Our Children are weak

How do we bring back bully culture and save the west?

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No they aren't you idiot.

Yes they are you fucking onions boy

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Have more of them.

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Bullying still exists but it's the school that prevents kids to defend yourself. If you do you're fucked, if not you're fucked. Some fatass calls you a retard, you call him a whale - BOOM detention for fat shaming. Didn't happen to me but someone told me about it. When will English speaking schools stop being a joke?

Give them HGH at a young age

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When did Australia import nigs?

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Importing more each year.

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Attached: Africans vs Europeans.webm (396x720, 2.94M)

keep kids away from TV and (((education))). endless (((propaganda))) telling whites how evil they are, how guilt they should feel, how they should just die!

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Bully culture never stopped existing. The thing that needs solving is that kids who fight back should be praised and not punished.

Also no child at elementary/primary school/under age of 11 should own a mobile phone and should only be allowed on computers for educational reasons.
Kids should be outside most of the time to experience the world, get hurt from time to time and learn to deal with cuts and bruises.
They should also learn self defence and how to fight as part of the school curriculum

i wish i could get paid to do what you do all day

Did you watch all of the webms I posted? How did it make you feel?

this one always makes me laugh. he just takes all those punches to the face.

Nothing because I was six three in high school and no nigger stepped anywhere near me

It’s the same here.
>dude harassed me
>tell him to stop
>repeats next day
>tell teacher
>teacher does NOTHING
>he continues
>strangle the little shit after he hits me
>teacher runs like lightinung
>OMG user UR HIIIUITLER !!!11!1!

white kids behind doing nothing! if it was the other way round, would nigglets?

Encourage all the kids at school to pick on the jewish kids.

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Bully culture never left. The problem is that people who defend themselves are punished. This is shown even at a young age. Notice how those who defended themselves had a harsher punishment than the bullies, if not the same, when he/she shouldn't have had a punishment at all.

All either the nigger(s) sucker punching the white kid or mercilessly jumping him/her, then acting all hard afterward as if they displayed good fighting skills. Typical pussy nigger behavior. Disgusting.


We're already importing people en masse to fix this problem.

niggers think they're tough cause they jump in packs
i went to a majority black high school, most of them are manlets and the ones who aren't don't have anything to compensate for so they don't get in fights

Prove that the coddling of youth increased racism and birthed the Alt Right

This is an interesting tidbit of information. I've never seen a larger/taller black guy start shit. It's always smaller or average.

Keep them vaccine-free.

Every vaccine-free family I know has lean, virile, masculine boys.

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Stupid boys with camera, they don't understand, that they next, sooner or later.

These guys get it.

This is how bullying happens in the real world. It's done in large packs. The media shows a potrayal that doesn't exist. It's not one on one.

you kidding? they're the strongest they've ever been. most school shootings this year

Not to mention being charged with a crime themselves.

This 100%. (((They're))) trying to pacify our kids when aggressiveness and freedom to defend themselves is exactly what they need in increasingly more hostile times. Niggers are inherently cowardly and have zero honor. They attack the weak, elderly, fight in groups, or resort to shit like sucker punching someone when they're not looking or paying attention. I think all white parents should put their sons (maybe even daughters) into martial arts from a young age, preferably wrestling.

You're always here posting those webms nigger, do you get bullied by fat rednecks?

Being held by my limbs and beat up by 6 other kids my age while i was 6 years old, didn't turn me alpha. Though i did manage to kick one of em in his balls before they threw sand in my mouth and eyes and beat me up

This kills the weakling. Establish this regime in western schools and in 20 years the West is back on its feet.

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>didn't happen to me, but i heard it happened to someone 3rd hand

Cause that's reliable.

damn and with brass knuckles, white boi REKT

Put your kid on a wrestling team. Nothing teaches a kid self confidence and the ability to defend himself better at a young age.

Your kid will get used to regular physical combat with kids of all backgrounds. They wont be intimidated by anyone.

Bullying is gay as fuck

kids raised in urban environment were always weak, especially now when they are raised on tablets and youtube playlists with jew cartoons, and even if they play outside, it's in one tiny area inside these giant concrete blocks, park or something, which only mildly looks like nature, where they should be playing, building tree houses and shit in order to be strong, agile and intelligent.

Todays schools are pussy ass jokes.
Old git here. Teachers could legally hit us, send us for one of two different physical punishments. Then they also told your parents and you could get another punishment.
We still fought, caused trouble and yet stabbings were unheard of. You were called a homo if you kicked someone in a fight.
By the time most lads hit 15 we were too big so the teachers had to be more careful. Soft schools make soft kids.

I used to be a teacher until the whole experience black pilled me to fuck for a few years. Kids still bully but it's not over things like acting like a faggot or behaving in a socially unacceptable manner. It's subtle status shit like who has the best phone/tablet and "the most grown up" making fun of the naive and sheltered for not knowing what a bukkake gangbang is when their like ten.

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Masculine role models. No softy mommy shit. Beatings when apropiate. Martials arts training as a kid. Mandatory military service (at that point you are not a child anymore but thought that was worth mentioning). Segregated education (no girls). No female teachers. Racism and tribalism.

I was pretty peaceful for a long time but got in trouble for fighting in class. My dad only asked one why and I answered because he hit me first. He just laughed and said 'good, always stand up for yourself'. Every lad should have such a dad.

On two separate occasions, I decked a nigger and a spic in the hallways of my old high school.
>The nigger actually provoked me, shoving me after I told him to back-off which prompted me to launch a right-hand at his face (I cut my hand on his nigger buck teeth in the process).
>The spic didn't do anything though, although I recall him telling me to "eat his ass" one day for no reason awhile before I hit him.
>I was extremely sleep deprived one day in school. He was laughing and chimping out behind me with his spic and nigger friends (probably making fun of me).
>I felt his putrid hot breath and I think some saliva on the back of my neck.
>I got livid and look directly into his eyes and waited for him to get close to me.
>I punched him super hard on the dome and neither he nor his friends did anything about it. From what I heard, he started chimping out in the hallway long after the school staff pulled me into the office. He was a trouble-making, loud-mouthed, ghetto spic according to the staff member who separated us.

The punishment in both cases was just a principle detention (in-school detention), which was nothing. I think my school didn't want to have a hate crime case on their hands. I guess I got lucky.

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Couldn't knock him out with a sucker punch?

White men still raise their children to fight 'fair', while the sub humans zerg around freely. This is just entirely unreasonable, just make sure you win the fight. At any cost (especially when it comes to subhumans).

We need to raise our children to respect violence and not take it away as an option for self-defence, and only have restraints for civilized people.
Men need to educate/have their children educated in martial arts & encourage white-group-building.

(((Anti-White has been promoting that whites are not allowed to defend themself)))

Bully culture is just a sub-optimal way to deal with this, organised martial arts/physical sports & military service is a much more effective way. (also entirely ignore women's opinion on the matter)

stand on peas like in XIX century

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110% this, went to HS in the bronx, one of 3 white kids in a 400+ class or nignogs and spics. It was always the tiny spics and nigs that wanted to fight over shit, and one on ones always ended up turning into slap fights on the ground because they couldnt throw hands and just goldberg speared each other.
They didnt really bully the nerdy kids, it was more of a "youre not tough" thing and new transfers would get stomped for messing with kids who couldnt defend themselves

whites never been pack animals like niggers because its not in genes and dont need it. if you say someone is weak for having to face 3 niggers alone then ok man

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you trained martial arts in school? that's super awesome.
white kids still bully white kids, and not niggers, spics and those sorts. teach kids to be racist and to not tolerate any fuckery with them.
niggers are tribalistic when they attack, our kids should be tribalistic in the defense and not just record the shit with their smartphones and put it on youtube.
anti-white hate bullying gets a pass in modern world, anti-"minority" is not okay.

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Attached: A student allegedly assaulted his teacher at Cedar Hill High School in Texas because he took his pho (358x640, 1.95M)

whites need tribalism to survive. you don't have superpowers, you would have to be good in MMA to take out three men by yourself.

Just another fine day in America =)

>one of 3 white kids in a 400+ class or nignogs and spics
Are you Italian or Albanian by chance?

>They didnt really bully the nerdy kids
In my HS, as long as those kids didn't leave their little group, composed of nothing but nerds like themselves, they were fine. Only the annoying autistic spergs got bullied really.

how the fuck can he remain so calm after getting a punch?
what a cuck, jesus christ.

>our kids should be tribalistic in the defense
Defense - not panacea. If whites want happy life, they must recall old good fellow - Kipling.
"The White Man's Burden".

It's cause he's white, where do you think western civilization would be if everyone was chimping out all the time

The most important thing you can do for the white race, and for yourself, is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.

We don't need bully culture, we need kill your bully culture.

Why are those black kids bullying that obviously younger white kid wtf!

oh wow, a light slap.

Taekwondo when I was 5 years old, at a local gym

She fell on her own but had to blame whitey

this is not a normal reaction and you're ruined by modernity as well.
i was punched only once and i broke that guy's jaw in rage. and you know what? zero regrets.
it's okay in self-defense. even if i killed him i wouldn't regret it probably.

Europeans became submissive with all the onions milk and the vegan diet.

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But why?

White men must be aggressive in order to defend themselves from savages with third-world genetics. Becoming hostile after a strike is thrown at you isn't equivalent to a nigger chimping out because someone's dead skin particles fell on his Jordan's sneakers. Stop being a pussy.
Thing is, you're Balkan. You're built differently than other white folks. If you know what I mean.

nigger looks like he wants to kiss! why're they so gay?

I'm so tired of niggers. Why do we put up with their shit? WHY?

A real man would not dirty his hands
Shoot him
Get him arrested
Compromise his life
There are limitless options to fuck a nigger over without intentionaly touching it
Makes me barf thinking about it
We used to joke around how disguisting touching a nigger would be, always used to dare eachother to touch one when we saw one, noone fell through though, cause it's so disguisting

They have a hair trigger.

Whute children are weak because their parents are too politically correct

Fear keeps them trapped to the sidelines. Fear of being ostracized and labeled a racist. Once you get that label, good fucking luck ever getting a job or keeping your friends.

yeah, look away while your people are being replaced. at least you're not like people that are replacing you :^)

Envy of straight hair.


>White men must be aggressive

Here's the thing about this. Whites would love to have the green light to be aggressive or get some sort of vengeance. There's always an unjust authority figure holding us back from attaining justice.

Bullied in a school setting and fought back? Punishment or worse punishment than the bully

Brandished a firearm from some dickbag wanting to square up at a club? Arrested, barred from the club, and the girls scream because you didn't fight with your fists.

Wife cheated? Can't slap her shit, and thrown in prison if you do.

Someone messed with your son or daughter? Jail time if avenged them.

no bully

You misunderstood me. I'm saying people from the Balkans didn't have the luxury to be pussies like Anglos in America do. That region, due to its geographic location, was a hotbed for violence and warfare. As a result, people are more aggressive and "built differently". Don't take everything as an insult.

oh, i'm sorry, i interpreted it as "slavs are not white" post

This made me more anarchist. It made me think rules and authority were stupid.