If Trump is found guilty of violating the Emoluments clause, will you support law & order and impeach him? Or will you go full partisan hack and usher in the largest era of American Oligarchy and swampiness in DC?
Because at least he triggers libs and MSM, right? Who cares if he sells out the country for profit.
>INB4 REEEEE DO IT LIBKEKS!!! CIVIL WAR NOW!!! So you don't care about law & order. Just say that. You'd prefer to destroy the country instead of addressing Trump's corruption.
I'll bite, because I want people to actually discuss this. As soon as the quality of discussion is good we can ignore you lonely keyboard warrior. At least they pay shills to write this stuff, you're such a fag you do it for free on a Thursday night when you should be sleeping to go to work.
Anyways my nonchromosomal anons, what do you think?
Adrian Torres
>Trump is a smart business man! IMPEACH!!!!!!
$0.20 have been added etc etc
Austin Perez
He surrendered his business to his kids to comply with the emoluments clause. This is yet another nothingburger.
Carson Clark
laws only matter when democrats are in power. just like debt, spending, wars, etc.
Kayden Parker
>when you should be sleeping to go to work. What the fuck are you doing then?
Jordan Gray
(((U.S. Judge))) whose law?
Brandon Bailey
Been spamming shit for nearly 2 years. Just fuck off already will you?