There can be no exceptions when it comes to pedos. You are denouncing him, right?

There can be no exceptions when it comes to pedos. You are denouncing him, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>There can be no exceptions when it comes to pedos
Wrong. Sad.

If you think this is being a Pedo, then you are a Pedo...

You have proof???

I don't blame him

omg you pedos and kikes are so desperate lately...

Reap what you sow. It is in the bible. Trump's being a good christian 's all

yeah, there are witnesses.

Announcing S_ge

Its pathetic isn't it...

Old enough to bleed- old enough to breed
>Especially kike whore, as they all are

Of your outstanding faggotry and shilling. Begone.


meme flag faggot fuck off

0.06 cents, they dont earn themselves shill

>can be no exceptions
you have no sense of parenthood
he would die for his kids

Attached: 2 The Decline of the West Oswald Spengler YouTube.png (928x535, 838K)

I thought you guys were serious about this pedo stuff?

There is no evidence Trump is a pedophile. There may be some indication that he found his daughter attractive in the past, but that is natural and I see no problem there.

he probably pizzagated all of them

He peeped at little girls and hit on them

show flag

So did you

I don't like zionists but I have yet to see a solid accusation. Most of the stuff against him comes from degenerate lefty jews and is weak as fuck. Pictures of a daughter sitting at her father's lap, really?

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I thought like off color jokes were enough?

Fake news, folks.

Why do upwards of 70 to 80% of you shills have meme flags? Is it because Pedo Dan is a tightwad and hired his damage control agency from India?

Attached: CP.png (526x991, 322K)

Show me evidence to support he's done anything other than be creepy around his daughter. If he raped her he deserves to be in jail. If he had sex with her as a child he deserves to be in jail. I've seen no evidence he is this way around other children. He doesnt have creepy kid art hanging around. He isnt flying in fake hot dogs to the White House. He isnt friends with the DC 'elite' pizza shop owner. He is the most hated man in the world. If he is truly a pedo it will come out.

'Reliable source' that cannot be named?

didnt he make a joke about dating her multiple times? isn't it illegal on Jow Forums to make jokes like that now?

>Trump has a daughter, what a pedo
>Eww that sicko hugged his kid
>Sick fuck

we are serious about using it as a weapon against people like you and we are laughing about how effective it is.

Good job defending the pedo left :)

isn't making any joke literally illegal in your cucked country? You faggots can't even have an airsoft gun i don't know why we allow you to pretend to be a real country.

looks like a dad and his kid, what am i missing? really reaching on this one, it didnt get traction a few days ago... never will

pedophilia is only between a man and a boy

Did God denounce Lot?

>isn't making any joke literally illegal in your cucked country?
no actually it isn't. infact you can headbutt the PM and get off with a fine here. Americans are cucked.


Obviously Obama fucks his daughter.

Attached: DC5504E3-85E4-44D2-9AB6-4856F9D1766F.jpg (504x503, 90K)

you mean make the information public and watch the fallout?
too bad that already happened

this one's a yikes from me

kek that "fjortis" look. So uncertain, so uncomfy. Man that age sucks

why is there no Trump Ivanka photoshops like this?

lolita island crew

Thats why we must also build the wall to keep the sex traffickers out

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the left is shit at memes and they probably suck at photoshop too

Not even his real daughters

Michael a tranny

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I do not remember the exact words he used. Find the actual quote. I think they were on the View and he basically said his daughter was hot. Totally inappropriate and I would have lit him up for it if he was my father. However, Ivanka was an adult at the time. No crime.

What I do know for a fact is that he spoke out about pedos and was not supportive in the slightest.

What I also know is that joking about child rape a time or two to be an edgy comic is legitimately sad. When you have zero content to offer the world other than baby rape jokes you should really rethink your life. However, lets discuss Gunn for a moment. His 'jokes' were not jokes. The man literally went to NAMBLA meetings. This is a pedofile organization. Gunn said he felt at home there. North American Boy Love Association. Let that sink in. Harmon and his co-creator have a history of multiple animations depicting this activity. This is not a joke. Neither are their tweets. In occult practice, placing your desires into physical form on paper or video assists in bringing your desired manifestation forward. Speaking it aloud further charges the manifestation. Anyone researching this epidemic needs to brush up on occult practice as they are all using this. It is so blatantly obvious to the awakened. The sleepy still want to think this is all a big joke.

Honestly you could pick any two random niggers and make this claim.

Forgot my pic

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inb4 jews did 9/11

Only mildly related as it was a huge generator of energy for the same dark forces many of the pedofile elite work with. I don't have anything against jews or any other human. I love all equally. I also speak the truth as I know it regardless of ones background.