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should we just not have a military then?
at this point you may as well drop rolled up coins on the enemy. cheaper and you won't have to stick around for reconstruction.
>should we just not have a military then?
Strawman, you can have a military with hell eve 1 billion dollars, not 717 billion (pro-tip most of this goes to weapons contractors)
space force isn't free
With debt.
I don't think you understand what that term means
(Shhhh! The plan is to burden the US with devastating debt and then all the white people leave for the WHite Ethnostate.)
>then all the white people leave for the WHite Ethnostate.
right. I can't wait to live at the North Pole.
Dam I remember when this was a thing under Obama and the tea party still existed.
World domination.
It's time to the Republic to have its Ceasar.
what does this post even mean
They must be updating a lot of the dated equipment and finding lots of cool new shit. But we need to pay the debt.
>reduce welfare
>overhaul health care system so that device manufacturers are taxed. Roll back Medicare (our biggest cost)
>stop illegal immigration and sanctuary cities so illegals stop receiving benefits
>exit the UN and cease all funding
I don’t know if even that is enough to start paying our debt down.
At least we aren't bailing out the banks this time! I support our farmers and defence!
When the treasury takes over printing our money, things will get better for all! While we wait learn to grow your own food and defend your neighorhood!
JUST IN : $0 for the Wall
Me either. It is going to be glorious. We will have far ranging hunting parties to cull our herds of beaners and niggers that can’t hack the White North. Why else did you think we spent $20 Trillion dollars breeding them?
>weapons cost money
no shit
Shit like this isn't free.
Mexico's paying for it, retard
Otherwise we stop trading with them and it will become Cartel Land
You are right. It is not. In fact, this is the definition of “devastating debt”. Of course, it was the plan all along. Sort of like skipping on the check at a restaurant. We didn’t want to do it this way but once the Jews had saddled us with this debt we had to come up with a way to make it work for us.
1.8 billion for the wall; parts being built
$717 billion for military which they’ve been talking about since the omnibus. Sage this faggot thread with no links or sources. Mods leave shit like this up but take down pedo/Jew politically relevant threads
What about that 200 miles?
Our debt is mathematically impossible to pay off at this point when taking into account inflation. We have to default on it.
>Mexico's paying for it
But Americans aren't white enough for the ethnostate
someday we'll know op
you want us to have a $1 billion dollar military?
so basically the military of... let's see...Ireland? Slovakia?
nothing compared to the trillions that disappeared from the Pentagon during Bushes terms. Donny Rumsfeld has been very quiet, i'd like him to break his silence.
LOL. 200 million of us are whiter than anyone still living in Yurope.
You mean the fencing that was already approved since George W Bush was president?
Somehow you guys have managed to pay off 100 billion without even cutting back your services. You need to economically destroy china and EU and get all their business.
Wont be so bad with global warming. We'll probably have untapped resources.
>This is what passes for shitposting these days.
I am constantly thankful for having such inept enemies.
717bn divide by ~10mil active/contractor = wat user?
>you want us to have a $1 billion dollar military?
If we just defended our country, yeah, that would be fine. Why do we have to defend europe and the middle east?
Oh yeah, Israel.
itt no milfags
Show me Mexico's federal budget and where it says "Trump's wall"
>itt no milfags
You mean welfare queens
>wants to buy new toys
>hasn't touched the ones he got last year
military brats
That's so cute. He thinks enforcing American economic primacy and military hegemony doesn't constitute defense of the American state.
In all honesty we could offload about 10-20% of our debt by bringing back slavery and selling our niggers to wealthy Arabs and Chinks at $600 or so each. Added bonus we get rid of our niggers. If we could get the Chinks and Arabs to buy our beaners we could raise even more funds but beaners aren’t worth as much because they put rabbits to shame when it comes to breeding.
>NDAA gets passed every year
>faggot freaks out in this one
Maybe ask why Obama snuck a bunch of legislation into the NDAA of 2016 during xmas
>paying off government debt
lol, how are you brits so retarded when you invented this shit?
>He thinks enforcing American economic primacy
what does that have to do with worthless military bases all over the world, along with a navy and airforce that we simply do not need?
>what are remittance taxes
who said that? he is talking about cutting the budget not eliminatingit
Ice could sell slaves to Europe... we have millions of illegal Mexicans within our borders. Round them up!
... you think $1 billion will defend the millions of miles of coastline, borders, and 350+ million people of the US?
jesus christ kid were you dropped on your head when you were little?
when was the last time we had to defend anything within our borders? If you attack us, we can remove your nation from existence with nukes.
tell me again why we need to fear anyone.
Tarrifs and a successful economy
That's the thing with taxes, higher employment and better paying jobs mean more taxes are collected and less is spent on wellfare.
>along with a navy and airforce that we simply do not need?
holy shit i was right. you are literally retarded. holy fuck. this place continues to surprise me every day
Isn't this actually a decent amount lower than before? I thought I remembered it being pretty damn close to a trillion quite recently.
Yes, but you live in a nigger infested shithole.
simple just extract the gold from nigger gang banger teeth should cover it.
jesus fucking christ you retard you realize how nukes work? you realize it costs money to deliver them? you realize it costs money to maintain them? and that money goes well beyond $1 billion?
god damn i feel IQ points just dropping by the second talking to you
>REEEE he's alienating our allies by asking them to pay their fair share
>REEEE, the military budget is too large
Daily reminder that the debt doesn't need to be paid back through tax revenue.
Easy, keep milking the drug war.
liberals don't understand how anything works. they just sit in their cities and think everything happens by magic while they eat $200 plates of sushi.
Our currency is backed on the value of our capability to fucking destroy.
Trump is cozying up to the military in order to build political defense against the intelligence community which is obviously trying to get rid of him
so he's gibbing those DOD niggers all the gibs they want
We are beyond paying for anything we have. Why bother caring now?
We'd need more than a billion dollars to defend the homeland. One F-35 costs 100 million. I don't think you've thought this through.
Junkies are subhuman filth that deserve every bit of misery they propagate.
>If we just defended our country, yeah, that would be fine. Why do we have to defend europe and the middle east?
>Maybe ask why Obama snuck a bunch of legislation into the NDAA of 2016 during xmas
Like the indefinite detention part?
I'm sure that'll be sustainable forever and totally won't have any negative consequence.
actually capitalist dog, your currency is backed by 160million taxpayers.
Is it true you all butt fuck each other over there all the time?
This is correct. Once the world know we cant create a massive war whenever we want, things will not go well. We need to attack one of those nato countires that refuses to pay. Indirectly of course.
Nobody ever asked how are (((they))) going to spend this. I mean, honestly, thats and astronomical amount of money and it should be allocated correctly.
That’s like 20 dollars per person to have the best military on earth. The hard part of building everything is already over. Fuck of retard you have no perspective. If another country wanted to match us it would be way way way more than 700 bil. We need to maintain what we have
This. America will be the first truly global empire.
Nothing lasts forever. Rome fell and we'll fall eventually too. But there's no sense in giving up our military supremacy. Who does that?
>300 x 20 = 717000
American education
They think the millitary is only going to get $717 billion this year. Cute. $717 is just the come on price. You can only see the real charges on the credit card statement.
Why not 1 trillion $? Come on faggots. Do it.
I was more referring to the Global Engagement Center bullshit
Don't worry it is. The $717b is only the part they tell us about. They still get many billions more in secret appropriations.
Antarctica for me, after the tectonic shift caused by the pole reversal puts it in the tropics.
Quick question. If we don’t pay off the debt wtf are they going to do? Murica bitch.
Photoshop isnt free? Not even a trial?
Its 2206 dollars per person you fucking retard.
3480 per working age person, to be precise.
I love how you fucks can miscalculate something by 98% yet somehow feel confident in the knowledge you have.
Someone who wants to go down easy and scavenge parts of their empire to build a decent place to live for their children, instead of imploding violently and fucking up everything for everyone?
Yeah I'm sure google just photoshopped it into Lockheed Martin test facility in a Florida swamp.
Don't park your shit out in the open skunkworks fag
bulgarbro btfo amerimutt
do you even have a military?
The Philosopher's Legacy ...
>London murder rate tops NYC
But at least we still punish our niggers rather then letting them rape and murder because it's thier culture
seems like a bargain for total domination of the world's oceans desu.
By inviting China to buttfuck us? No thanks.
No, america dismantled it and told us we werent allowed under pain of being nuked, so we wouldnt have anyone to massacre your favorite people turks
nobody is buying that spook
Yes im sure Lee Chen in buttfuck rural China is constantly refreshing CNN to see when your defense budget goes down so he can fly across the ocean and invade.
>so we wouldnt have anyone to massacre your favorite people turks
of course, nobody wants a civil war
why would you massacre the kebabs in your country. what did they do to you.
if anything, massacre the gypsies.