Can an Aussie explain HOW this is legal?

Just a simple question for you faggots. How is this legal? Is this? A cop telling a journalist that they can't WALK certain places?

Explain yourselves. What the fuck is this?

inb4 Roastie
inb4 Kike
inb4 E Celeb

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-27 at 5.33.51 AM.png (1766x998, 1.94M)

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nice flag. not our country not our business. fuckin simp

It's probably not, find the tweet from Lauren's most beta fan.

>nice flag. not our country not our business. fuckin simp

> He thinks a person can only question shit that happens in his country


>inb4 Roastie
>inb4 Kike
>inb4 E Celeb
that's all true though

She’s so beautiful my sweet princess pls walk wherever you please as you wish damsel..........

Why can't anyone talk about the video content instead of her? I'm not even a fan of hers. It could literally some no name fucking person on YouTube doing the same and the question still remains.

The cop is wrong and he knows it. She should of called his bluff

>How is this legal? Is this? A cop telling a journalist that they can't WALK certain places?
No. He started out trying to appease and then talked bullshit. Police probably already corrected his error. Dramatized nonissue

that shit is depressing.