43°59'19.79" N 18°10'12.60" E
43°59'19.79" N 18°10'12.60" E
43°59'19.79" N 18°10'12.60" E
Do not despair poor Europe because there is a solution. Just a little more.
43°59'19.79" N 18°10'12.60" E
43°59'19.79" N 18°10'12.60" E
43°59'19.79" N 18°10'12.60" E
Do not despair poor Europe because there is a solution. Just a little more.
Other urls found in this thread:
no, meme.
Probably another D.A.K. thing.
Just let user alone, he will get bored eventually
Okay bruh, we're cool with that if it's same as the last time.
Nurgle is the best god you van't prove me wrong
>43°59'19.79" N 18°10'12.60" E
Since it's located in Bosnia, is it the hand of some filthy bosniak kebabs ?
Already in the U.S...
u wot m8?
Plague doctor thread?
A plague comes in many forms dear user. Keep your eyes on the news
lets see
are you the fucking riddler or something
Places have meanings user
Spill the beans or fuck off nigger
Do you have something to do with this shit?
Eyes at the sky user
Ah shit its ligma isnt it
Q predicted this
it's actually sugma.
Lunar eclipse today?
Larpity larp
Plague doctor uniforms were invented long after the feudal system disappeared.
Blood moon today.
Kys fucking retard
Oh no! Not the death sniffles!
Three sides, one point lifted above all. With a watchful eye one can see that new times truly have arrived.
Sweet, just 700 km away. Hope it comes soon.
Fucking gay
I'm patient zero
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppp!!!!!! In horse.
San Francisco. It will be fake tho.
GTFO mason
Masons are enemies of the people, user. We are here to help
are you?
None of you have found the significance yet. I hope your eyes will open soon.
>Eyes at the sky user
>Blood moon
>3 sides, one point lifted above all.
Obviously a pyramid. Has this got anything to do with the recent discoveries of europeans buried in the tombs?
Use all information given user. You're further than the rest. You should use your method to help the others.
Didnt have a plague outbreak because poland accepted jews that bathed frequently
Fuckin Alan Parsons Project fag
On a side note, its been confirmed a previously infected and recovered ebola victim has spread the virus 3 years later
user is close to being saved
squatterman is coming back? Gonna make it rain fire everywhere above ground?
you posted a 5 side piramid. not a 4 one.
Please stop these threads. Jow Forumss predictions are useless
>We are here to help
Who is we ?
What are the Jews planning this time goy?
>43°59'19.79" N 18°10'12.60" E
nearby street is called "Križ", which literally means "Cross" as in Christ's Cross
i-is, dare I say it, the end nigh?
There's not many of us but we are not few.
>There's not many of us but we are not few.
so, you are a jew then?
We are healers user. From the ashes of the plague we will heal the world
Try typing "kruz" 16 times into google translate and see what happens
42°45'33.4"N 25°59'30.9"E
time to let it rip
you are nothing
My dick predicted this.
Remember the semitah?
the Economist cover?
The deustche bank fall?
The D.A.K.?
Well, we now have The plague to add to the list
What the ever loving fuck you dodge the Black Plague and the Brown Plague??? Teach us your secrets!!
>poles are so filthy even the plague didn't wanna touch it
the plague just got a lot more relatable
edgelord thread
Underrated kek