Does anyone else think that sunburns are a myth that "they" invented...

Does anyone else think that sunburns are a myth that "they" invented? I don't know why we get burned by staying outdoors for too long, but anyone who isn't a complete retard can tell that something so far away can't burn you. When's the last time an oven burned you without you touching it? When's the last time the lava from a volcano burned you from thousands of miles away? Wake up, sheeple.

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Then what do you think burns you when you stay in the sun for minutes?

you know op, you make some good ass points, but volcanoes arent radiating onto me so how do you explain that? if i was above the lava then it would burn me even from far away because the whole heat rises and its direct exposure to me. how do you explain that op?

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I don't know. Maybe the government sends out tiny drones that land on your skin and heat themselves up if you stay outdoors for too long. The less time you spend outside, the less capable you are of rebellion.

I also failed high school physics, so it must be the Jews.

but people have worn protective clothing in europe for sunburns since the greeks user. and why would there be drones in desolate areas like south africa and rural costarica where ive gone on missions trips getting a sunburn

what are you a fucking goblin? have you ever been on a beach for more than a second?

"They" are ludicrously powerful. They had technology back in Ancient Greece that us commoners won't have access to until the 30th century, if then. By my best estimates, drones tiny enough to be invisible to the naked eye were invented between 32,000 and 34,000 years ago.

europeans are designed for the cold or areas that have had trees. (or in britains case, that rain 24/7)
if you really want to go outside for extended periods of time, wear a very light (in the material and color sense) longsleeve, longpants, and a hat.