Since there's almost never a thread for it anymore, let's have an ethnostate general thread. I don't have the full /esg/ copypaste, so if anyone has it, bump the thread with it.
Shameful self bump
This is about that stupid Northwest Front idea isn't it?
If you've got a better plan for the ethnostate, let's hear it. Say what you will about NWF, but they've got a plan, and thats more than can be said for most.
Dude, their is like one or 2 a day. Still bump cus the ethnostate will happen.
>but they've got a plan
Yeah, a counterproductive plan. All it would do is get a couple idiots killed and make white nationalism even more taboo than it already is. If your plan is completely fucking useless, then of why have it?
Hi jew thanks for the attention.
ive got a better plan but its kinda a secret, that said nothing wrong with both plans going and the covert movements can use your public face.
the will never be a white ethnostate.
constructive one
also bump