This is just sad.
What the fuck did (((Hollywood))) do to her?
Other urls found in this thread:
did he died?
What the fuck. This is a sick disease.
Disclaimer: She's 21.
A woman like her has life on easy mode and still manages to fuck it up completely.
She definitely fucked it up, although today's vile, degenerate "culture" - especially in LA - is partially to blame.
We're so far beyond Weimar republic levels of degeneracy.
the fact anyone knows who this is or that OP thinks anyone should know who that is tells me that you are all just as retarded. sad
This legit makes me sad
Leftism is the most life destroying drug anyone can take
Huh? Why would that even matter? That's clearly not relevant to the point.
who is that?
literally who
Lia Marie Johnson
she already looked like a dead eyed slut on the left
leaf speaks the truth, look in the eyes, there's nothing behind them
You could have saved her, Jow Forums. If you only got up and made a change instead of complaining about it on the internet.
Fucking so calm about it
>stop knowing about things I don't like
She looks beaten and tired. Lost the light in her eyes. Poor girl. She used to look happy.
t. stupid boomer
Everyone who uses youtube more than once a month has seen her face and knows she worked for the Fine Bros.
Her face also gets posted on Jow Forums all the time, so you're fucking new and bragging about it.
>You could have saved her, Jow Forums
considering her young age and by the look of her level of degeneracy (fucking knuckle tats before she's of the legal age to drink), the age in which she needed an intervention, she would have been way too young for any of us to have intervened. She needed better parenting or some shit, idk. I've known a few young girls with septum piercings and fucked up daddy issues who were at least smart enough not get dumb ass knuckle tats. She's got something really fucked up somewhere in her life that isn't just an internet connection with easy access to pornographic degeneracy.
>taking pride that you know all about kids react video cancer on yt
>Time for a selfie
First of all who?
second of all same as all women in Hollywood. Jewish cum dumpster until their spirit breaks
So many newfags ITT
Truly plebbit is a disease
Are you one of those 12 year olds?
I use jewtube daily and don't know this person. What are the fine bros, what is this shit.
Following social drama is degenerate
>What are the fine bros
two brothers who are just your average white guys who make money by making lots of videos involving cute kids.
I don't really follow the pizza gate threads but I wouldn't be surprised if they are a topic of conversation in them.
need to post ladt time on kikebook for likes and attention before he dies. So brave.
She's just a low-IQ shell like most women and has assimilated the features that are most prevalent around her.
>I'm culturally oblivious, and that's a good thing
Fuck off back to /v/
Who the fuck is she? Why do you retarded cunts assume other people will automatically understand what is causing concern in your birdbrains?
Those are the worst tatoos i have ever seen! What was he thinking?
Has she taken BBC on camera yet?
Get your repulsive fantasies out of here, kike.
>tfw I remember when tribal tattoos and thin flip phones were the cutting edge
>*sips monster*
I respect Lia Marie enough to want her to get the most out of sex, and BBC is how to do it.
Hurr durr I'm better than you because I don't know who that is.
the second picture in the 'before' u can tell thats always been her personality and it was suppressed
Unpopular opinion: she was already degenerate as fuck in the left pictures. Women should not be venerated for simply existing; the fact that Jews have conditioned us to consider the mere photographic image of a female to be of value reflects a sad state of affairs. That women would be encouraged to be more vain and peacocking is just an outgrowth of that fact.
The fine brothers are evil kikes and they've had her for 7+ years, she never had a chance.
Ahh, you must a new recruit from the JIDF.
We have this things called tags, this tell how many posts a user has made in a thread. At least try and hide behind a memeflag, even though it still is obvious. Get the fuck off my Mongolian basket weaving forum
it's just age and drug use. women are disgusting when they don't create babies with their beauty like they're supposed to, and nature punishes them for it in an effort to ensure the evidently failed genes are not passed on. S
>she worked for the Fine Bros.
Oh you mean the Jewish faggots who tanked their rinky-dink jewtube careers by trying to copyright reaction videos? Literal fucking nobodys pushed by bots and kiked algorithms who still managed to fuck everything up.
Oh well, back to exposing jewish hollywood pedophiles!
Goyim women are natural born hookers. their only purpose in life is to serve us jews as sex slaves. that is the natural order of things.
who the fuck is this? someone from disney channel?
Nickelodeon. The same thing happens to the Disney kids.
Did you forget to take your pills today, Moshe?
This is true, Greatest ally
The Shiksa are all yours
Looks like my sister. She went through that phase when she was 15 though
they tried to get other reaction videos banned from youtube and claimed they invented reacting
Every time a Jew shit posts we get one step closer
...and they said it was all just false Nazi propaganda
who tf is this idiot, dont care enough to read thread
We can't start executing you filth soon enough.
Her parents are serial monogamists. Spent most of her life in front of the camera.
Deep down, I always hoped she'd make it out okay. No one in broken homes makes it out okay.
She looked normal a year ago. Then she cut her hair, got tattoos and a nostril ring and started smoking.
is that a dildo?
is this really her? or is it a deepfake?
Are there more like this?
Lia was always a whore, but are you guys not /hebe/ enough to know what happened to Amanda Steele?
It's like someone is teaching young girls that it's attractive to look like 30+ year old washed up former pornstars... Then again they've probably taken the same amount of cocks as one.
She looks like a person who follows trends. Will regret the ‘edgy’ damaged goods look later.
Kikes who disabled comment sections
Kikes I tell you
Fat, tats, facial expression of a junkie.
Typical we wuz kikes
>white guys