>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
> atheist LMAO 1) How do you know our universe in multiversity existence cannot be a universe which was created by God? 2) How can you claim that there's a zero probability for the primordial structure of matter to be created by God? 3) How has the primordial structure of matter become existing without act of God? 4) Why hasn't there been an atheist civilisation that rose from mud huts in ancient era and built a dominant society? 5) Why can't quantum computing map the exact same outcome for evolution with same patterns given to it? 6) What probability has human kind have had to survive this far without total extinction through millions of years? 7) How is it possible to humans be so lucky that we have become existing through the chain series of events that have started ever since Big Bang and have not caused total annihilation of everything that exists? 8) What was there before the Big Bang & how do you verify this? 9) Why is atheist ethcal behaviour determining parameter & correct one? 10) Why haven't God & his commendements denying societies (such as Jacobians & Soviets) not been able to escape mankind's violent nature are provide more morally right ethics of behavious? 11) Why weren't atheistic morals capable to fulfil moral void in such societies?
There's a lot of money going from Flanders to Wallonia and it'd be nice to be rid of those lazy slobs.
That said, I feel like our country is too far gone even if it were just Flanders. The major cities are absolutely infested with sandniggers and it's spreading to the countryside.
Brandon Brooks
Sorry, I believe in God & not hedonistic pleasures of nihilism
Oliver Stewart
>normies in Belgium, they must be proud of that parasite indestation the average belgian is apolitical and unopinionated. they dont care about the eu
> quit yeah nah, you joined another one instead. Remember to give that shout out to Pickle Rick
Austin Sullivan
>all that is needed for the evil to triumph is good people doing nothing
Angel Ramirez
No such thing exists
Justin Garcia
You're living in times with 2000 year old prophecies playing out in front of your fucking face and your dumb fucking smug ass still chooses to be a fucking nigger. The smartest people in the entire fucking world believe in God. You're a dumbass.
Luis Bell
Yeah well, people voted overwhelmingly right last elections and absolutely nothing changed.
What else can we do short of taking up arms? Oh wait we can't because we don't have guns.
Henry Flores
So far no archangel dragged me to hell and the water still not turned into blood. I think I'm fine, also I save a lot of taxes.
>The smartest people in the entire fucking world believe in God. Stephen Hawking was an atheist.
I don't get the whole "religion, atheism, believe into what I tell you to believe" belief is a very intimate thing. I can say I believe in flying spagetti monster for all you care, and you wouldn't know what I believe in. neither existence or lack of God/Gods can be proven. there is no need to slice our throats over this. but of course, one has to say >religious cucks >immoral atheist and the whole "discussion" about nothing gets rolling. it is a slide. some religions should be banned (God's chosenites, and Aloha snackbars) others should be able to believe in whatever they want. one must admit though, that for a absolute majority of normies, religion is necessary to maintain morality and societal cohesion. the reverse result is all to visible today. >What else can we do short of taking up arms? that's a bingo! >Oh wait we can't because we don't have guns. don't worry, when the shooting starts, there'll be things to grab :D
offending section: "..when an excellent musician and festival-maker like AlanBern not in his big, rich country of origin USA settles, but in small Germany, then probably for two reasons. For one thing, because all the world believes that we Germans still have to pay humanitarian debts from the Second World War; Secondly, because here the money for very reasonable projects flows very easily."
Imagine getting pulled over by some Kümmelhändler. >Is there a problem? >"Annem nedir Patatesleri boşver. Seni orospu çocuğu" (Brought to you by google translate) >Checks your vehicle trunk >See's your groceries >Ham >Killed by roach police.
The government of the social-democratic prime Sanchez says that the assault of yesterday has not changed her mind. According to human rights organizations migrants have bled to death in the last few years due to the razor wire's wounds.
(Sorry for the Dutch news article btw, but I translated it anyways).
Remember, Tay, you said you'd stay clean until November at least.
Colton Foster
Spain committed suicide centuries ago
I want you to do a mental exercise and think of any improvement, invention or advance the spanish have brought to the world in fields like medicine science or technology. In literally the last 200 years. Go.
I wonder how european countries actually manage to be so irrelevant. It's fascinating.
Ethan Edwards
Although I normally ignore fatclap posters, I will take this opportunity to tell you to get back in the oven.
Jace Ross
maybe you should take this opportunity to say al salahm alaykim
Ian Peterson
but hey what could go possible wrong >pic: unemployment rate is the second largest in the EU
bruh that has nothing to do with it at all. singapore is a country of literally nothing but foreigners and theyve made more scientific advances in the past like 3 years than spain has in 250 years
something that we americans realize about europeans is that not having a cultural drive to be exceptional means you simply appear like lazy white mexicans who just sit around and do nothing and kill bulls
im sorry to say you have failed. btw almost nobody in america is jewish.
Grayson Gray
Exactly! Our only way out is full blown war ... this will legitimize eliminating both the left and the 'newcomers'. There is no political solution anymore ... their is only the final solution of a point-blank shot into the neck left.
Oliver Nelson
oy vey, since when are you so openly radical labfag?
Easton Morales
>just seems like 12 year old shit >starts talking about feces.
Stop being such a hypocrite, shlomo.
Kevin Ward
Europe can not assimilate, never could and never will > that's why in 5-10 years it will be a bit bloody here ;)
Jaxson Peterson
>starts talking about feces
I was talking about german culture. If it just so happens to be faecocentric, that's their problem, not mine.
Zachary Rodriguez
The Green Party seems to be growing faster than the afd, wouldn't be surprised to see them included in the gov coalition next election if SPD falls by enough
>try to make fun of americans >i need to think fast, what should i do! >i know, shart in the mart!
for fuck sake, netherlander. you just don't have the type of aggression in you needed to bust balls.
btw, your people love us, and should. remember that.
Noah Rodriguez
I think that was a disappointment for a whole generation XD
Jace Rodriguez
I dunno I've been thinking about this too much and I see no elegant way out of it anymore. Best case scenario with a political solution will be a societal stasis and slow decline with cities turning into ghettos even with zero migration from now on, social security systems at the verge of collapse (and artificially kept alive by selling our asses out to the chinks or some other global player) and civil unrest brewing. Small countries like Austria or the Visegrads may 'survive' by isolationism but the big ones (France, Germany, Britain and maybe Sweden) will be ripped apart ... and that does not factor in the South Europeans dragging everybody down with their depts (or collapsing into striaght anarchy). Event horizon has been long passed...
>1) How do you know our universe in multiversity existence cannot be a universe which was created by God? There is zero credible evidence that any universes were fiat into existence by the magic sky fairy. The burden of proof is on the believers to show their tales are anything more than Bronze Age fictions >2) How can you claim that there's a zero probability for the primordial structure of matter to be created by God? Strawman fallacy. Mermaids, gods, vampires, leprechauns, ghosts, werewolves, etc. are all figments of our imagination. You have the burden of proof if you claim " the primordial structure of matter" was created by Santa Claus or gods or the Easter Bunny. >3) How has the primordial structure of matter become existing without act of God? This is something we don;t know yet, a gap in our knowledge. You can always tell gods are fake when, despite their supernatural powers, they can only exist in the gaps. >4) Why hasn't there been an atheist civilisation that rose from mud huts in ancient era and built a dominant society? There were thousands of such civilizations, but they were always conquered by bloodthirsty, gods believing savages. >5) Why can't quantum computing map the exact same outcome for evolution with same patterns given to it? The law of parsimony suggests there must be a gap in our modeling. >6) What probability has human kind have had to survive this far without total extinction through millions of years? Humans and their kind have been around for less than a million years. >7) How is it possible to humans be so lucky that we have become existing through the chain series of events that have started ever since Big Bang and have not caused total annihilation of everything that exists? For explanations on "luck" perhaps you should consult a Ouiji board.
Justin Baker
(literally any picture of anything currently happening in germany)
Brayden Nguyen
What are some of the /devilish/ things you've done? I've recently done something develish, but I only dare tell once I also hear some contributions from you guys. :^)
James Evans
there is only one solution if we do not want to go down in identity politics like the americaners Homogeneity
> the fewer identities, the fewer problems
>Though maybe I'm just slowly going crazy... it is the other way around you become sane, it just feels like you lose your mind for a short time. but the truth is that you are just leaveing the mental prison of conditioning