>america needs mexican immigrants to work in agricult-
America needs mexican immigrants to work in agricult-
wow its almost like mass immigration is a jewish scam with no actual benefits to the population
>canada needs african immigrants to work in agricult-
Now can we deport the illegals?
It's actually a consistent finding in labor economics that immigration retards the automation process for agriculture
thats gonna fuck over us and the immigrants you know
What a useless invention. Weed control is done with much larger equipment being pulled by a tractor.
Beaners are needed for the actual back-breaking work of harvesting. Quite a few crops are already harvested with machines, but there's quite a few that aren't like berries and peppers.
As soon as robots or machines that can do those become available, you bet your ass they'll be bought.
>Weed control is done with much larger equipment being pulled by a tractor.
t. chemical lobbyist
Get fucked.
>muh robots
Is not the right answer. If Democrats think they need to have slaves to pick their crops for little to no wage they should move to some third world shithole, where they belong.
lmao whats going to be next?
automated delivery trucks?
Works in the fields.
Is black.
>Can it pick cotton?
Yup. And people looting them because they dont have jobs
The truth is that "people" would be looting them even if they got basic income instead, because it's how those "people" are.
Send them home and build the wall. And create jobs as border wall right wing death squad, if autonomous killer robots aren't cheaper.
Major advantage immigrants have over this robot is that they will not be blown away to different hemisphere went gust of wind happens.
>The truth is that "people" would be looting them even if they got basic income instead, because it's how those "people" are.
never has there been truer words than this typed on Jow Forums. also, FWIW I have done that job that the robot is doing now. i needed the money while i was traveling so i gratefully earned a paycheck.
But does it piss and poo in the crops like the immigrants do? That's my favorite part!
1. Those machines are really expensive so sometimes its cheaper to just to pay a beaner for a while till price drops.
2. If you read marx shit he talks about how the intergration of automation creates more jobs to further surplus production.
Why would an independent farmer need machinery or immigrant slaves to make their own damn food?
>2. If you read marx shit he talks about how the intergration of automation creates more jobs to further surplus production.
In Marx's time that was true. Today machines are removing jobs and could remove a lot more if the government were prepared for such a move.
How will I survive without my monthly recall on all the vegetables and fruit I feed my children. They will be devastated when they find out we won't be having explosive diarrhea for several days thanks to hard working immigrants. I'll have to come up with some absurd story to keep them from getting upset.
Now we just need an autonomous wall building robot.
exactly, same thing happened when people owned slaves
robotics are the future in AG. we brought over niggers once and look what that got us. robots over nigs any day of the week
>There is not a lot of migration from Mexico to the U.S. anymore. It has been net negative for eight years running. Mexican living standards have tripled in the last 20 years. Most of the people coming for seasonal ag work are from Central America. The most Central Americans who are going to be available for ag are available right now. It’s a decreasing pot of people from now on. So regardless of what happens with the immigration debate, regardless of what happens with the border, if you are dependent on imported labor, you are going to have to either find another source or replace labor with robotics. If you are going for another source, you have to go to a country that is in civil uproar. That means African indentured servants or Syrian refugees. Otherwise, switch to robotics, because one way or another, the system that has been in place for the last 40 years is going away for lack of people – not just here, but in places where we reach out to recruit.
>What a useless invention. Weed control is done with much larger equipment being pulled by a tractor.
With pesticides, this doesnt use pesticide. Notice the tiny metal finger like appendages hanging from the middle of the robot.
>Beaners are needed for the actual back-breaking work of harvesting. Quite a few crops are already harvested with machines, but there's quite a few that aren't like berries and peppers.
And this dwarfs mechanization. Given time and need people will invent ways to harvest crops without the sweat of illegals
>Now we just need an autonomous wall building robot.
Its actually a really interesting read. Some of it still applies today but not all of it.
Calling things "cultural matxist" isnt really accurate on what he wanted. If he was alive in the 60s he would of said that the feminist movement to get the women in the workforce was capitalistic, because it was. He writes how the capitalist would think "why have 1 member of a family when i can have the wife and child".
Although the family is making more money the cost of living will go up. There will also be lost value at home since the mother is no longer there to cook and clean.
yes... *sheds manly tear* yes we can buddy...
Does it speak English?
well that's where ur wrong spic, they are being bought in every European country including my own since they are more efficient than tractors
i read that as wedding like 6 fucking times man
gotta stop smoking weed
>more efficient than tractors
How much horsepower this thing got?
Hopefully we get robots to do that, too.
weed is degenerate
>pic related
just as this made nogs obsolete so too will the new advances in robotics make beaners obsolete and actually give Americans jobs that they wouldn't be having.
This is the fucking most reddit comment I've ever saw. Kys flaggot
Japan is researcher strawberry pickers that recognize ripeness and has tactile response when grasping to prevent bruising. It's all over for the beaners.
>lumberjacks are vital to th-
it doesn't need fkn horsepower my dude just 2 electric motors to carry the delta robots and the weed killer tank and the pump. It also has solar panels to recharge the batteries.
Robots that can detect ripeness of berries and peppers, and then safely pick them, already exists. They're slow, though, so now it's a matter of both, making them cheaper, and a little faster. If they're 1/100th the speed, but 1/100th the cost of a human, and it doesn't get sick, die of heat stroke, or complain about the weather, then it's replacing all of them.
>electric motors have no horsepower
your brain on cigan
Less than 10% of illegal immigrants work in agriculture
>>lumberjacks are vital to th-
the wood industry when it comes to forests that are not suited for machine where nly humans can stand and the logs get transported via helicopter
the rest works in narcotics and wellfare?
America needs jo-
lemme fix dat for ye
>Less than 10% of illegal immigrants work
And in diversity programs, like inseminating white women and cuckolding white men.
this shit is old as hell now
Some places have really steep hills.
Looks like a giant mechanized scorpion.
Id get a job in agriculture but i dont speak spanish. Theres a bit of a language barrier. Shame.
osrs is redpilled
what is a 35% slope?
One of the reasons for the industrial revolution was farmers and textile mills didn't have enough access to cheap labor in Britain due to low recent (relatively) plague + low population growth.
a job for chainsaw robots
>Quite a few crops are already harvested with machines, but there's quite a few that aren't like berries and peppers.
You clearly haven't seen this shit. Just attach it to some sort of machine and you're all set.