ITT we talk about this totally natural unpredictable catastrophe
Greece wildfire
This is from fucking wiki.
Also. Italy has wildfires too right now. Maybe it has something to do with how your government prepares for these situations. So it is your fucking fault. Now go oust someone that does not give a shit.
Sorry, I always forget sarcasm is a white-only thing. By unpredictable I mean (((no one))) is responsible for it
How big do you think the chimping is when they announce the fire was started by an illegal migrant, on purpose?
Did (((they))) start fires in the Northern Mediteranean? All over the place? Transnational stuff? That is some serious accusation and planning right there. You lazy Greeks might not stand a chance. I mean you cannot outrun a fire with days in advance. I prefer being seen as a non-white compared to what the fuck you think you are.
Wasnt there just a shooting in canada where greeks were targeted?
In Italy too?
>illegal migrant, on purpose
99% of those fires are
1: from people that wanna use the burned area as property in 20 years
2: from shitskins from """neighboring""" countries that wanna hurt our tourism
the rest 1% is from accident or from a crazy person for fun