Russia is the last hope for white Europe

>Why are you still trying to divide white nations?


Years ago, when I came to this realization, it changed my life. Every other personal interest and issue shrank to insignificance. Compared to the loss of our heritage and our very people itself, nothing else truly matters. Anyone who truly understands this, must shoulder the immense responsibility associated with this impending catastrophe. All the sacrifices, all the suffering, all the genius, all the beauty and high culture our people have created-will go tumbling into a biological abyss – unless we preserve our genotype.


What role does Russia and the former Eastern Bloc countries play in this scheme of things? Russia is a White nation! Of the many capital cities of Europe, it is accurate to say that Moscow is the Whitest of them all. Although there is the presence of some ethnic minorities in the Russian Federation, Russia has a greater sense of racial understanding among its population than does any other predominantly White nation. There is a common awareness among the people of the Bolshevik-Jewish invasion of 1917, commonly referred to in the United States as the “Russian Revolution,” a term as inaccurate as calling the crime syndicate started in Russia and now spreading around the world: the “Russian Mafia.” The so-called “Russian Mafia” is neither Russian nor a Mafia, it is overwhelmingly Jewish, and it is now the most dangerous and powerful organized crime syndicate in the world. The Russian people also have a much greater knowledge of the power of International Zionism and the dominant Jewish role in orchestrating the immigration and multiculturalism that is undermining the West.


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I believe that Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe are critically important to the coming struggle. At this time, there is no national government that openly stands up for the interests of our people. Russia, now that it is freed from 70 years of Bolshevik murder and repression, may become that nation. In Russia, over the past few weeks, I have met with the leaders of the White patriotic movements there. I have met with members of the Russian Duma (Congress) and many public officials who openly speak about Zionism and the need for White people around the world to defend our heritage. In my opinion, Russia and other Eastern countries have the greatest chance of having racially aware parties achieve political power. If just one nation would break through for our people, I think it would cause a domino effect that would cascade throughout the whole world.


Dr. David Duke. Member of the House of Representatives LA 1989 - 1993


coхpaни ccылoчкy для cлeдyющeгo paзa кoгдa бyдyт opaть "russia is not white"


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>Russia is the last hope for white Europe
t. Russia

Do you have any advice on how we can stop the trannies, Russia?

stop idealizing Russia. Why does it always have to be either The West (i.e. America or the western Europe) or Russia? Russia is a backwards shithole full of idiotic degenerates.
If that's really the last stronghold of the white man, then we really do deserve to be bred out of existence.

lmao you are a jealous gypo

you have no word here

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Get the highest HIV rate in the developed world, destroying any possibility for gay hookup culture.

>Although there is the presence of some ethnic minorities in the Russian Federation, Russia has a greater sense of racial understanding among its population than does any other predominantly White nation.

Бpaтaн, a Пpигoжин пo yдaлeнкe дaeт paбoтaть или oбязaтeльнo в oфиce cидeть?

t. Russia

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What Russia really needs to do is bring back the Tsardom. They are in desperate need of the return of their monarch.

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>t. Dr. David Duke. Member of the House of Representatives LA 1989 - 1993


That sounds like bad advice! You're not very smart.

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there were discussions around that and theoretically it is possible

pic related is the head of the Romanov House

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Doesn't Putin love diversity or something?

diversity and coexistence are different things

Works for Russia!

She looks scary please don't do it. She doesn't look trustworthy at all.

This explains why all the western MSM hates Russia

>t. Dr. David Duke. Member of the House of Representatives LA 1989 - 1993

More like t. Dave Dukinberg, Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and an all around internet meme.

this guy looks ok.

they used his DNA samples when they discovered the remains of the tsar family to test the validity

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That woman is not even Russian though. The monarchy is over.

Advocating for HIV is bad though. I don't think they would support your stance in Russia either because they don't like gays and supporting HIV acceptance tends to be part of the LGBT platform, no offense.

Russian tsar family has been huge throughtout history. there were 3 branches. Kirriloviches, Romanovs and Dmitriyichevs.

Sorry Ivan, the Judeo-Bolsheviks destroyed your nation and your people. The Russian spirit died in a basement in Ekaterinburg

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even this guy is a possible heir lol

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He looks like he would be a puppet.

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Russia has an economy that has been plundered by the Jewish oligarchs and organized crime figures such as Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Tobias, and Mogilevich. Three years ago, their currency was destroyed in a scheme hatched by Berezovsky and his partners in crime, Goldman-Sachs, Inc. in the United States. Russia has a revolutionary climate where a patriotic party can rise. Although there are many reservations about President Putin, he is perhaps the only leader in the Western World to take any measures against the Jewish-Supremacist media bosses. Gusinsky, head of the largest private TV network in Russia and also a leader in the World Jewish Congress, was actually arrested and jailed a few weeks ago. He was subsequently released after agreeing to relinquish his illegally acquired TV network. Such an event illustrates the very different political climate in Russia in comparison to the United States.

we learned our lessons and you know nothing about russia and our spirit

Russia is a worthless country with complete retards for citizens. Though the women can be hot (at least when they're young), I'd rather take racemixed kids over those absolute retards.

tell me ivan, where is located largest mosque in europe?

a jealous mutt has appeared

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>leader in abortions
>leader in hiv infections
>leader in alcoholism
>leader in opiate usage
>leader in short life expectancy
>shit economy
Well at least you got tigers and space. Congratulations for not being aborted, it's a no small feat for russians

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Russia is a big country with smart and kind people, unlike some other countries that don't have those things.

tell me again that im not white and that im a manlet

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While I like to perpetuate this myth myself when larping on Jow Forums, in reality Russia is no different from other countries in this regard. There is no hope for white Europe or white anything. The future is brown, and it's pretty much a fait accompli.

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don't be so insecure there's nothing wrong with being a manlet desu.

so many butthurts.

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Fellow Russian bros have you seen this хyйню oхyeть кoнeчнo

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>nothing wrong with being a manlet
so you are a manlet then?

нeнaвижy чepнoкoжих

>Mongol halfbreed
Fuck off, hapa.

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I'm 185 cm which is a little above average here but I support manlets because I don't want my fellow bro's to feel insecure.

t. mutt

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That's where you're wrong kiddo
>Article 282
>10% Muslim

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t. Genghis Khan rapebaby

someone's being ultra salty. don't worry, maybe in the next life you will be lucky enough to be born white.

But there are at least 3 hot girls in that selection.

There's literally nothing wrong with religious equality.

our muslims aren't too bad tbf nad we kinda know how to live together.

i been to a feast on kurban bairam (when muslims are obliged to bring a non-muslim) and i really enjoyed it. have absolutely nothing against them

Chechnya kruto?

based and redpilled

Kek, whatever you say Ivan Muttovic Mongrelovic.

fucking manlet. cant even stand for himself.

pussies will always be pussies


you are so ashamed of your country that you changed the flag to EU. cant even take the fucking bants. 0 respect for you, +5 respect to this dude whoe knows how to laugh at memes.

Russians only dream of building an Empire, they never do anything good for anybody.
Seem to be a smug, arrogant people.

pic related is not white according to incels that think propaganda of a 70year dead ideology is reality

the absolute state...

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People who call others smug and arrogant are 99% of the time projecting their own insecurity.

we dont want an empire. we want equal competition.

don't want an "empire" to then end up like you lol

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It's a shame those kids have to grow up in England. I honestly feel bad for them.

>Russian spirit
>a bunch of dead Germans


Russians are white mutts. Gtfo stupid mutt

so you admit it?

1. Yep
2. Yep
3. No
4. Proof?
5. Because of alcoholics, but they are almowt extinct
6. Yep
7. Yep

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If chechens killed somebody, all Teip will stand for killer's protect.
If russian killed chechens - only parents will protect this person.
"whit last hope", save yourself - first

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of course, the hypocrisy is hilarious

half these kids are asian.... just like russia and the russians themselfs

they have a stronger community. something we need to fix in ours.

Just look at what the mainstream media in the US doesn't like and you will find some very (((particular reasons))) why they oppose them.
I'm not a big fan of socialism, but I cannot argue against the fact that it has created, culturally speaking, the ANTITHESIS of globalism and kikery, and has shielded eastern european countries rather well.

You airheaded underage fucktard. Kill yourself painfully.

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I read about it yesterday on echo.msk

the whole story is so crazy! Like wtf is wrong with you guys?

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This proves what Our Lady said in her apparitions. Russia will spread its mistakes around the world if the Catholic Church and the Pope do not consecrate the country to the Sacred Heart of Mary. God has plans for Russia and this is to save European Christianity, Russia will be a refuge for European Christians who will escape the great civil war that is going to blow up Europe.

A woman, Eve, committed the first sin that brought us out of Paradise, but God sent us another woman, Mary, to bring our Savior and be the Ark of the New Testament. Marian Devotion is the shortcut to Paradise. A Christian who does not believe in the holiness of Mary can be saved, but it will be more difficult.

Russia has spread the error of Communism and Russia will also be the Ark, the salvation of European Christianity at the end of time.

Before saving Europe, think about how to put order in your own house.

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Are you stupid? Most European capitals are whiter than Russia

Greetings fellow cracka from leaf land dude.
Only whites allowed in this thread

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nice shotgun you have there

are guns legal in canada?

Russia has the sexiest lil girls Tbh

Sure guns are legal here. If I remember correctly, we just can't open carry, have automatic or use them to defend ourselves. Those are pellet guns though.

kids on your pic barely look white
we cant even save ourselves, how can we save anything else?

if they are not white, i dont even know who is

thats not europeoid facial aesthetics, regardless of how much you want to larp as savior of the white race.

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The OP is a Russian shill.

>patriarch Kirill
Unironically a KGB agent, it's not even a conspiracy theory at this point.

Some Oligarchs favor Putin, others work against him. This doesn't change the fact that they're cancerous.

Most Russians outside of Moscow, St Petersburg and the surrounding regions are more Turkic than Anatolian Turks.

I'm glad VK is blocked in Ukraine. At least no one is gonna jail me for my pics.

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The last stand of the White man is you, Czechbro..

that's bait
only an ethno state can be Europe's last hope

russia is the last hope, because it's realistically the only country who could "objectively" decide to nuke all the monkeys
because it ain't gonna be the US, that's for sure
Russia is for Jews, Negroes and Moslems. Don't you dare say one bad word about them, filthy slav subhuman.