What genetic traits will disappear overnight in babies once genetic editing becomes a thing ? My bet is on violent personalities.
Genetic modifications
>violent personalities.
Violence and aggressiveness are what women desire most in males. This is not going away, especially now in our feminazied society.
Genetic editing is already a thing, we just don't know what genes exactly are influencing different traits. So the first thing to dissapear would be deseases with simple genetical mutations, which are pretty rare.
>that boomer with the monsters
Alot of societies problems come from stupid people.
So id bet on the genes that are responsible for IQ.
To add to this, there are a number of really widespread and devestating diseases (such as cystic fibrosis, the textbook example taught to all undergrads) caused by (what we think are) relatively simple and small mutations that could be cured
>letting females get in the way of progress
>letting females do anything
China will be the first to do this shit and will create for themselves white blonde haired blue eyed tall muscular ubermensch to rule our great new world order. Even though the chinese are slanty eyed, skinny and dark haired they will do this.
"imagine the plague of a million saints"
>helicopter sign on the bathroom door
>9.11 at the jewish piano
These comics are unfunny and the punchlines are all incredibly low hanging fruit
Stop being so rational. We're meant to be more alarmist.
Whiteness op, whiteness.
>that boomer
>9.11 on the cash register
>the chinese coke logo
Dark skin
>that price
Attack helicopter on the bathroom sign kek
What are you, some sort of comic connoisseur?
Fuck you, I like them.
>violent personalities
You mean to say they'll delete Africans alltogether
This is his best redpill comic
post more comics bump
Where do you find these comics?
. . . The link to the website is right there on every one of them between the panels, numbnuts.
>What genetic traits will disappear overnight in babies once genetic editing becomes a thing ?
Black people.
Fug dont have it
Congrats, you have shit taste and is too much of a nigger to spot all the little details and references to Jow Forums memes he puts into each of his comics.
Now fuck off.
Old age will be one of the first things to go. Not everyone wants to be a muscle bound super hulk but no one wants to get sick or old or die. I've already spliced myself up with an hTERT overexpression virus and it's only a matter of time before the normies catch on.
>NWO RD sale.
well then outselect the female wish for violent personalities in women at the same time.
As a woman I've never understood this meme. It's true that women don't like uberfaggots but does the majority of us really like brutish, choleric men?
I'd say they will breed out small height, small penis and I'm also curious what parents would do if gayness or transgenderism could be outselected
Holy crap, I love this guy
Pit bulls are the niggers of the dog world but I would still rather have a dog-nigger than a real nigger
You could "cure" humanities lack of genetically engineered obedient doggo girls.
>...I'm also curious what parents would do if gayness or transgenderism could be outselected
Queers would probably be entirely removed from the gene-pool unless the kikes shoah the technology, but even if they don't you'll always get particularly pozzed parents who'll order a fag baby just to show how tolerant they are.
More white looking babies I guess
Mmkay, this is all from Pol and what not
This will happen to only westerners, niggers get to keep theirs
> but even if they don't you'll always get particularly pozzed parents who'll order a fag baby just to show how tolerant they are.
that's what I was thinking about.
Even if you are the most liberal parent on earth, you'd have to worry that your son can never ever find a partner because not enough gays may be left for him. Because only 0,05% of parents don't outselect it