Southern Barred From OZ "No Go" Zone

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh no! Now how will she see the wizard?

The most important thing you can do for the white race, and for yourself, is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life

Q - Zionist

Alex Jones - Zionist

Jerome Corsi - Zionist

Roger Stone - Zionist

PJW - Zionist

Posobiec - Zionist

Bannon - Zionist

Ben Shapiro - Zionist

Jordan Peterson - Zionist

Thomas Paine - Zionist

Sam Harris - Zionist

Spencer - Zionist

Mich Enoch - Zionist

Lauren Southern - Zionist

Faith Goldy - Zionist

Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist

Tommy Robinson - Zionist

Ann Coulter - Zionist

Molyneux - Zionist

Cernovich - Zionist

George Webb - Zionist

Jason Goodman - Zionist

Milo - Zionist

JF - Zionist

Patrick Little - judeophobe

Andrew Anglin - Zionist

Weev - Zionst

Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist

Kyle Chapman - Zionist

Stephen Crowder - Zionist

David Duke - Zionist shill

Laura Loomer - Zionist

Gavin mccines - Zionist
>Highlighting "Conservatives" that are against free speech

Damn she’s a hot piece of ass. Fuck I wanna cum in her pussy man FUCK I wish she didnt coalburn guys.

>D------ ------r view, Darling Harbour shopping center
It's going to take all our weaponised autism to solve this mystery.

>OZ "No Go" Zone

I don't see any emus in that video.

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can you provide me with someone who is not a zionist, not a nazi though please. race realists are but calls for genocide are gay. what name do you have for me?

tragic, why are all anglos like this?
I am very disappointing. Doesn't work like this here, you can go wherever you want, they don't yield to fucking niggers, shitskins and/or criminals

>race realists are good but

It's like this in Sweden, Jan.

The most important thing you can do for the white race is stop posting.

Lauren Southern is an antisemetic bitch.

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yeah but they are fucked, they have always been fucked

She's such a fucking attention whore. With all the unnecessary ass shot in her doco she should've called it 'Braplands'.

I love how the cop tells her that she will be breaking the law just by walking by a mosque and offending the people there.

Australia is a piece of shit country.

>attention whore
it's like lambasting a dog for barking

Even with a heavy IG filter she is looking like a 30yo wine mom. She better start having white children soon because that wall is coming like a freight train.

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I wonder what that old cop really thinks about this filth infesting his city. Probably doesn't give a shit, and is just waiting on his pension.

He wouldn't outright state it on camera or off until pushed, you know he was bullshitting about the law like some cops do to get their way.

is true

also I need to go buy beer, we're frying over here. I hate to say this, but I really hope it is true that we're going to have rain now. It's been like in the sahara here for like 2 months now. I'm dying send help. It is so hot here, it's so hot so when you fart it's going to catch fire

we've barely had a sunny day this summer.
maybe just a single day.

That thread sucks, she wants to get barred, she'll get shekels if she's barred

Kek. That makes sense tho but what matters is the extent of attention whoring

In that situation it was perfectly reasonable. She was going there to cause trouble.

There's a difference between honest reporting and what she was trying to do.

Stop giving a fuck about Zionist whores will ya?

that's why I feel bad to complain, because it's usually like that. Well it's ofc a lot different out there though, by greenland. You never get it this hot there, like can happen here I mean. The times I've been on iceland even with good weather it has always been sub 20C. It can get over 30C here with ease, closing in on 40 even but that's more rare though

the fact that her being there was going to cause trouble is the fault of the people there for behaving like animals. and the world needs to see what is happening there. australians need to see what is going on in their own city. by her doing this people can see and understand.

Lol they truly assimilate perfectly

>let’s walk down a street
>oi cunt ya can’t do that it’s a disturbance of tha peace and offensive or something

lol, this

I have seen her puffed pussy. I must admit though, I never watch her. However if she comes here, I might go there to try get her

bloody hell I thought Oz was free of this shit

Your free speech rights are causing me some trouble so stop posting, you dumb cunt.

>t. peace breacher

someone lock this scoundrel up quickly, i can't be held responsible for my actions if you dont.

It's bad but I don't think it's a matter of policy like the UK, that one prick was likely talking outside of his station and using intimidation to get his way.

I'm all for filming any violence that happens so we have to deal with it, but upsetting religious nuts just to make them angry on camera is counter productive and dishonest reporting.


Lakemba is a container.

This is the basically what she wanted for the video. Police using intimidation to limit free speech and protecting Muslims above and beyond the law because they know this multicultural paradise is a tinderbox.

why does it upset you when a white woman has had sex with a black man before? It's not like you're going to be dipping your cock into his cum when you're fucking us.

If her being an uncovered female asking questions is upsetting enough for them to get violent then multiculturalism is a complete failure and they shouldn't be in this country.

Lauren Southern is 23. Geez. Hold your horses. Faith Goldy is like what? 30? 32? And still childless I believe.

You bootlicking cunt. Doesn't matter what her intent is or what she says short of actual incitement.
It's faggots like you who are the reasom this country is blindly putting up with the Mohammedans

Faggot Memeflaggot

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Your post is correct.

>t. Degenerate whore

They come in your country and create these islands of sharia shitdome.
Sweden also has no go zones.

Are you one of those lebs that I keep hearing about

Manlet police.

Had to run some errands, like 2 hours passed by and yet another glorious Lauren Simonssen thread. Yaaaasss!!!

Best way to deal with the problem is to deal with violent offenders only. You want peaceful integration, not a culture war. Islam can be softened over time.

add vox day to that list please

Stop talking about this opportunistic whore already.

Ryan Faulk - Still a fag but not a Zionist

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He's obese too. Would be fun to watch him chase some thief.

>but upsetting religious nuts just to make them angry on camera
by doing what? she was literally going to walk down a street by a mosque and that is it. if it's that bad then holy shit ya cunt

Man, i didn't realise Jow Forums was so full of white knights. You cucks would do anything for this dumb cunt while she makes bulk cash from you over her half-baked opinions.

Take your country back Emus!

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Just watching this you can see why the shills fluff up these threads and talk shit about her 24/7 whenever she's mentioned. The funny thing is that they're just bloating every Lauren southern thread and bumping them to the top.

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Because it's bestiality you dumb bitch.

I wouldn't fuck a woman that fucked a dog nor a nigger.

(You) - Zionist

Didn't fucking happen anywhere not even in Turkey.

stop following women, they shouldnt be in politics, especially not e-thots.
go pay $2800 to have dinner with her


if only

>thread about random thot who pretends to like things guys like so they'll give her money

Cosplay threads belong on /cgl/

Sage and report

It works if you only let a few in.

I am specifically a mentally ill troll and e-celebs are good fuel for shitposting.

You obviously don't actually know anything about Islam. There are good Muslims but there is no good Islam. Some Muslims choose to ignore large parts of the Qur'an because they know it's evil, so they just follow the easy bits. But if you follow the Qur'an to the letter like al-Wahhab promoted during what is essentially Islam's reformation, you behave like Islamic State or London's mayor.

They need to be treated like dhimmi or else they'll grow and push for enclaves

you disgusting nigger lover I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole

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This is technically a valid concern. Any female that had anal sex with nog or a shitskin could be infected and the statistical difference is measured magnitudes.

What happens to a state when different cultures practice self segregation?


Because we deport them actively. Our secret services applies the Russian method. If they can't prove it you will get framed for it then they prove that.

i fucking hate that this stupid coal burning roastie comes to australia, especially to a city like sydney which is reasonably peaceful with more murders than racial tension, and tries to spin a narrative. i know the us might as well be a fucking third world country, but for fuck sake, we simply do not have these "ghetto" problems caused my immigration, or dark skins like the europe of the us does. for the simple fact that this country is sensible and functional with proper healthcare, a common law system with a rather unified judicial, legislative and executive branches which don't act in competition with each other, and function in total utilitarian harmony. we are not the second on the un's most livable countries without good reason. these fucking cuckservatives, like lauren and milo, are just seething that the us is fucking shit so they come down here and spread retarded narratives about what is happening in the streets of sydney. i used to really believe these people but after seeing these cuck nigger's narratives on my country, and their appearances in our media i've come to the conclusion that they are the problem and are part of the psy op and are tools of divide and conquer strategies for the zionists.

Religious nuts are counter productive for society, that's what she was trying to film. Wait until those fucks control 50% of the country.

Well hello that's what journalist do.

>recycling old memes
>doesn't get the message
either troll or shill. go to bed, newfag.

>you disgusting nigger lover I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole
yes you would incel. you don't have many options.

yes thats right goy sudanese gangs dont wage war on the streets of australia, take your pills and keep watching the 7pm project

Nope she's now doing the victim Milo shtick just like her speech at campus was Milo playbook too with all the planted protesters. The text she read was oddly in the style Milo used to give. Wonder if she paid the same guy for it.

wtf I love Jews now

Hi, newfag. Now you see how it works.

Needs more policing.

It's probably part of some fucked up political strategy to allow that shit to happen. Gotta have a few slums here and there to keep everyone working hard for less pay or whatever.

you stupid fucking nigger, how can your iq be that low? when did i ever say that immigration, or sudanese weren't a problem? i was pointing out the fact that lauren went to a place that she was told was a "no go" zone and just went with the narrative despite that area being under represented in it's crime stats compared to say aboriginal areas further in the west, or even more multi-cultural places in the south west, or even north west. this stupid bitch has ZERO journalistic integrity. she is no different than a twitch thot, which you seem to support, in that she is some bimbo who knows lonely cucks will throw their money at, and she's found her market in faggots like you with zero iq who think that watching something on JewTube makes it alternative and more truthful. fucking kys faggot.

>87 posts
>still no post of her sisters bunda
The absolute village of pole

Go fuck yourself you sensitive faggot. Roastie or not she was spot fucking on about the area being conquered land and she's the only one that has the balls (and ability, being female helps her) to say it. If you DON'T have this shit called out RIGHT NOW it will get MUCH WORSE... don't you get it? You are already exhibiting the opening stages of Sharia conversion: being overly sensitive and offended at criticism.

You're probably a fucking sand nigger anyway.

Thanks Dr Juden Peterstein.

Australia doesnt have racial tensions like the us. You can walk down any street in the country and have no problem. But you take a film crew looking for trouble....
Anywayz islamic immigration pales in comparison to chink and poo immigration.
If she was serious she would be at the major universities shit stirring. Even go oz post over all the fucken poos they imported because they dont want to pay living wages to contractors.
Yeah nah she got her desired outcome. Hack slag

1- STIs,
2- Men's own Personal Insecurities (Muh, Dick)
3- Doing black men suggests she has no respect for her father's genetic legacy.
4- It's very hard to unslut a slut. If she went for the cock carousel before she's highly likely to go for it again. (i.e not a trad wife)

You deserve to be cock slapped by an elephant

That's usually my shtick. Wait I'll start asap.

>when did i ever say that immigration, or sudanese weren't a problem?

>we simply do not have these "ghetto" problems caused my immigration, or dark skins like the europe of the us does.

I'm from Sydney and never been to Lakemba in my life. Been here for 32 years, these shit hole suburbs have always been shit. Might as well be surprised that the African continent has niggers

>pretending to be a woman on the internet to get (You)'s
Oh Chang you silly chinaman

Remember every Jew made movie or stereotype about how when a nigger went to white area everyone said "he is going to cause trouble, he is breaching the peace"? Now apply that to this and you can actually have clear picture what is going on. I wonder, can I force shitskins to not come to zone where white people are? Fuck no, but we are prevented from coming to their zones.