What part of this am I not understanding?

Over 90% of the world's opium originates in Afghanistan, and we've had troops there for nearly 20 fucking years. The official explanation is that we can't destroy what is essentially Afghanistan's major export, for fear it would ruin their economy...in the the meanwhile, America is flooded with heroin. Fuck the economy of Afghanistan, wouldn't a good heaping dose of napalm help the situation?

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Other urls found in this thread:


what situation? I thought it was common sense at this point that the US government is at least complicit in the international drug trade no matter what they tell you.

>destroy a country's economy with napalm
All americans truly are mentally ill.

Well yeah, I know the whole CIA connection theory, but Bush Jr started to eradicate the crops and Obama reversed the policy in '09. Why doesn't trump reverse the reversal?

In the early days of the Helmand phase the Afghan Task Force did just that, by the time I got out there (Herrick 10, 2009) they weren't doing it any more. I spent a good chunk of my tour paroling around Nadi Ali poppy fields, after the harvest our GDA patrols in those areas stopped, I don't know why and can't offer any deeper insight, I just did as told like a good goy

By doing just that I mean they burnt the feilds

CIA needs dark money, user. The fields stay

90% of the illegal opium trade. Most medical opiates originate in Australia, Turkey and India.

you got goofed by c*a and never forget to die for isr*el, good goy you are!

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The general conspiracy theory is that the opium was mainly intended to weaken Iran (which it did to some extent; Iran developed a serious heroin crisis in the early-2000's) and Russia (which it also did to some extent). It wasn't really supposed to "blow back" all the way to the US, but somehow, it happened anyway.

America has had a heroin problem since forever, but the real flood of heroin in America happened after the invasion of Afghanistan.

its not a coincidence.

Look at the graph. Look what happened to opium production just BEFORE the US invaded. Then look at its climb ever since. You really think the theory the glow-in-the-darks DONT have a vested interest in the trade is baseless..?

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The Taliban actually banned the growing of poppies that year. CIAniggers were none too pleased

not only that op but opium production is up 4x since we been there. long live cia pharmacartel!

That's exactly my point, heroin flooded into this country AFTER 911. I live in a rural in New England area, and the shit started showing up in vast quantities in the early 2000's. Seen at least a dozen locals I knew personally die over the past few years, in a place that hardly even heard about H before 2001.

I think they also banned pederasty a couple years before that aswell.

30% of iran's population has been to methadone clinic

Why grow wheat when you can grow opium and make like 10x the amount of money?

i thought your H is mostly mexican black tar.
i figured the north east in particular got the habit after oxy?

user cant concentrate wheat in same way car/fentanyl is

Do you have some sauce for that claim of intending to use herion to weaken Iran? Sounds plausible, it's just the first I've heard it. I always assumed they were using it as a pure money maker with no target other than the general weakening of western society.

Doesn't Afghanistan contain fuckloads of ore and minerals?

True, the H problem became huge up here after Florida shut down the "pain clinics"...those Perc 30's became rare and expensive and heroin was the replacement. Some may say it's Mexican, but who the fuck really knows where it's coming from.

Leave my morphine alone, faggot

All Afghan men fuck boys, even in places where the Taliban had strongholds, it's not an exaggeration, it's their national pastime


nothing to see here all lies


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>Doesn't Afghanistan contain fuckloads of ore and minerals?

I think they have a fair bit of copper. A friend of my dad predicted "something big is going to happen in the middle east" before 9-11 based on just observing commodity and currency futures.

In addition to being strategically important location in Greater Israel, there's a lot of money to be made by those in the know. Metals, oil, and opium are very big business.... though at the end of the day it's all about world government, the Jew lining his pockets is just the icing on the cake.

Attached: greater israel.jpg (1024x576, 107K)

This is usual CIA united states buisness, they are making their slaves back in the states throw money at narcotics they farm overseas so they have less money and consume less resources and thus work more.

I'm not an expert in the specific conspiracy theories surrounding the distribution, but there were rumors of MEK involvement (a terrorist group opposed to the Iranian regime), which is part of why MEK had so many American politicians/deep-state figures offering support despite the fact that it was literally listed as a terrorist group by the US State Department. There were also rumors about militias in Iraq being used to push heroin into Khuzestan. which is an Arab-heavy province on Iran's border with Iraq.

Why do you think our longest wars are always in the countries that got the best opium? It's so hard to quit.

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US is actively selling opium to make money.


Are you high nigga? The Taliban stopped the opium trade in Afghanistan. We invaded that shit to start it back up.

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>taliban stopped the opium trade
wrong, the opium trade was more like an open market before the taliban took over, they just started getting most of the profits when they took over. extortion of farmers, take their crops and pay them shit, threaten family violence if they rat them out. the only problem with the narrative is now i understand that "taliban" really just means cianigger or mossadnigger
t. spent some time guarding poppy fields for zog

also, is that your image? i was in the same regiment. one of the guys actually looks familiar.


>Opium depletion would ruin an economy
I don't think you understand how economy works.

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Wrong. The Taliban outlawed the growing of poppies one year under penalty of death for anyone disobeying. Only the CIA backed Warlords carried on as they could defend themselves. When you read about the Northern Allience and such like they were all CIA backed warlords making their money from opium production. See graph here and you will see the consequential drop in production the year it was outlawed. The following year production is back on track thanks to the US invasion

commiefornia has been growing its hash for years and the US cant stop it why do you think you can stop a country 7,410 miles away

destroying drugs is good

the drugs are grown from an irrigation system built by the USA by the guys who built the Hoover Dam. When you fly in the south the fields of drugs go from horizon to horizon
日本では、KEK が中心となり大学などの研究機関と協力し、

Haha don’t ask questions goy

dont we get our heroin form tacoland though?

Why are Burgers such NPCs? Even the "redpilled" ones around here can't wrap their heads around simple everyday stuff like this.

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What the US is being flooded with is Fentanyl from China not Opium from Afghanistan. It is a reverse opium war situation

the bong is correct, sorry i am still trying to get over the lies i have been told by the military. i found a nyt article from may 2011 talking about the talibans no opium policy.

It was absolutely easy to stop it if the will was there. Helmand is like the surface of the moon, nothing grows out there except a few isolated farms that stick out like a sore thumb and the greenzone along the Helmand River. There was no "no-go" areas, even in Sangin (the worst place) we could waltz around for hours before anyone shot at us. The British Army could have wiped out every single poppy feild in Helmand within a fortnight if it was tasked with doing so, but instead we guarded the fields, and when the USMC came to run Helmand they did the same

i think the H is coming from taco land laced with chinese fentanyl courtesy of cianiggers.

Personally I wish we'd pull out of there then napalm all the fields and salt the Earth as a big fuck you to these stone age savages who have consistently refused to civilize themselves.

>Prescription opiates are made with actual Opium from Afghanistan

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Now that we have Fentanyl why keep the opium around? If we really do need it then why not grow it in Montana?


What the fuck is OP talking about? You can make Opium synthetically in a lab. Most of the heroin in US streets is actually just Fentanyl that has been cut up with other shit.

The odds high ranking officials aren't profiting from this is near zero.

Different drugs for different purposes. Fentanyl is active in very small dosages and has a terribly short half life. You have to redose the patient every 30 minutes or so. With morphine a single dose will last a few hours.

>Destroy some that plagues the world
>A bad thing

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Ok makes sense.

99% of the herion is from Mexico not Afghanistan.
What the opiods are being used for is opiates by big pharma, that is why US military were guarding poppy fields.

1) The Deep State is Jewish/shabbos goyim control of America via agents who have infiltrated the intelligence apparatus and justice system.
2) You can't finance that kind of control via tax dollars or accounts payable, obviously.
3) The drug trade is controlled and pays for it. Cartel heads almost never get taken out, nor do the drug producers, thus proving the lack of interest in governments to stop it.

Daily reminder: We tracked down and dropped 8 JDAMs on an American Al-Qaeda sympathizer living in a shack in Somalia simply because he uploaded Youtube videos. Meanwhile, we somehow can never find and kill cartel leaders who cause tangible harm to the country.

Lots of fentanyl comes from Vancouver across the northern border. Thanks China.
That, plus the US linked heorin crisis in Iran in the early 00's, means that the major powers are all waging chemical warfare on each other via the drug trade.

So, why not just grow your own Heroin?

But is there any definitive proof?

SEA-EYE-AYY needs that drug money to fund their black operations/projects.

I had an ex serviceman literally in tears once when I explained to him the lies he was told. He saw mates die there. The guy was full of rage after. I seriously felt sorry for him and in a way wished I'd just kept my mouth shut

Heroin is the only remedy for late stage capitalism.

Ok let's bomb Mexico then.

The part that you are missing is that the Taliban banned poppy in 2001, and the 9//11 happened so the USA could enter and reestart the production for (((them))).
> Proof (MAY 20, 2001): nytimes.com/2001/05/20/world/taliban-s-ban-on-poppy-a-success-us-aides-say.html

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>late stage capitalism.
Oh it's this meme again.jpg

Capitalism works just fine. What doesn't work fine is international usury. Centralized banks run by private families should be outlawed and everything they possess must be seized by the government. Also, immigration must be curbed and illegals must be mailed back. Wages are stagnant because of third worlders coming to first world countries by the millions producing a labor surplus (thus devaluing your work). Lefties never can seem to grasp that they're only hurting themselves.

Merry garden tools are best garden tools

>Centralized banks run by private families should be outlawed and everything they possess must be seized by the government.

That would be anti-semitic desu.

we're the #1 buyer retard.

The Taliban paid for Stingers with hashish back when they fought the Russians . Afghani hash was all over the western world.

They are flooding Russia with heroin to support CIA operations outside of budget.

>Jow Forumstards think US opiates come from Afghanistan
you niggers are bluepilled as fuck, try looking south of the border and at labs in the US and China

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New Zealand has opium poppy production run by Bayer.


Why are you just throwing around terms with no understanding?

The opium goes to the buyers it normally does, THE MONEY goes to the CIA. Is that, that hard to comprehend?

You're not bluepilled, you're just retarded.

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Isn't Fentanyl responsible for a lot of the opioid overdoses? That synthetic shit is China no?