Capitalism produces the best results

>capitalism produces the best results

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Yes yes, zhee Bic Mäc is sooo delishiös.

I prefer pic related

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I love burger

im against degenerate jewish capitalism too but to be fair mcdonalds is super efficient in a lot of ways and I think their food tastes pretty good

>capitalism forced me to eat at mcdonalds and no where else WAAAAH

Womp-womp meme flag.

The harsh competition means actually decent restaurants charge half decent prices. Also can we all marvel at the fact that porridge is like $1 a kg, thats like a week of food for 10 minutes of work

Attached: Havregrød_på_vand.jpg (1200x900, 190K)

>Im against degeneracy but it just tastes soo good!

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well you shouldn't

Yuck. Enjoy your parasites Ameritards.