Whoopi's real name and its her stage name.
Next, if you look at her wikipage, you will see she only lists ONE CHILD BIRTH! She had MANY. I found 2 more and they ALL HAVE Totally DIFFERENT NAMES and are 100% totally being secret! One was a child in the movie redo "Little Rascals" and officially do not say shes her mom.
But search her past and you will see tons of underground friends....
Has to do with PEDO.
What does Whoopi Niggerberg know that she is not telling us?
>whoopi young
>looks like a 90 years old used up dixie kong
Karen Johnson (aka; Whoopi Goldberg) probably won't commit suicide. I see her as going out either by an actual accidental overdose or some kind of terminal health problem. She's got her anger to sustain her - Robin did not.
just say what she did u big idiot
well shes a part of the hollywood mafia so... a lot
Larping brings attention. Staves off the feeling of wasting your life.
I hope you'll come through user, I've been waiting for this for a few days now
Remember this the next time you see a countdown thread
Hope this goes somewhere. Take my energy \o/
I know it's probably nothing, but a man can dream
And finally
Leave Whoopi alone faggot
Are we just baselessly calling everyone we don’t like a pedo now? Or is there something to all this kerfuffle?