Was this an assassination attempt?

Was this an assassination attempt?

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who throws a shoe

for British standard yes. Bin that shoe

no, dune coons think that this is the ultimate sign of disrespect


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t. Poorfag

I'll bin the entire people of Nice with a truck again if you're not careful faggot,

Bush has the moves. I loved his cheeky smile during this

do it while the "English march" event in Nice.

Fun fact: the journalist who threw the shoe became a popular politician in Iraq. He seemed like a nice enough guy...


he threw two

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This. The only thing this proved was bush had the reflexes of a cat.

only in britcuntia

Bush jr got some damn good reflexes. must be all that cocaine.

thanks for handling that

It’s symbolic you dumbass. It’s insulting inniddle eastern cultures to throw a shoes at someone. Besides, it’s not like he could’ve brought an uzi to a fucking POTUS press conference.

Determined. Gotta hand to Dubya with the cat-like reflexes though...


aayyy detected

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Then he said, "if you want the facts, it was a size 10 shoe."

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Calm down Mohammed


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