Be poor 12 year old girl in Bosnia
>be poor 12 year old girl in Bosnia
>puppies are terminally ill
>quickly kill and dispose of them the best way you can think of
>emotional liberal westerners wish death upon you

What explains this phenomena? Seriously, read the comments on that video. Why do people react to a dead dog with as much emotion as if it were a person?

Attached: puppy-throw-girl-pic-mirror-grab-image-2-77689548.jpg (615x359, 38K)

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Old news, what a shit thread.

>Why do people react to a dead dog with as much emotion as if it were a person?

Ask me how I know you're an underaged poster trying to be edgy, or a non-white.

Usually this is done as follows:
puppies / kittens pile into a bag and tie a stone, and then throw into the river.

Probably she lives in village.

There is nothing wrong

Is drowning really the best way to kill your puppies? Why not smash head with hammer?

Some decades ago our grandfather when the cat got new babies again he put them all in a bag and crushed it against a wall to kill them
It was normal back then if you don't want to care for 50 cats in some years but nowadays pets get castrated so they won't breed
But this is just barbaric and subhuman...

empathy is a virtue of evolved human beings.
people without empathy are less than human.

u have to realize that people here cant take care of more then 1 dog,and taking them to asylum for dogs is torture for themthey just get killed,thats the Bosnia

>mudslim country
>treats animals like shit

imagine my shock

Nothing is wrong with this or her. Westerners are unhealthily unhinged about animals.
>inb4 non-white, Mudslime, etc.
I'm white. Most whites are focused on precious "doggos" instead of children. Humans are the only animals that can make dreams a reality and nearly no one uses animals as a tool anymore (hunting for example). They're wastes of space. Animal life should not be considered as important as human life.

If she wanted to euthanize them in a humane way, why the fuck didn't she just put them in a freezer? They just fall asleep.
That's how I kill lobsters, instead of just throwing the poor bastards into a pot if boiling water.

>people eat meat from horrific slaughterhouses on a daily basis
>not a problem
>girl throws puppies into river
>everyone goes crazy

Really makes you think

animals killed in slaughterhouses are killed humanely and painlessly.
the problem is if an animal suffers. that's where human/subhuman difference lies.

> being stupid enough to film yourself killing dogs.
Have the no concept of discretion ?

> putting a fucking dog in your freezer
Are you a chink?
Ever cleaned dog piss out of a freezer?

Attached: merchant-chinese.jpg (501x585, 105K)

>animals killed in slaughterhouses are killed humanely and painlessly

Keep telling yourself lies goy

>Why do people react to a dead dog with as much emotion as if it were a person?

Sheltered westerners from suburbs, people with too much time on their hands and no other life worries/preoccupations, etc. Remember when this was on local news, mostly because of foreign media. Locals were mostly idgaf about it.

humans dont put down dogs by chucking them into a river you fucking inbred

thank god i'm a sheltered westerner and i don't live in some bombed-out hellhole part of the world like bosnia.

bosnia is a shithole, degeneracy like this is why we separate ourselves from these morons.

And how is this different? Do you think poor Bosnian villagers have spare money to sterilize their bitch dog?

No i mean drowning is one of the worst deaths possible and throwing them against a wall would be at least an instant death

What happened to that story in 2010?
reaction, discussion here etc.
t. I was 10 in 2010 and did not know about 4ch

With that logic we should kill all old people who don't contribute to the motherland. Forget about the contributions they made in the past, this is the present.

You don't euthanize something by drowning it you fucking moron.

It's called a fucking hammer. Or a rock. Or breaking its neck. It's not rocket science. There's a million better ways to put an animal down than just throwing it in the river and letting it drown like a subhuman cunt.

Attached: 1526411972909.png (384x378, 118K)

>It's called a fucking hammer. Or a rock. Or breaking its neck. It's not rocket science. There's a million better ways to put an animal down than just throwing it in the river and letting it drown like a subhuman cunt.

>Why do people react
is it because she filmed then uploaded to youtube her puppymurder? op

lol, no, you don't have any idea of biology.

this is the most painless way.

People have always acted this way even in classical literature there are moments about this

Why go through the trouble and have to pick up psrts of its head later

Attached: fuck dogs.gif (320x240, 717K)

audibly lol'd

yes user because im sure she was mentally capable of smashing a puppies brains in with a hammer you fucking retard....this is the most humane way that a human can stand, personally I would've just left the puppies in the forest to fend for themselves

You don't do anything with lobsters you huge faggot.

They're puppies, genius. They don't take up much space and they haven't eaten enough to piss that much.
Hell, the fridge would work too. Just put them in a small bucket that won't leak.

>this is the most painless way.
then why do people go trough such agony when drowning if it's so painless. did you ever see a man drown. it's suffering.

> Film yourself killing animals and post it to an international video sharing site.

Degenerate everytime.