Smartphones will sound the death knell for western society

Smartphones will sound the death knell for western society.

They are porn machines, selfie machines, video game machines, gambling machines, cancer machines. They are everything antithetical to natural life and everybody's owns one.

What do we do about smartphones?

I propose that the only way forward is to get rid of your smartphone and treat the phone and the internet like seperate utilities. Get a landline and go to the library for the internet.

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What is 'natural life'?

you're unironically right---but it's also unironically like you're telling a nation of heroine addicts to give up heroine, even though everyone is doing it, and like, have already built infrastructure/the economy/social life around heroine

>They are porn machines, selfie machines, video game machines, gambling machines, cancer machines
So are computers btw

Using your logic what advice would you give to a family member who is an actual heroin addict? Someone who has built their life around the drug and getting their next hit?

The one God wants us to live.

They are just Tools, just like you

they are military grade 3D gps, weather, calendar and news machines with realtime traffic and police monitoring, routing, translation and a bomb detonation network that we've given FOR FREE to the millions of retarded motherfucking rapists that entered this country
cell phones are being used RIGHT NOW to degrade white 9 year old girls, threaten them with release of photos, if they didn't get raped by 100 muslims a night

download an app to help them quit

I agree. I got rid of my home internet, smartphone and laptop/desktop 18 months ago because of this realisation. I bought a smartphone again because I thought I might be able to use it in a better way but I fell straight back into the same trap so I have to go back to no tech

military grade tools we've given every raping nigger that arrived on our shores
every nigger has a magic translation, social media stalking, bomb detonation and communication device


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A landline desktop computer isn't going to give you cancer unless you believe the theories on retinal cancer from LCD bluelight. And come to think of it there is probably a correlation between colorectal cancer and on your ass all day but that's not necessarily related to the device itself

sitting on your ass all day that is

Something that used to wake people up was realising that porn streaming websites are offering their content for free. Now why would a company operate at a loss unless they really wanted you to access their product because they wanted to harm you.

Now we have smartphone plans that are 10 dollars a month (down from like 40 buck) and I bet in the future they'll be free.

I genuinely believe that removing cameras from phones would improve society. We don't need all this shit documented on the fly constantly. No one lives in the moment. Every single disagreement/fight between people gets recorded and archived on the internet for eternity. Embarrassing moments can't be outlived.
It's just a net negative.

You should be required to be 16 or even 18 to begin using computer-like devices tbqh.

why not gene modify all the retardation away

we're cavemen with technology, never forget that. At some point, to become powerful we'll have to fundamentally change our species

>porn streaming
>operating at a loss
porn is literally the biggest money-maker on the internet by an enormous margin

Cultural retardation has to be changed through culture. This is why I'm afraid of what the world will become when soulless chinks, by their very soullessness, will inevitably be the first large racegroup to genetically modify a generation en-masse. The world is going to become very ridiculous within a short period of time, hypercharged chinese bugbrain is going to become a huge problem and there will inevitable be a WW3 scenario

I should've added to my original post that they're personal tracking devices too

yeah it's much worse than you think...
it's all connected by this
the internet with social media and all the apps are creating a fake reality that is distorting the real world. you have no idea how many people are killed or brainwashed by this system.

cellphones are a military weapon

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That means to deviate from our origin. Now why would we do that?

Are you implying niggers are smart enough to use effectively, let alone plan a terrorist attack?
Also when have niggers ever organized to do anything? they hould bomb themselves over internal disputes (implying the acctually manage to make or aquire explosives) before doing shit

They are all that because it's in our nature to seek that (porn, games, selfies..) that's the truth.

You get my point though. It used to be something you purchase, tapes, magazines, early internet videos. Now there are no paywalls to accessing HD porn videos whenever you want. You don't even need an account let alone proof of age.

that's not in our nature, you fuckwit,people were coerced and conditioned to all of this.

Western civilization is already dead.

There should be a maturity test to determine one's mental age and have that play a big role in what people are allowed to do.

On the side note, how do I wipe my ass?

I fucking hate what smartphones are doing to society. They offer almost nothing, but consume huge amounts of time, attention, and promote degenerate behaviour (vapid consumerism, insincere self/IG culture, 24x7 connectivity for "work") -- it's fucking death. What productive advantage does the smart phone really give you? I could remove mine completely and not lose a step -- and I work in a very technical field compared to your everyday citizen.

The only benefit of smartphones are they introduced 2 billion+ people to computers (and the Internet) -- which creates better societies (e.g. see fish farming in Bangladesh).

Sauce for pic?

Would like to add that in the 1980's people said the same of tv and metal music.

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I agree completely. I'm in my mid to late twenties and I think I've only recently become mature enough to use this tech wisely

I agree it's a problem but it's not a healthy habit to assume a conspiracy against humanity where there is a perfectly obvious visible profit incentive

Shut the fuck up, Tipper Gore.

But that doesn't stop you from finding a pic of some cunt being degenerate and cropping it for your post. Just research, I'm sure

It's not the device, it's how its utilised.
Society pushes the porn, vanity, mindless repetitive tasks and gambling and the average person laps it up.
If the technology is utilised by a ruling class that is for its people they could use it for all manner of wonderful things; think how much we'd be winning if we owned Hollywood and the news media to ''propagandise'' the average person to our way of thinking

.. Because if they make it free, you have an incentive to go there, which gives advertising companies incentive to buy ads on them? Do you not understand how the internet works?

Check your ears mate, I think a jackjumper got in there and started stinging your gourd.

I think these things are temptations but strong men need to fight their temptations constantly. This is one of the basic messages of the scriptures

Never before has so much temptation been at the fingertips of man.

However, once one has gone to the depths of hedonism, one can truly realize how physical pleasure is meaningless while spiritual fufillment is forever. That's why Gen Z is so redpilled

True but I think the worst part with the smartphone is you can carry it around with you. Computers can be bad enough but now that you basically have a mini one in your pocket people can't just sit in one place and be a person. They need something to entertain their brains any chance they get.

The life that our brain and body chemistry are evolved to live.

Tip: it doesn't evolve chink porn or angry birds

I actually haven't read into it. How do people make money from making porn when I (the customer) don't have to pay to view it?

In the right hands, they are great. I use mine for GPS, scientific calculator, PDF schematics and manuals, work outside a bit so weather, calling customers, texting pictures for work and play, web searches, shopping on the go and the very occasional game or video if stuck waiting. They are very powerful little devices, but in the wrong hands they are the ultimate distraction and time waster, which is how 95% of the public uses them.

Some stand, some sit.
Standing master race.

I agree. It sounds hypocritical, I know, as I used a computer from when I was tiny. However, if I wasn't using computers from such a young age, I would've done other things. I would've played more in the park. I would've been outside more, maybe even doing sports like basketball, soccer/football, and other stuff.

Instead, I sat indoors and played video games, trolled forums, and so on.


The problem starts with blaming the cellphone, and not the idiot holding it. Fix that first.

Its funny how men use them for practical reasons like work, while women use them for social validation and attention.

I think technology should be used as a tool and nothing more. It can be so useful and you can do so.much with it but when you use it for entertainment as well it just eats up your free time and causes you to be a dopamine rush dependant zombie.

It is ironic. I was my most productive (if measured by the amount of books I read) when I was without technology. No phone, computer or internet. After a couple weeks of detox I found myself reading 2-3 books a week. Before this I was the kind of person who take months to read a book.


what if I only use my smartphone to make calls and browse Jow Forums?

Hello spaniard. Can you teach me how to reconquista half the earth please. Thank you in advance

That's fine unless you're own pol all the time of course. Most people are on every social media.

It works the exact same way as youtube, but it's people fucking instead of some bearded guy sitting in a chair talking with a fake voice about geek culture.

This is something I realized recently. There's always going to be a ruling elite that conditions the masses so the best option you have is to get a ruling elite that actually cares for it's people. The idea that everyone can think for themselves and we all have the capacity to do it is a pipe dream. To a certain extent the masses need to be "propagandized".

The only thing those give you is a smaller bill. Missing out bud.

Fucked While Talking On The Phone #7

Cute girl.


The trouble is the people who are attracted to power are often power freaks who will socially engineer for the fun of it.

Is the UK porn loisense a good or bad idea then?
Sometimes Jow Forums just confuses me

I knew the second I saw them shilling Myspace, Facebook and Twitter on TV, that it was going to be an absolute disaster. I had no idea how bad it was going to be though. Never had a single one and I'm fucking proud of that.

Porn should be taxed and come with warnings like cigarettes. It literally grates your brain like a cheese grater.

Which is true (for tv at least). Neil Postmans book 'Amusing Ourselves to Death' explains how detrimental TV was/is.

He uses the example that in Lincoln's time presidential debates would be 3 hours per candidate to explain a topic PLUS a 1 hour rebuttal. Compare this to the TV generation with Reagan and 3 minutes to answer a topic plus 1 minute for rebuttal. You can't help but have a less informed society.

Mickenzie reeves

Don't worry.
Edward heath materials, key components that make smart phones possible, will expire soon.

>This is dysprosium—if we run out of it, say goodbye to smartphones, MRI scans and hybrid cars

>In recent years, fears that the earth's reserves of these elements will someday be exhausted have helped fuel a race to harvest them, particularly among countries such as the United States, China, and Brazil. Experts point to Bayan Obo, a mining district in Inner Mongolia dubbed "the rare-earth capital of the world," which could be mined out in 50 years, and they are eyeing untapped sources like the Amazon, and even the asteroids in our solar system.

Mickenzie reeves

That's good, you've saved many many hours of mindless scrolling and liking.

Sounds like my life identically. Unfortunately society rewarded me. Parents thought I was a genius because I could build PCs and I got a job but all I was really doing was bolstering an addiction to internet porn and video games and wasting time trolling

I guess with an adblocker I never noticed

You've missed out on a lot of pussy without ads. I've had sex with so many asian girls near me because of them.

I actually did have second thoughts about doing this because I knew it was shameless but I made the thread earlier with a stock photo and it never got off the ground. I felt the message was important so I knew what to do.

Wow, I wish we had long ass debates like that still

I wonder if anyone has graphed the decline in debate times over the years

Good point. The leaders that actually cared for their people throughout history are few. It doesn't help either with career politicians who have to balance out making a living off of politics vs actually representing the people they supposedly speak for.

Yup- the final red pill is realising the dumb goyim are cattle, but they are our cattle.
A good farmer loves his cattle and wants the best for them.

Automatization will wipe off a good portion of the parasitic class.

I think you are right. It's not the technology but how we use it. I think it's impossible for it not to be co-opted though. If the majority can be tricked to vote for a candidate that uses tits to sell an idea then we'll never have the Utopia you described. Maybe current technology plus a kingdom might work but that could be co-opted as well I imagine

You can have some of my oats any time brother.

Pretty much the same. I'm a little older than many here and I was good on computers when I was young anyway. I was making sites in Notepad in like 1997. Ended up doing well enough for myself, but I ended up with no real interesting memories.

The Nazis socially engineered massively but they did in a way to bring their people up. What the elite do now is try to push everyone down so they can be as high as possible.

Well said. No faster redpill than to hit rock bottom.

Underrated post.

Its one of those "incest" porno vids that get spammed all the time on Pornhub

Porn sites pay producers to distribute their content . Then advertisers pay porn sites to rent ad space from them.Hhow do ads earn money when only a tiny fraction of cosumer of those ads actually buy the product being offered, I don´t honestly know. Any econ fags here willing to explain this thing to an ignorant guy, please?

>tfw you realize eugenics isn't a bad idea after all.

>muh jewish scriptures
Jesus grow the fuck up already. Can't you have a system or morality without reading it in a jewish book from 3000 years ago? How did humanity live for 99.999% of its time on earth before muh kike sacred texts?

Nationalised Internets; remove all harmful things like porn, gambling and addictive games leave only information- no restrictions on anything else though as its free speech; as it stands this can only work in murica due to the 1st A and any information in (((other))) countries being considered hate speech.

Most of this is escapism though- which can only be fixed by fixing the society but doing above will help

Smartphones haven't been around long enough to know for sure whether or not they cause a significant increase in cancer.
Sure the radiation probably isn't good for you, but you receive natural radiation all the time. If the radiation from the phone isn't significantly more than that then the increased cancer risk is negligible.


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That wrong hands argument is a bit of a tricky one for me though. I know logically the benefits of the technology but that still doesn't prevent me from abusing it

Porn is free speech, what now?

Red Kratom is supposed to help ween people off of opiates, but they all have a very hard time avoiding relapse. Once the brain know about the molecule opiates provide, it will always want it until death. GL user and to your family member.

By that logic then most of the people that own smartphones the problem... Only a minority use them correctly

Man this has to be the most accurate post in ages. God bless this based Australian. Internet in cellphones is destroying society.

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I use my phone while at work so I can browse Jow Forums while hiding in the toilets having a shit like now ,the true cancer is the instagram attention whore culture who walk down the street glued to the screen

That argument doesn't hold up at all. Men use it for porn and gambling non stop

Just went to pornhub; fresh cookies and history so no algorithms:
5 bbc vids, 3 incest vids (mother + 2 siser).
View counts far below the average on the front page yet still recommended.
Tell me this isnt being pushed by kikes

And they were right, but I assume you know that and you just wanted to boost the validity of the OP

Self control prevents you from abusing anything. Nobody is perfect and never will be, but trying to achieve perfection using discipline, is plenty to live a good life. This is where society in general has faltered. Especially with the 1% never being satisfied with their wealth and always seeking more and more at all cost.