If Trump is found guilty of violating the Emoluments clause, will you support law & order and impeach him...

If Trump is found guilty of violating the Emoluments clause, will you support law & order and impeach him? Or will you go full partisan hack and usher in the largest era of American Oligarchy and swampiness in DC?

Because at least he triggers libs and MSM, right? Who cares if he sells out the country for profit.

So you don't care about law & order. Just say that. You'd prefer to destroy the country instead of addressing Trump's corruption.

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I'll bite, because I want people to actually discuss this. As soon as the quality of discussion is good we can ignore you lonely keyboard warrior. At least they pay shills to write this stuff, you're such a fag you do it for free on a Thursday night when you should be sleeping to go to work.

Anyways my nonchromosomal anons, what do you think?

>Trump is a smart business man! IMPEACH!!!!!!

$0.20 have been added etc etc

He surrendered his business to his kids to comply with the emoluments clause. This is yet another nothingburger.

laws only matter when democrats are in power.
just like debt, spending, wars, etc.

>when you should be sleeping to go to work.
What the fuck are you doing then?

(((U.S. Judge)))
whose law?

Been spamming shit for nearly 2 years.
Just fuck off already will you?

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You are completely and utterly oblivous.

Those news articles seem highly impartial.

Paying to stay at a hotel like millions of other people isn't much of a gift.

I own my own business? I can do whatever the fuck I want because I'm the boss. No human interaction required.

>a new day
>a new trash attack
>This is it.
>I swear.
>It’s over.
>Everyone BTFO etc.
How many times are you going to fall for it, user? How are you able to still even experience the sensation of hope after getting that fat impeachment cock slapped out of your mouth for the 50th time?

It never nuts, user.

It never nuts.

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Payment for rooms is not a gift. Case dismissed.

District judge overreaching as usual.

Appeals court will dismiss this

And you know OP doesn't own a business.. how?

Drumpf is done. Mueller is coming for his tweets.

Gifts could be anything, as long as it's declared it's fine. The problem is as experience has shown, any allegations about trump will be blown out of proportion.

Me too im also a millionare

I know right? Even if someone is not a 1488 Goosestepping Nazi, the "news" being pumped out today is either wildly speculative (Trump may have worked for Russia since 1987), libel (Trump is a pussy grabbing rapist), or just tortured truth telling (U.S. faces fears over raising cost of workers). How anyone can take any of this drivel at face value is beyond me. Even my own mother is calling shenanigans and she's wicked old.

Do you not understand sarcasm?

>1 post by this ID

I wonder how I know.

Written sarcasm with no tone or nonverbal cues to let me know it's sarcasm? No. Not at all. Is this sarcasm too or are you just being retarded?

The only lumens you should care about are the ones that your nigger boyfriend stirs up when he fucks you in the ass, you faggot

I support Trump because he put a wall on the Southern border to tame the Hidpanix.

He put nigs in their place with Kanye. Yes black "people", slavery was s choice... for your animal kind!

And finally, Trump is at war with the Jews of the world. We're not paying for rapefugees in Europe while we whites work.

All in all even them communist Chink bastards know their place with papa Trump!

God bless this great America!

The articles in the image are very obviously NOT impartial. There's your cue, maybe look at the images before agreeing?

Seems like people are waking up to the JQ, and even though Trump is extremely pro-Israel and has never acted with antisemitism, Jews everywhere hate him. This is either because they are mostly leftists, or they're scared of him draining the swamp.

>high crimes and misdemeanors
What did he mean by this?

Got dam i jus wan papatrump to cum on my buttcheeks and tell me im a goodboi, whippin out dat orange sausage, that fat smelly turd of a dick and painting me in his entrepreneurial paste.

Glue me to da wall daddy

>Muh one post

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Then show us his tax returns so that we know he's not earning money from his businesses.

>I don't know how money laundering works - the post

>Thinks Trump is lying about business earnings
>Thinks Trump would then claim earnings on tax forms
The utter state of the Left

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It means another day another episode of TDS. It’s gonna be a long 6 more years for them

You are not congress, retard. He is not accountable. God, you scumbags are so delusional and insane. Leftist scum should be required to publish their home addresses so that we can easily find and eliminate them.

Great! Then there shouldn't be an issue with showing his returns being released.

>Hur dur imma kill da left!!!!!

Please kys. You sound like an edgy faggot

He is not accountable to you, scumbag. You know that the tax returns would just provide tons more of ammo for low IQers like yourself to scream about things you do not even understand. Your goal, of course is to rant and rave about what a poverty stricken liar he is, using his office to enrich himself if his income is low. If his income is high, you will scream and fling poop endlessly about how he must have gotten that wealthy by nefarious means. Just fuck yourself, retard.

>full partisan hack
Paul Ryan will be first against the wall, so no.

Great! There is no legal grounds for forcing him to disclose his personal income. And, by the way, it is NOT illegal for a president to have income from non governmental sources.

Fuck yes, I love Law & Order
New season when?

Oh chip

This case will end up in the Supreme Court where it will the overturned easily with a 6-3 decision. Case closed.

>durrr I can buy off a billionaire by paying for three nights in a hotel duuuurrrrr

So what's the difference between violating the emoluments clause vs receiving unusually large payments from other government via your family business?

The lefty tears over this will be hilarious once the Supreme Court overturns it

Emoluments clause is not a criminal clause and we are a long way from high crimes and misdemeanors. I'll bite this sage...

There is no precedence for this type of case and Democrats might get more than it bargained for with this lawsuit. The Emoluments clause is pretty vague and was designed to restrict gifts from foreign governments from influencing U.S. Ambassadors.

The U.S. economy is pretty complex from the time the Emolument's clause was instituted. So far the only gift Trump has accepted was a World Cup Soccer Ball given by Putin which was given to Barron Trump. I doubt a Soccer Ball is enough to warrant the Emolument's Clause.

Trump's response and argument will most likely be that every single U.S. citizen, U.S. Business, Municipal Government, and elected official is guilty of receiving direct or indirect benefits (Either personal, employment, business and stock business ownership, campaign contributions, or lobyists) from foreign persons, foreign businesses, U.S. based businesses that received benefits from foreign governments, U.S. businesses that deal with Foreign Businesses that receive benefits from foreign governments. I realized I rambled a bit but you are starting to understand the complexity.

Which means that Democrats hatred of Trump blinded them to the fact they could lose up 85% of their campaign contributions. Big Democrat Doners like George Soros will be prevented from contributions to candidates for office because his business interests receive benefits from foreign governments. Elected officials will be forced to sell off all interests in businesses groups like Apple, Pepsi, Coke, etc because those have received benefit from foreign governments.

Since there is no precedence for this type of action and Trump is in a very Liberal court. The idiocy of activist judges has furthered the case. The decision will undoubtedly end up in the highest court. We know which direction that decision will swing.

Yes? Not only does that individual and staff stay at the hotel, but it also gets free publicity. Which means more revenue for Trump hotels. Why wouldn't Trump want officials to stay in his hotels?

Fuck off faggot, Trump is dramatically improving this country and there is no corruption. You're the partisan hack and you know it.

This is a Shareblue shill paid for by the Democratic Party.

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Did he change what he charged for the rooms? For instance, for the same type of suite, did he charge the typical billionaire $5,000 a night, but Russian oligarchs $1,000,000 per night? The case is ridiculous. There is no law which states that a businessman who becomes president must divest himself of all non governmental business interests. He SHOULD let others run the businesses, though, so he can concentrate on the job of president.

Its a nothing burger case.

how can he be swamp when the establishment can't stop reeeeing about him from day 1 for years now?

>People who disagree with me are shills


what do you think the purpose of the emoluments clause is?
I never claimed he changed the price of the rooms (which might have happened, but we can never know). But what could happen and has likely already happened is that people who stay in hotel get preferential treatment and political favors. This is the same pay-for-play nonsense you fags hated Hillary for. But when Trump does it, it's a nothing burger.

>Implying the establishment doesn't love Trump

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