Nigger in pic related got into a fight with some cops, somehow managing to get one of the officer's weapon. Nigger then proceeds to do what niggers do and killed a white cop and injured another one.
Naturally, the mental illness defense is already in full swing:
>He has mental health history. He apparently was on medication for anxiety and depression.
Nigger didn't even have his own gun, but SSRIs still let him fulfill his nigger destiny.
When are we going to stop worrying about banning guns and start banning these medications? Let these assholes be anxious and miserable. At least that way they might only kill themselves instead of taking good people with them.
I read this story earlier and was immediately suspicious that the photo was missing. I think this is more of a case of SSRIs fucking with you though.
Hunter Foster
He doesnt look quite right.
Luke Adams
>He has mental health history. He apparently was on medication for anxiety and depression. 50% of the country is on those fucking pills If he gets off I'm getting prescribed them immediately Never gonna take them though. That shit eats holes in your brain
Kayden Davis
SSRI's did nothing wrong.
Luke Martinez
>That shit eats holes in your brain Something tells me you'll be safe then
how about we ban niggers >the group that is allowed to act like terrorist predators without ever being labeled a terrorist >must be nice
Christian Lee
>At an afternoon press conference, DPS Director Col. Frank Milstead said investigators have been in contact with King's parents.
>The man's mother told authorities she thought her son was in the backyard of their home and had last seen him on a trampoline around 9:30 p.m., Milstead said.
>Milstead said, "He has mental health history. He apparently was on medication for anxiety and depression."
Isn't it a violation of HIPAA for a cop to disclose that someone is on medication?
Christian Long
Something tells me you take them, nigger
Jayden Baker
>If he gets off I'm getting prescribed them immediately You're saying in case you ever get caught for anything in the future? Couldn't they test you to make sure you actually were under their effects?
Angel Green
I'd keep them on hand for when being white becomes illegal
Hudson Rivera
Oh, so this is far worse than when a white kid shoots up a black church and gets burger king?
Ayden Wilson
Anxiety & Depression are just mood disorders. This guy had nignog disorder that caused him to resist & shoot.
Nolan Foster
I dunno. I'd guess that his statement was generated by the PIO and checked over for liability before opening his maw, though.
Henry White
Been on them for 20 years and never killed anyone, fuck you OP.
Camden Gomez
What kinda gun is that?
Wyatt James
>somehow managing to get one of the officer's weapon
A woman that he had stopped recently actually said he was a super nice guy and only gave her a warning for speeding. For a Trooper, that shit's rare. So we're down one nice, lenient cop.
Matthew Brooks
How come lefties want to ban vidya and guns because apparently it makes you violent and dangerous, but they never want to ban ssri even though they are more than happy to admit that that shit makes you crazy enough to murder people?
Easton Ramirez
Classic niggers. Kill the good cops, and make the rest on edge It's a fucking self-fulfilling prophecy that they get shot
Joseph Ross
Because they all take some form of the pharmaceutical Jew
Clearly you're a retard, a 15 year old or both. Actually using the term "Christian Fundys", I pray that one day you need actually need the cops just so you can understand how important they are to a society.
Leo Rivera
Eeewwww, Christian fundy detected. Fuck you and Jesus.
Kys you nigger loving kike advocating faggot piece of slime
David Gonzalez
I think its bedtime, sport.
Jackson Walker
Is it possible to covertly feed SSRIs to nogs to awaken their inner ape and get them put away?
Isaac Clark
>good cops
There's no such thing.
Who the fuck agrees to do a job that may entail kicking in the front door of their neighbor's house, over something that shouldn't be illegal to begin with? Like drugs.
I'm still waiting for a constitutional amendment that bans drugs. There was one to ban alcohol. Where's the one that bans drugs?
American cops enforce drug prohibition because they're a bunch of gay ass Christian fundys who wish we had a theocracy.
Hunter Campbell
There's a lot more to policing than that. Domestic disputes, burglary, armed robbery, hell, even motorist assists. There's a lot of good to be done.
I do agree that the war on drugs is a huge mistake, but that comes from the federal government and if you want federal grants to train and equip your department, you have to go along with it.