Inheritance NEETS

What do you bunch think about the rare subgroup of NEETs that use an inheritance, lottery win or other form of zero labour, luck-acquired capital? Normie wagecucks are super salty towards them and I find it hilarious.

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neets are superior to normals and wagies in every way

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If I had a genie, I'd wish for that, then wish the genie free, not even needing the third wish.

>Normie wagecucks are super salty towards them and I find it hilarious.

hahahaha yeah its all the cucked genXers that are being exploited by the man and now hate us because we are the rich Neet masterrace

funny thats what I did

My neetdom ends with the beginning of september.
I'm already jealous.

how so?

I'd wish for an extinction event as second and ice age as third.

>living your entire life without giving a cent to the IRS
Pretty based desu

I'm only working half a year.
>hot months
>cold months

Hate to break your bubble, buuuut.... you can & should buy a vehicle, a home, vidya, food, counter meds, owh wait, meds are 0%. If you want to give no cewnt to taks you need to find the wilderness and join a primitivism group. IDK if Amish pay tax

how does that work? I thought all the nigger labor of collecting fruits and crops is a summer season thing? I thought niggers love doing this one but apperently they unlearned it...

I feel blessed every day since a short time, There is absolutely no need for me on the job market, I earn about 200 EU less then the average wage here so it isnt much, Job offices also have a notion of "sweetening" a job deal, Like "Free Excersice" and "If i could wake up at the dawn of day to milk some cows all day long on a field I would know what i would do!"

Non-LAARP, This country is going to shit!
Enjoy earning under 2000 EU a month while rushing up and down to work for a boss.

Where the fuck even is the Netherlands? I though yout flag was russia

>live in the wilderness
>join the Amish
Dont temp me user


100% inheritance tax.

You need to work extremely hard in both cases. Plus is that you experience the fruits of your labour in a small community. If you are one of the 3 fishermen, the community will cheer you on for good catches. In society you are a nobody.

Inheritance tax is jelly tax, my dad paid tax his whole life and now his capital gets nuked because normies gotta be salty and recruit us into the faceless crowd. also, this is why you solidify your assets in land or even gold stashes.

I also collect fruits from my estate in the summer. So theres also no need to buy food for about 2 months of the year.
Life is good :^)

I'd suggest growing a fruit that can't be automized yet and is thus expensive. Like Blueberries.

There should be no inheritance tax. If you earned the money, paid taxes on the can do whatever you want with the money. You can give away as much as you want, up to and including giving it all to someone as you lay on your deathbed. If the government needs money so bad, let it get a job to support itself. Gift taxes are an is part of inheritance taxes, and it is, in effect, government laying claim to your income and assets BEFORE you die, by limiting the amount by which you can diminish your taxable estate while you are alive. ANYONE who advocates an inheritance tax needs to be skinned alive.

applying for welfare bros

tell me your secrets

Somehow my blueberries won't grow well. Maybe I need to mulch more. At least my grapes and blackberries are doing much better than the last years.

Says the homo with a dutch grandparent.

to each their own, yet a female will always choose a guy who made a million bucks by himself, rather than a trust fund baby.

women aren't attracted to men with money ,stricto sensu, they are attracted to the man's level of competence, his ability to set his affairs in such an order that people come to him and give him money.

the old saying

>Give a million to a homeless guy and he will be homeless again in year, rob a millionaire of his million and he will be a millionaire again in a year.

isn't wrong.

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then you would have to work hard to survive

Not too mention the housing prices, the fact that unlike boomers and GenX YOU will not buy a house anymore unless you are permanently employed, the 60`s also gave us the "kick your kid out at 18" meme so there is also that cancer, No generational wealth anymore

when a person dies here and has a will, 55% will be TAXED off what you get, so 1 million turns into 450.000 lol.

WAJONG Uitkering here user

How the hell can people be NEETS?

You can't get enough welfare in my country to even pay for rent in shitholes unless you have a gazillion children, are disabled, mentally handicapped, or have some mental illness.

Is it from parents? In my area your parents kick you out at 16 or 18 if you don't pay them rent (Glasgow).

>Czech Republic

Your ooga-booga country literally drives on drugs and sex tourism.

NEETs are left wing.

>parents kick you out at 16 or 18 if you don't pay them rent
Don't be a shitty child. I life in a multi generation household and there is everyone welcome. I couldn't imagine to kick my kids out for such a trivial thing like money.

that's why I'd kill off most humans first to liberate some resources.

can't you circumvent it by buying alot of gold and burying it in the house foundation or something? then tell your bookkeeper he gets 10% for whitewashing it.

except that's wrong, women only care about survival and some poors are just frugal as fuck and don't work more than they absolutely need. richest man in the graveyard and all that.

things are extremely picky, either edit your soil aggressively or do something else.

you need to use psychiatry handicap benefits. wheelchair will get you ''lol do administrative work'' Schizo or psychotic autism will get you 80-100% unemployable, which is positive as gov will pay you for that percentage.

[Laughs in oil]

Saudi oil barons got it right. literally do nothing except drive around in there Ferrari's and shit on their gold shiters.

real make think

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I'm one of them, easy life, great food, but also a huge void and somewhat ashamed when someone ask me what do I do for a living, am I happy? I really don't know...

Shit's easy in france, you work 1 year in a shit wagecuck job and then you can recieve 75% of that amount for 1 year when you quit your job. Basically what i've been doing for 3 years now, i'm graduated in one of the top engineering schools, basically i go to paris for work for 1 year for minimum 2000-2500€per month and then for 1 year i go to the country side with my car, where life is much much cheaper. That way i can concentrate on other stuff like working out or producing music. I'm really happy and that's all that matters. By doing this, i don't contribuite to my retirement, but who the fuck cares. I know for sure that by the time i retire everything will reset back to 0 due to wars / economic crisis. That's the future british and americans fought for !

Former neet reporting in. Currently working for parents company. Work is shit and long hours. Want to quit. But desu getting up at 2 everyday and aimlessly using computer is depressing. Wish I had a fulfilling job w qt gf

>edit your soil aggressively
>do something else

Well I definitely envy those type but can't say I'm salty really. I hope for the same to happen to me one day.

got 15K so I took an entire year off from work.

>staying indoors playing video games all day
>no feeling of accomplishment
>fapping to anime all day
>not throat fucking dumb women
No thanks

I'm going to quit my job and live in a national forest for awhile. I can't stand 'society' anymore.

Inheritance neet here. Living it up in Japan for a few years before I become a wage cuck. See you soon lads

Because you a spoiled brat.It's pretty common that you get kicked out at the age of 18-19.It's mostly not about money,but more about taking responsibility and become an proper adult.

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>awake at 9:30
>slowly crawl out of bed
>eat some sweet snack
>don't brush my teeth yet (do that at work)
>never brush my hair
>put on COMFORTABLE, easy to slip in, clothes
>walk to my job 15min by feet, or 5 min of free transport
>my own business, where I cant be late if I want, or drink at work or browse nsfw

oh woe is me, that I am not a basement dweller...

>cabin fever
>boring life
>never amount to anything
>parasite to society

You NEETs sure are better than normal people, hence you come to a degenerate website like this and claim superiority. Bravo.

>What do you bunch think about the rare subgroup of NEETs that use an inheritance, lottery win or other form of zero labour, luck-acquired capital?

I don't understand how you can have that cushion and literally do NOTHING with it.

Like why wouldn't you find a subject that you like - fucking anything, given there's no pressure to earn at the end of it - and just study it to PhD level? I don't get it.

Tell me more about myself.

that's rich, coming from Holland.

Everyone that I know that "got their own place" between the ages of 18 and 20 were not paying their own bills.

Bukowski lol Let me tell ya about the legendary Heinrich Karl Bukowski, WW2 draft dodger bum. He was a drunken degenerate with a habit of scribbling his suicide notes on bar napkins. He was not a working class hero. Throughout his pathetic life he was barely employed and, when he did happen to stumble in to a job, he blew it by being a drunken incompetent. His short time employed by the USPS was a fill-in walking postal carrier job he did while drunk. There were literally hundreds of these guys going to the same fucking bars writing/yelling/singing the same garbage laments. He was picked out of the muck because he was the most convenient to fit the ideal of an opportunistic kike publisher. His hobbies were drinking himself to death, beating already broken women, and screaming at the "normal" people walking down the street from his bar stool. He was a miserable piece of shit who knew fuck all about being a human.

Since I won't be getting an inheritance, I'm 100% fine with taxing inheritances massively.

Once I make a lot of money I'm going to be totally against it

>be inheritance NEET
>spend free time countering sjw propganda
>get doxxed
>can't be fired since don't have job can't be boycotted since doesn't own business
>sjw's can't do shit except call for ban from youtube or faceberg

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I got a 22000€ inheritance, what would pol heirs do with this money to live a long time with it.

That's because you live around trust fund babbies and deadbeats. I knew lots of 18-20 year olds paying for everything without living with parents.

Yeah Bukowski is a 30 year old boomer meme

Shit parents lad, in Yorkshire you're free to stay home as long as you want

Hibernate. In a first world country that's nothing.

>how can he asked to be grateful to do so

because the alternative is

>wake up at 4AM from your rock pillow because you heard a noise.
>leap up to your feat
>sit for 30 minutes until you realize it was nothing
>go back to sleep cuddle up to rock pillow
>don't brush teeth because no brush
>hair is overgrown mess, no miner one to mine ore or smelter to smelt steel or smith to make scissors
>fight current to fish
>no fish today okay i'll try again tomorrow

communists are human filth

Kids getting kicked out at 18-19 is an American boomer thing. Same with nursing homes. Besides, living at home and saving a bit of cash is still better than having your parents pay for your tuition or even worse your rent.

Hey I remember this meme! Really takes me back

read uncle ted's book

you aren't a parasite if it's a luck-capital

that accomplishment is programmed in you by society & school. Take a critical look what makes you feel best and go do that?

>he feels accomplishment from performing a menial task at his work

I read something by Bukowski about being at some drug-fueled orgy and some guy fucking him up the ass and he was so fucked up on drugs and filled with junky lust that he took it up the ass for a few seconds before he realized what was happening. I think he also accidentally fucked a man in the ass too. This was one of his autobiographical memoir type books. I don't remember the name. It wasn't very good. That's your role model. Most neets are probably jealous that Bukowski got to fuck a man's ass once and all they'll ever do is fap to 2d.

neets are like aquarium fish: they will never know what it's like to be a wild fish and migrate to the spawning grounds and fight for survival and mating rights. All they'll ever do is eat and swim in circles until they die.

So you are basically bragging about being a NEET on welfare that you receive when you are retarded? All hope is really lost for NL. Wat een mongool.

>he thinks he isn't also a small fish swimming in circles until he dies

what else can he do? essentialism is real, he got dealt a bad hand.

NEETs are more like Seaworld fish, they get everything provided for, live with less stress and become older. Wagecucks are wild fish full with Mercury and plastic, constantly slaving for survival to plow some other fish which feels just as good (actually a bit less, lack of full control) than watching fetish porn. I'm not a virgin so I can say sex leaves you feeling empty like fapping does. With fapping you got more control.

I can change aquariums any time I want. neets are dependent on neetbux, some psychiatrist who was willing to diagnose you as a non-functional retard, and mom's basement. neets have no freedom of movement or choice. It's sad to imagine. Just get a fucking job making sandwiches or cleaning floors or whatever. Actual retarded people can do this, yet neets can't. They somehow find a way to be more of a drag on society than full-blown retards. Ancient civilizations threw retarded babies off cliffs. Can you imagine what they would do to an adult who can't contribute ANYTHING to society?

>What else can he do?

Stop bragging about receiving welfare. You are on the bottom of society, nothing to brag about.

he can brag about not having to work though, but that's about it. work is aushwitz syndrome. remember that walls scene from shawshank redemption? that's what that is. People who claim they love working just got indoctrinated by work's tendrils of negativity for so long they became addicted.

>rare subgroup
Not that rare.
You'd hate America.

we flugassed these civilisations for being barbaric. funny you mentioned them though, they don't have limiting factors like (((universities))) and (((oligarchs))) actively impeding your chances because you disagree with them. so maybe the NEET-''retards'' would have success there.

Main problem I see being an heir and nothing more is that you are a lifelong dependent. Piss off that benefactor and maybe all of a sudden you're broke with no job skills.

But I would say that if I had the opportunity to cruise through life without working, I would take it. Anyone who says they love their job is just plain full of shit. "Would you do it for free?" "No." "Then you don't love your job you fucking mouth-breather."

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Yes, if you work for someone else who is becoming wealthier thanks to your efforts it is nonsense. If you work for yourself, contribute to society and this is work is something you enjoy (thus serves a purpose) it is no longer work. Or one could work so he no longer has to work. Fine as well.

>he can brag about not having to work though

He should not brag at all. Living of other paxtayers' money is terrible. Of course, his medical condition could make this happen but it's his own responsibility to not engage in degenerate behaviour. That's the best thing he could do, kameraad.

can confirm the dependance, my dad is unstable and has Trevor-tier outbursts from time to time. I have to be on edge constantly when going to him to do something ''fun''. Meanwhile I am hating every second of it and just want to stab him. Slayer's law though. sometimes I sympathize though, he can't help it he has PTSD.

I thin it's good when those people don't work (unless they start their own company) because otherwise they take away jobs from people who need them

that is the problem with our societ and lack of motivation. a healthy human clan was 100-150 heads strong. do you also think that people would be more motivated to work if they can see or feel the result of their labour? for example, building a cabin and renting it out to some poors. you can be proud you gave mom and her 26 children a home.

>rant doesn't mention "shower" or "bathing"


Yes, you are completely right. Well addressed. Why do you think our voorvaderen were so succesful and redpilled? Easy times create weak men. "Victory is you weakness."

go run crates for some cartel Pablo, I heard the AK-fire is pleasant this time of year.

I wonder what humanity will be like when robots fully replaced us? (~2060) do we get wall-e and everyone being american in spirit?

I'm currently in Mexico and can't even shower or take a shit. Water doesn't work half of the time and it's never warm.

t. Dutchanon

I recommend you to watch Dutch documentary Robosapiens on Robots will indeed replace many workers. What happens after that is a mystery, I would like to see what the world looks like in 2060.

Kek, why didn't you go near the shore? or go in jungle and bucket back some water full with turbo-chlora for cooking and THEN bathing?

I'm in Cancun. It is near the shore. But still a shithole. Especially now when the cartels come here for vacation and meetings. I see army trucks all the time. And I already had serious shits/virus from this shithole.

>I'm currently in Mexico
>can't even shower or take a shit.
>Water doesn't work half of the time and it's never warm.
In what poorfag shithole do you live in?

I've lived all my life in Mexico and I've always had at least 1 bathroom to shit and shower.

is it redpilled or atleast neutral? it's dutch gov and all

That's why i moved here.

Okay so you live in Polanco or Condesa? Only parts of Mexico where life is normal.

a septic shute is not a toilet and water dripping from a palm you AK-sprayed is not a shower. I work for a shepherd as that shit's relaxing and border cuckies are qts, and he has a septic pit. that ammonia waft, eeuuuurgh my eyes.

This is neutral. Not leftist. Just basic information, no government propaganda thankfully. Reporter is Jelle Brand Corstius. Obviously left-wing guy but I watched all his documentaries so no worries, I am 100% sure he is neutral in everything he does. He is one of the few.

Are you poor by anychance? only poor people suffer from those things

says the guy who doesn't shower. lelelelel

>Polanco or Condesa
Neither of those, there are hundreds of places in Mexico where life is completely normal, even the poorest fag who works for minimum wage and lives in one of those Infonavit houses has a proper bathroom.

You kinda have a good imagination, bruh.

> Are you poor by anychance? only poor people suffer from those things

So basically entire Mexico

>implying I dont enjoy what i do
>implying I'm not my own boss

Good, to bad most of documentaries themed with this don't show the aftermath. could either be awesome or hellish if existentialism sets in. do normies think of that at all though?

Anyone on gibs who refuses to work is a traitor to the white working class

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0% of normies think about this stuff. I have to admit I was shocked after watching all episodes but it it pretty reasonable to say robots will take over. Perhaps not humanity but life as we know will completely change

>So basically entire Mexico
Less than 3% of Mexican households don't have a bathroom:

are these 20st century Tenements? aka stone slums?

I wonder how many suicides are because of ''existential stress'' today.

well, I'm trying to figure out if dutchanon lives on one of those cardboard houses in Estado de Mexico, which I doubt

pic related

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>Anyone living off investment interest who refuses to work is a traitor to the white working class