What do you think about Stalin?

Only for comrades!
What do you think about Stalin?

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Killed lots of people with a constantly failing ideology. Everyone else went hungry.

Didn't kill enough.

Failing? Lmao

Also, (((liberals))) in Russia hate him and are afraid of him, while he gains popularity among different people as a counter-establishment icon.

Eh communism is a pretty cool guy kills lots of non jews and doesnt afraid of anything

I'm in college in England. All Russians love Stalin and the Soviet Union.

go and bring democracy somewhere else. lmao

He failed, what he tried to do didn't work. If it did we would be living in global communism right now.
That's my thought. No matter how many Stalins the world continues to push up, the same bureaucracy, stagnation, and misery will follow.

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A worker in Soviet union worked 4 hours a day ... Stalin did a good job

He was the best leader of all time.

People look at leaders the wrong way, because they're pussies, they think of it in terms of whether he did good or bad. What matters is the impact he had.

Stalin turned the Soviet Union into a world power capable of fighting a world war.

So Stalin sent some people to the Gulag... who gives a shit?

A worker in the Soviet Union also had to live in communal flats with other families and wait in lines for hours for everything.

Thanks for your reply comrade!!

He hated niggers.

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Kikes offed him. He collapsed on March 1st, 1953 and died five days later. March 1st in 1953 coincided with the Jewish holiday Purim which celebrates the murder of Haman, the Persian enemy of the Jews.

The guy who saved us from the ovens.

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Great guy, killed more communists than almost anyone.

The USA is great. They transport democracy to countries full of oil.

He learned about the JQ too late and, when he finally did, he was offed. He should have listened to Adolf.

Not exactly. We fight so that Israel can get cheap oil.


>What do you think about Stalin?
I was sad to learn that after Russia allowed historians to look at the archives, it turned out Stalin was a legitimate communist, and everything he did was a genuine attempt at communism.
I liked him better as a Napoleon type opportunist hijacking a revolution, now he seems more of a dog chasing a car, actually catching it, and being confused about what to do with it.

Still a good source for ballin quotes.

Only half decent socialist leader.Saved Yugoslavia from becoming a Soviet puppet state

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>criminal nobody
>became lenins personal thiev to get money for the movement
>became more and more popular
>tricked trotsky (sure comrade trotsky i will invade poland from the south and you from the north) *stays at home and makes hos power bigger while trotsky gets fucked from poorland*
>lenin dies and stalin reads his last words and wishes that Trotsky should become the new leader so stalin zells the masses that he will step down if the people want it.... NO NO UNCLE STALIN WE LOVE YOU WE WANT YOU AS OUR LEADER
>makes russia a strong power with terror like a madman
>lost 25 million üeople in WW II but stil won at the end
>makes half of europe russian puppet states that last until 1990

>first leader after stalin instantly begins with anti stalin propaganda

Understood the arithmetics of power. Unfortunately all he wanted was power for power's sake.

So did Hitler yet everyone here worships him

During communism in Poland people accused of being Jewish could get deported from the country.

He was based as fuck.
He just killed all the liberals. And made USSR great.

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IMO the Soviet Union was an awesome world powerhouse that Stalin helped create. I miss the kind of classiness of the Union. Wouldn't have made it past 1939 without Stalin at the wheel.

I bet you can fit your hand around your wrist

Jews hate him really hard. They killed him because he was anti-semitic af and tried to move against the (((Bolsheviks))).

A psychopath.
But a very clever one.

Defeated in war =/= Ideologicsl failure
The USSR failed by itself

An useful idiot, the main reason why libertarians meme that socialism equals famine and death, while socialism is nowhere near communism. Thanks Stalin!

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He made anti semitism a death sentence you dumb faggot.... it was just by ““““surprise““““ that most of his political enemies the Trotsky follower were jews.. it had nothing to do with them being jews

he only gains popularity among old retards with parkinson and asperger, dumb memeflag nigger, who also go to church (let me remind you that commieshits hated church)

Where can I actually learn about this shit that isn't completely bias