Capitalism produces the best results

>capitalism produces the best results

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Yes yes, zhee Bic Mäc is sooo delishiös.

I prefer pic related

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I love burger

im against degenerate jewish capitalism too but to be fair mcdonalds is super efficient in a lot of ways and I think their food tastes pretty good

>capitalism forced me to eat at mcdonalds and no where else WAAAAH

Womp-womp meme flag.

The harsh competition means actually decent restaurants charge half decent prices. Also can we all marvel at the fact that porridge is like $1 a kg, thats like a week of food for 10 minutes of work

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>Im against degeneracy but it just tastes soo good!

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well you shouldn't

Yuck. Enjoy your parasites Ameritards.

In terms of wealth for Ray Kroc's family, yes.

Jewish psy-op meme. Redirect the ethno nationalist movement into a hubris filled "trigger libards XD" fest

I'm on to you schlomo. And you'll end in an oven.

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I ignore what people says
My black friend doesn't give a shit Papa John said nigger in a phone call, he makes good pizza, he can do whatever he wants at his business

seriously, its fucking mind blowing that porridge is that cheap. Would happily pay $10 a kilo if it meant no globalism or subsidies. But fuck me, its a crazy world we live in

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they've invested millions into making their food "taste good" and be as addictive as possible.

mcdicks is doritos tier, their beef has no nutrients. meanwhile shitty tier beef at your local burger hut is still a rip off.

oh nooooo a restaurant you literally can choose to have and is easily available and provides the basic nutrients in a scientifically engineered way to taste delicious and bring you back. oh nooooo. what will you ever do...

meanwhile in africa, no water or food

I agree.

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>>capitalism produces the best results
Yes, that's true. Because of capitalism, local restaurants can exist without permission by the state or pre-existing restaurants. It also also uniform-experience cheaper restaurants like McDonald's, but that's an extra bonus.

I can smell your fat cells from here. Go out and exercise you sorry excuse for obese mutts.

you shouldn't eat that shit either because they force papa john to step down

>The Virgin Horsemeal vs The Chad Roadkill
You realize oats are for livestock right?

I will admit, roadkill is by far the most based form of hunting

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oats are for horses or Finns.
cancel that shit out and get Jow Forums

Pick two:
>Low cost
>High quality
From these combinations we can derive
>inconvenient home cooking
>expensive fancy restaurants
>low quality fast food
All products of -you guessed it- capitalism. The freedom of choice is yours

Does burgerland not have private small restaurants? In my shithole I have like 10 restaurants within 10 minutes walking distance that serve cheaper, tastier and healthier food than fastfood chains. Expensive MC Donalds and such are for roasties and gypos to show off.

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you're incoherent

You're obtuse

They pay their employees shit wages.

Now kiss!

Local restaurants are not as cheap as McD here, which is basically the cheapest garbage you can find.

It does. Prove it wrong, libfag with a memeflag.

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It certainly does.

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mcdonalds is pretty good