European revolutions

It’s unnavoidable at this point, so when and where? My best guess is Sweden, Britain or Italy

Pic related is Britain 2 days ago

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It'll be here. The Reverse-Versailles of a humiliating Brexit deal will clinch it. Give it ten years and we'll be in 1933 territory.

Which ever one goes 1st, it will probably set off a series of them. Expect all sorts of disorder.

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Its not going to be here, as long as deano has his sky sport subscription, enough food in the fridge and his copy of the sun nothing will happen, nothing happened after the rape gang scandals or after 2011 so nothing will happen anythime soon

If anything it will be france, even the whites chimpout over nothing there, plus they have an actual nationalist party and we dont

Right, I do think England is ahead of the curve when it comes to the crazy dystopian future many predicted. We will see it's eventual outcome flourish to it's full potential there. And that is Civil war and possibly economic collapse.

>The Reverse-Versailles of a humiliating Brexit deal will clinch it
It depends wether the newspapers report it propperly as a betrayl, which they most likely wont as most of them are in the pocket of the tories

It's such a shitshow. The papers are heavily Tory and because of this the Left feel vindicated in saying the media has a "right-wing" bias and we all know how they are fuelled by the belief that they are fighting the system.

Vox Day predicts 2026-2028 based on historical cycles, I am inclined to believe this.

Is gonna begin in Spain and then Italy those Mediterraneans are way more aggressive then northerners.

Didnt spain just elect a bunch of commies?

It truly is, the conservatives are left wing progressives, just slower in their adaptations.
It's pretty obvious to those who are well educated to see that there is only the left in mainstream media, moderate left and extreme left.

that why they are gonna collapse in a year or two, after that they will be calling for blood

I don't want that, only nutters and fruitcakes do, but how can a government be considered legitimate if it constantly ignores the electorate? They are not even being subtle about Brexit. If its reversed then they are no more than an occupying power.

> "only nutters and fruitcakes do"

No, the insane are the ones who want the West to keep limping on with a domesticated populace. Civilisations cycle through collapse and growth, they always have. But by all means, keeping voting and hoping politicians will actually do something.

Is UKIP not nationalist?

What's the source on the picture, reverse search brings nothing up.

UKIP is civic nationalist and while I'll probably vote for them, they're not really ideal. They have some odd beliefs. I'm pretty sure they're part-funded by Jews.

Which country has the most guns?
If it's Sweden, they're up against Muslims with grenades

how many years you gonna keep asking this until you realize jews have won?

I snapped it from a video i was watching

If they deport the refugees and take in merit based immigrants then it should be fine until you can elect an actual nationalist party

They won in letting the invaders in. It still remains to be seen who will win the upcoming battles.

That's the thing. If you can go at these Muslims in straight combat they fold like paper. It's only with the backing of self destructive establishments and attacking soft targets they ever do anything.
I have yet to here of an actually brave honourable Muslim in recent times.
Let's not forget Based Gurka who single handedly took out a whole unit of Muslims in face to face combat.

Unfortunately we can't know that. The problem with having a violent religion, that is never the less not a martial one, is that it encourages, even requires, people who have no business being warriors to become soldiers. Coupled with the crushing realization in battle that you are not as special as you have been indoctrinated to believe and that they can even field armies is a miracle. The generic person that happens to be a muslim may be no less competent than the generic person that happens to be a christian.

Muslim nations and their citizens are not a threat. Muslim citizens of western nations may be.

In an ideal world we sidestepped this by insisting that all immigrants became Anglican.

They won't deport all immigrants and believe me, you can never win an election at this point with a party which fights against all Jews and non-whites. Revolution/collapse is the only solution at this point

Predictions for where it’ll start?

"They", and I don't think that is a monolithic block, will hardly be disappointed with the death of Democracy. Its a special thing and part of our unique culture, we shouldn't let them undermine it.

I think America will be the first one to go civil war but I am not sure if that's what you meant. In Europe Britain/France/Germany/Sweden.
My bet is on Germany

I am not sure what do you mean by this, but Britain was the first country to fall down to the Jews

The majority of the people that Germany has imported are not directly suited for revolutionary activities, only general disorder. Such disorder would simply be exploited by the forces of the status-quo to impose significant restrictions on civilian life.

The rest are simply cowards who have fled their home nations in times of strife, to scurry away from your nation in its time of need, to abandon the home of your people, marks you as beneath contempt.

Why Germany? I know things are bad in some areas there but I haven’t heard of many identity groups rising. I’ve also heard that the AfD is only centre-right

I mean I’m kinda thinking more of Europeans revolting against their governments to save their people but whatever starts it works I guess

centre right is basicly hitler here

If someone likes your house and breaks in to steal your property, the correct response is not to lock the doors and burn the house down. Such is madness.

No, trust me. We are cucked AF.

>I’ve also heard that the AfD is only centre-right
>centre right is basicly hitler here

No it's not, and the garbage party AfD isn't "centre right".

Are they civil nationalist or nationalist? I saw some posters saying that “if Germany needs more people, we’ll make them ourselves.” So I’m guessing full nationalist

>It’s unnavoidable at this point
Uh huh, why? lol

>Pic related is
a bunch of riled up deranged hooligan fuck ups

If Sweden turns there is literally hope for all of us.

Send them your ENergy lads!

>uh huh, why?

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Well do tell. Is it because you're a deranged racist?

Sweden is voting “far right” next election no doubt. Their biggest party in the polls is full nationalist

The only thing that stands between UK and the United Kingdom of Muslims is soccer hooligans.

It's already happened. Thing is you lost already.

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>american italian

Attached: index.jpg (259x194, 8K)

Italy ALREADY HAD it's revolution with the 5 star movement + lega coalition.

I don't think you know what the word revolution means

I mean more in the sense of natives and immigrants taking to the streets and slugging it out on one another

pretty much this. We have kick off in areas where there was a loss of industry after importing pakis to do the industry. So we have a mix of white flight and the ones who stay blame the pakis for everything wrong in their shit town.

realistically what we're looking at is more privatisation of the public sector because people don't like paying for pakis to live on benefits. Much more racial self segregation is probable too.

The lawlessness may happen but mostly I think you'll just see more white flight and scuffles.

Using the divisive term "racist" instantly marks you as someone not interested in rational discussion. "Racism" is a catch all for too many concepts and has been vested with such emotion that is has no intellectual validity.

My guess is a 50/50 toss up between the frogs and you James, all of those hooligans in the streets marching for tommy and media blackout surrounding it more than proves it. One good happening and a police officer fucking something up is all it needs. No revolution starts without the blood of a martyr.

French on the other hand are so outclassed in numbers and savagery from the imported (north) African scum that we might see one of these “extremist” right-wing terror cells succeed one day. Than again France has had its mass casualty events and media suppression of what actually took place inside of the bataclan and nobody had taken to the streets to drive out the invaders. The fact that hardcore socialist have a pretty solid foothold in frog land doesn’t help either.

It might be Sweden. They have only traitors and beta males in their Police force and i know for a fact that not even the military likes them.

Pakis will just follow whites everywhere, how are they going to rape underage girls without a constant supply from them?

This is something the western people and the influence brokers have forgotten. It is the military and who they support, whatever laws you may have written, that has power. God Save The Queen.

You’re forgetting that while modern militaries are familiar with mudshits and their philosophy, they are still utterly powerless without their leadership backing them up; and those are politicians in all but name.

You can also bet the second a jet takes off with a real weapons load out the entire country will lose its shit, even more so when it starts strafing or bombing the shit out of any ghettos. It’s literally inviting the rest of Europe in to fuck you over.

A better bet would be a SF unit finally being fed up because of endlessly being fucked over and deciding to use all they have learned to become a terror cell. Think gladio but not under glow in the dark spook control.

If the UK goes full on hard brexit, I think chances are pretty high for social unrest down the road over there. There will be a domino effect as soon as someone somewhere wants out of brexit and to go back to the EU. I don't see the Scots nor the north Irish play ball with Westminster for long if a hard brexit happens.

I wouldn't bet on the french at all, they have lots of immigrants in the big cities, but not so much in the countryside. And they have a pretty great quality of life despite what Jow Forums says. Italians are a better bet imo, unlike the french they are first row alongside Greece for the immigration waves. They're getting fed up and I don't blame them.

In dire circumstances Her Majesty could replace the government with perhaps three phone calls. There would be no military take over, it would be acting under civilian authority appointed directly by The Crown. Any _jets with real weapons loadouts_ would be acting under Her Governments orders to restore order and elections would follow once peace had returned.


>1 word responses to a well thought out point

T. Ultra Brainlet

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>well thought out point

Attached: DependentFamiliarHamadryas.gif (200x150, 1.03M)

Oh wait it's you, the retarded OP. You still haven't told me :^(

You are all untermensch,Hitler was pitch black and the real ubermensch were Black as the death.
All hail Hitler

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More than 80% of migrants within the last 5 years have been on welfare, welfare puts pressure on taxpayers who cannot afford to have children themselves because of said extreme taxes while immigrants have 3-5 kids each and their children will likely go on to be on welfare as well.

The natives are robbed, attacked, raped, killed by the migrants for many years and told not to point out the issue for sake of tolerance and diversity.

The natives are slandered, persecuted, attacked physicallyothers if they do not support mass immigration, they are called the “far right” by the media who also pushes out pro-immigration propaganda

Natives are seeing more and more of their lands taken by migrants and are feeling afraid in their own nations because of the hostility many immigrants have to the natives and the general knowledge that immigrants are extremely violent

It is no suprise that there is a resurgence of nationalism and populism in Europe because Europeans are tired of the shitshow. This however is only the first stage because as time passes, this will only get worse and worse until the point where either the natives snap and try to save their countries or the migrants finally try to fully take over. Again, this is going to happen.

Economic stress
angry, afraid and divided population
Poor political leadership

Literally the ultimate breeding grounds for conflict

Its not going to start in Europe
It will start in South Africa, probably in the Cape when land seizures really get going.
The Boer will fight back, aided by whites from around the world and either reclaim their land or at the least take the Cape as their own.
Some of the SA warriors will remain in their new land, others will return to their homelands, and they will inspire the revolutions in Europe.
Expect the UK or Germany to fall first - the electoral systems make it near impossible for any populist/anti-immigrant party to even come close, so people will turn to violence as they see no other route anyway. Italy, France and Belgium among others will soon follow and eventually a domino effect will cause chaos across Europe. Even Eastern Europe will feel it, despite their more homogenous populations. The only places that will escape mass chaos are Iceland and the Faroe Islands - they will be unable to sustain themselves in the event of inevitable sanctions by ((them)) and will instead watch on from a distance until a revolution in another Nordic country succeeds, at which point they too will see changes, albeit to a lesser degree
Eventually most of current Europe will fall. A few countries will not succeed and most likely remain as they are today, but these will be a minority, and will mainly consist of small countries like Luxembourg and Malta.
The ones to watch will be Belgium - I forsee one of two eventualities, either the Flemings and Walloons unite stronger than ever to assert and reclaim their nation; and also the UK, probably the first country for a happening, which I do not expect to see out as a union

Get fucking prepared - The situation in history has never gotten much worse than this without pitchforks coming out.

Also, if you want to get involved in the upcoming South African conflict then you MUST do the following NOW:

Get into real fitness and also go to a military boot camp course to learn techniques and training. Also learn hand to hand combat.
Learn how to use and maintain weapons if you don't already
Learn Afrikaans - don't rely on English in Boer-territory
Prepare for the hot climate - with the heatwave in Europe its perfect time. Get out and push yourself to the limits, running with heavy bags or whatever you can do, in the heat of the day - Much of the situation will occur in the hot deserts of the Northern Cape and you better be prepared.

Nearer the time you will need to sort out recruitment and travel as the last thing you want to happen is to arrive in Cape Town or Kimberley with no plans - Prepare in advance, travel via a neighbouring country, ideally Namibia or Botswana

Belgium and Germany

Muslims are taught to be weak and to bend to authority and force forom day one of their lives. yes this is why they assemble in groups so readily, but also why they buckle when fighting against a determined opponent. They are weak willed and only respond to strength

We didnt elect them, it was basically a legal coup detat with the support of the commies and separatists in parliament

It'll be interesting to see what role Russia and USA play when it starts.

Attached: Commie Scum.jpg (455x471, 27K)

Nah we are the most fucked after Sweden

The civil war will erupt at several hot-spots: Molenbeek, Rhurgebiet, Malmö, Paris, Marseilles. The muzz plan is to create enclaves, and later connect them by conquest (IS strategy). Preceding any initial outburst is something called signal response testing: smaller and seemingly unrelated attacks to test the response time of government forces. Then the enemy will attack infrastructure, especially power plants (see Mau Mau terrorism). Be prepared for power & communication outage. (Maybe the EU will additionally jam some frequency ranges to prevent radio communication.) EU/NATO will try to get the citizens to comply by controlling food & water supply. Iraq war is a perfect case study for this. Any resistance does good to be prepared for this. Just hoarding food & water isn't enough, you'll need supply networks.

There is currently the effort to form an EU army that is specifically trained for civil unrest and to combat nationalist resistance. EU/NATO going openly against Europeans is possible, yet the worst case scenario. More likely is they will "just" try to restore order and go against any involved side - which will result in them constantly fighting against muzzies (because muzzies chimp out & want caliphate) while we are able to play hide and seek in our warfare against the muzzie scum. Thank god Hillary didn't win because the Clintons would go full "peace mission" on us: helping the muzzies with their caliphate while suppressing resistance, like they did in the Balkans. This is the phase of 'crisis' followed by 'normalization' Yuri Bezmenov warned us about.

In their current state and with Trump/Putin against them the EU/NATO is rather powerless (in a ridiculous manner). Thus the most concerning thing at the moment isn't EU/NATO but: Marseilles. If southern France falls into the hands of the muzz caliphate then they'll be able to open gates to the entire Maghreb/middle east and we will see a REAL invasion… The consequences will most likely be the complete loss of western Europe to the enemy, with the remaining Western Europeans retreating to Eastern Europe or fleeing as refugees to other regions of the world. So while Ruhrgebiet/Molenbeek/Netherlands will most likely catch a lot of attention due to intensity we mustn't forget about Marseilles!

They key to winning the civil war is timing. We are seeing a nationalist renaissance sweeping all across the west. The ascent of nationalist forces is inevitable and unstoppable. The more immigration continues and the muzzie population grows, the more it will clash with European society, which again will create even more support for nationalists. This is an exponential function! The critical point is when we have nationalist majorities in parliaments (or in another way significant influence, for example by coalition).

- If the nationalist ascent is too slow, then the civil war breaks out before we reach critical point. And we'll see ourselves opposed to a most likely muzz-friendly (aka "humanitarian") EU & national governments while not entirely prepared to go into a civil war (in terms of numbers, support, equipment, structures).

- If the nationalist ascent is too fast we'll get into power too soon - and might even be able to avert civil war by imposing strict immigration ban. However, as there is no escalation we will still be bound to human rights and other gay values of our time. The result is that we'll have to deal with those who are already here in a civic nationalism kind of way (aka gay kind of way). Extremism will be suppressed, moderates tolerated. And our race and culture will be diluted by assimilation and miscegenation.

- If the nationalist ascent is perfectly timed to reach critical point shortly before or during the outbreak of the civil war, then winner winner chicken dinner! We'll have both the legislative and executive on our side, we'll control the military, plus we'll have the support of the vast majority of the native population for basically going full reconquista meaning we're optimally prepared in terms of numbers, structures, and equipment. This should be a walk in the park compared to any other scenario (It will still be bloody though and good men will die).

Any external involvement such as Russia, USA, or UN peace troops is difficult to predict. However, with Trump in the white house house things are definitely to our advantage.


The Jew has already won.

>More than 80% of migrants within the last 5 years have been on welfare

Attached: anigif_original-4715-1425260477-7.gif (720x480, 2.88M)

If the fat,lazy bongs could tear themselves away from their sofa and actually organise them the shit might hit the fan but as it stands nothing will happen. They are too content with their reality TV and petty estate squabbles.
Look what happened in the London riots,a few kids on bmx bikes bought London to a standstill. Just imagine what could happen if it was orchestrated by some lads with a bit of tactical knowhow. Instead of robbing stores for new trainers or TV'S they attacked the infrastructure.
The police are pretty much useless and could easily be overpowered.
All it takes is for the bongs to get off their arses.
Can't see it happening desu.

Meant to say “are still on welfare.” Just think, 80% after 5 entire years are STILL on welfare. 5 fucking years.

I'm putting my money on Spain. New migrant corridor + big increase in migrant flow + generally aggressive people + recent political turmoil. The formula seems right, or at least more likely than anywhere else.

God this thread is killing me. Now I know how Christians must feel waiting for Jesus to come back.

Until the BBC gets targeted, all of this is hot air

This, they yet have to catch up with the Browning, but otherwise they are ahead

f southern France falls into the hands of the muzz caliphate then they'll be able to open gates to the entire Maghreb/middle east

Think you need to take geography again.

>Right, I do think England is ahead of the curve when it comes to the crazy dystopian future many predicted.

>t. Someone who does not live in England

I'm in London and you Jow Forums make out to be some warzone. Yes it has a crime problem because of ethnics, but it's still safer than america and more white as well. You idiots on here do nothing but moan and whinge about this alarmist dystopia. If you care so much for freedom of speech stand as an mp or vote lib dem or ukip.

>- If the nationalist ascent is too slow, then the civil war breaks out before we reach critical point. And we'll see ourselves opposed to a most likely muzz-friendly (aka "humanitarian") EU & national governments while not entirely prepared to go into a civil war (in terms of numbers, support, equipment, structures).

This is how it will be. I mean it is this way already.

>Let's not forget Based Gurka who single handedly took out a whole unit of Muslims in face to face combat.
what is propaganda?

USA will be in a state of confusion as sociological marxist will push for more d/c idpol.

>full on Hard Brexit
You mean Irish Civil War? Jocks won't do shit since they never have for 600 years, Ireland on the other hand would go full nuclear again if the hard border came down.

Also USA has the largest anti-white population in the world

>but it's still safer than america

not anywhere close, nor more white. you can't get away from ethnics, everyone in america is in pocketed areas.

reminder that your state is forced to do shit like manipulating murder rates by using number of SOLVED murders to hide the fact that london's crime rate is on par with fucking CHICAGO.

this type of comfortable self delusion is, literally, the english way. it's all you do, and you've lost your nation and nearly all freedom to it

>I wouldn't bet on the french at all, they have lots of immigrants in the big cities, but not so much in the countryside. And they have a pretty great quality of life despite what Jow Forums says.

All of western europe does. Jow Forumssters mostly americans are completly out of touch of what's happening in the UK.

It will happen when deano gets taxed so much that he can't afford those things,and then what?fuck off down to the pub for an over priced pint served by a fucking paki or nog?not gonna happen,we will change things back to the way we want them

>more white than America
I live in London too mate, whites are a minority here and ANY expression of an opinion that isn't "White people bad, multi culti good" is met with extreme prejudice.
Sure we don't have mass violence on the streets every day, but if you don't think we are slouching towards it with ever quickening pace you need to open your fucking eyes

More info?

You think it's the fruit cakes who are at fault?they are the ones who are most succeaptable to the change,what makes you think no one will change them back?we only need one more event before enough is enough and people will look at themselves and not like it and change it back and the fluoridated ones who go with the change will join in and help pit it back to what we had

Wrong, Leaf. Nothing will happen. Nothing happened in South Africa or in the US as we became browner, and both countries have far more anti-negro antibodies than Europe. Europe will be Afro-Arab by 2050 once the climate refugees start coming in earnest or foreign aid gets cut off.

Denial here. London is safer and whiter. I know it's hard for you to take because you live a sheltered life in some backwater town. What's happening in LA, NYC, Chicago, and other major city is worse than what's happening in London. Look at how many whites live in major us cities compared to british cities.

You americans just fuck off from british matters. Don't get invovled you do nothing but make our nationalistic cause look daft.