So what are you going to do Australian anons? Do you enjoy living in a police state without freedom of speech with cucked laws. You are worse than my country back in old communist times. How many generations does it take to outbreed Anglo-Saxons? How long before minorities will be majority in your armed forces and Parliament? I wish you good luck with your multiculturalism enrichment. Surely your shitposting will stop spreading of your No Go Zones BTW i dont even like her
I have idea for you since you are so cucked. You can simply join Islam or pay jizya.
Wow someone is salty. My country is 99% .Yours is 75% acording to your own statistics. Last time i saw your cities they were shitholes filled with spawns of ex criminials so try harder and dont run from my questions because in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only mohamedan with chinks roaming your desert.
Nathaniel Allen
Is that cop a shitalian? Should never have let those in imo
Ryder Collins
YOU YOU YOU Yeah our army is better at killing humans than Emus. We let our farmers at them in the Emu war 3 and they won. Glad you are not denying the sheep shagging.