TL;DR: >Half Jew names the Jew >Literally calls out the Jews influence and Rabbi manipulation >Calls circumcision "satanic blood ritual" >Raises awareness about Jewish power in the USA >Quick jab at the lobbying of Jewish interest groups >Redpill on the literal pre-step to CHILD SACRIFICE that is circumcision
Spread the video. Send to normies, it's absoluetly digestible and unkosher as fuck.
I don't understand why this isn't getting meme'd and spread.
Are you guys so susceptible to the purity-spiral shill that you won't share someone who is DIRECTLY ATTACKING THE JEW becuase he is half Jewish? Who the fuck cares? How is he going to Jew you by doing this? You're so fucking paranoid of a half Jew that he can condemn Judaism itself, threaten to tear apart the Covenant of circumcision while calling it a satanic blooc ritual, get fired from Harvard after 5 years of study, burning every professional bridge he ever had... and you say "Yeah but he's Jewish."?
Fuck you. Fuch every one of you purity-spiral fucks. You think that even the lesson itself taught by this man, who used only evidence and reason, is tainted because his father is a Jew. You don't understand the raw, enraging potential that this video has. It awakens every American man who had his penis violated as a baby, and now he's limited to 10% of the sexual experience - because of who? Clopper says THE JEW. Clopper, a Jew, says the Jews are responsible. Let that sink in, you "All Jews get the rope, no matter how great their character of how much they help us!" faggots.
Just look at Clopper. The half Jew is obviously fit. He's probably 4x as physically fit, therefore disciplined, as the average Jow Forumsack. He's thoroughly educated and qualified to a fight in his arena, therefore ad-hominems fall short. The Jew blood runs through his veins, therefore anti-semitic accusations roll off of his shoulders. He is the PERFECT VANGUARD to open the JQ to the public.
maybe /amg/, anti-mutilation General or just dick-snip General, /dsg/
Hudson Hall
Eric Klopper's case reminds that academic freedom is just an empty gesture even in the prestigious ivy league universities. Say something differing from the usual litany and narrative, and the academic inquisition will brand you a heretic forever.
Jose Lopez
>Mfw no one realizes how important this shit is. >Only 4 replies. Jow Forums is fucked, no?
Jacob Phillips
Justin Reed
I watched this in the middle of the night just finished. pretty intense stuff
David Carter
Why is the participation here so low? This stuff is literally GOLD.