I was watching some muslim freakout vidoes from Denmark and i was wondering, How cucked is Denmark really
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How cucked is Denmark
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If europeans are allowed guns why dont they shoot these troublemarkers
The most BASED AND REDPILLED country in Europe and also the world
It’s another >i watched one video and now i know everything about everything thread
Welp they do want semitic holocaust
bro you are living in a fantasy land i think
> doesnt think spending half your budget on muslims is messed up
The word 'most' was there, meaning based on all measures, they are by far the most capable of resisting the brown invasion. All other countries in the world already failed thousands of years ago.
In terms of migrants we aren't that cucked yet, non-whites are only about 8% of the national population which is very very solid in comparison to our neighbors. Issue is we have much larger concerns than some ragheads, we're most likely one of the most cucked nations in the world when it comes to liberal degeneracy and we are a people completely consumed by hedonism.
Checks out.
Just listen to these chicks regarding the bbc
Please user I'm having a decent day
Denmark is actively uncucking itself
Even the socialist parties in their parliament are beginning to voice concerns about immigration and how Danish values need to be upheld, not to mention that they’ve begun imposing harsher sentences upon people committing crimes in immigrant ghettoes
Danish values are not worth upholding when we tolerate homosexuality and transfaggotry, cheat at a higher rate than any other European nation and have a completely degenerated youth culture focused on pleasure for pleasure's sake.
Ikke-vestlige "immigranter" og deres efterkommere er mindst 10% af befolkningen pt.
Hvordan kan det passe når den sammenlagte procent (EU og ikke-vestlige migranter) er på 13.1?
The whole Western World is cucked. Some Baltic countries are still relatively fine but they're so vulnerable that when (((they))) come for it, it's gonna be brutal.
Did you ever woder what it was like to live in Rome in the fifth century? You're living it.
er det ikke lige meget når bare 1% er for meget
Det er vigtigt at vide så vi kan fole os bedre end svensken!
You triggered the Danes they are speaking their autist language
Honestly idk if Denmark being the most promiscuous is a bad thing or good thing for me
Okay jeg er måske meget pessimistisk, men den statistik er også ved at være gammel og desuden tæller den folk med én dansk forælder som etnisk dansk.
>desuden tæller den folk med én dansk forælder som etnisk dansk.
Jeg troede at de rog under efterkommere, hvis ikke de gor det så ser tingene sgu sorte ud.
Danmarks statistik definere "etnisk dansk" som havende mindst én dansk forælder så ja game over
ment for dig
>og desuden tæller den folk med én dansk forælder som etnisk dansk.
Ante ikkje at dette var tilfelle, er dette unikt til Danmark eller vet dykk om ein brukar eit slikt filter i utlandet òg?
aner det ikke
Idk about you, but I see an angry engineer, an angry doctor, an angry kebab shop owner, and an angry pediatrician
Look again
Denmarkistan is gonna fall just like the rest of western "europe", can't really call any of it europe anymore since it's all part of the Euroviet Union along with all the 3rd world animals shitting up the place.
However on a 'positive' note Denmarkistan is gonna last a little longer than shitholes like Swedenistan, Britcunt-land and the Frog-congo, however when societal collapse/civil war does break out throughout the continental body of europe, it'll be real hard to go up against Euroviet Union automaton troopers who will blindly if not even GLADLY mow down whites daring to fight for their own survival,with the 'assistance' of muzzy rats already armed with AKs, explosives and even RPGs while the white population cannot even be permitted today to have a pepperspray and/or a taser since that COULD be used on the poor poor bolice force.
However one thing must be said, everything taking place in Denmarkistan is all Christian the fourth's fault and fucking Harald Bluetooth, a fucking king wasting it all away on "pretty", non-strategic castles and whores while the other being a cocksucking subversive fucking toothless jesus loving kike bastard.
Anyone who's fucking remotely sane will and should take what they have now as they'll have less sticking around in this shithole over time and either move to places like Hungary/eastern europe or the US, personally I prefer the US since all my friends/pals live over there and the fact that I'll never learn the fucking 'tongue' of eastern europe.
Oh and Denmarkistan might last a little longer than Turkmany (germany for anyone not in the know) but the thing that's strange and quite 'amazing' in my book is that in Germany not only are you permitted to have peppersprays etc. but also permitted to buy and own a fucking firearm, it was only this year that I learned that german white citizens can join a 'gun club' and through the gun club purchase actual fucking firearms like AR-15's and so on.
So while Turkmany may very well be more 'brown' overall, at least the white population will have the option to have fucking firearms so that they can protect themselves when the shit hits the fan.
Sure thing Sven
Go back to Skaane you have already bought all your cheap beer here
You are a coward to run and hide instead of staying in your country to defend it, even if it means your end.
Go fuck a dog Muhammed Heinstein, if people wanna stick around in this shithole to be beheaded by the 3rd world animals pouring over the border that's on them, I ain't gon' stick around to join them on the choppin' block.
Have some fucking cultural enrichment: breitbart.com
they let this guy on tv so better than Britain, France and Germany, Sweden... doubt he'd be aired on American television
I'm wondering if the countries the rapefugees are leaving are really actually f'd up. Can Europe just take them since apparently they're leaving anyway?
Humiliating Swedes has been a national Danish pasttime for the last couple hundred years, so it's no wonder he made it to TV.
>about 8% of the national population
that is none western immigrants and their descendants. So it includes people like Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japs, Koreans among others. We got 4,5% mudslimes which is a huge amount. If you look at how many blacks we got its close to 0.3%. so relatively low.
The largest and most damaging demographic is the middle eastern mudslimes which are close to 500k in total.
well he got paid by the state to make that program as it runs on our version of BBC.
The main difference between Denmark and the rest of the entire western Europe is the fact that we talk more openly about the issues with globalization and immigrants. We got the same demographical problems and massive amounts of none Danes.
Just hear on the state paid radio about how its moral and right for Danish politicians to ignore all international law if it is in direct conflict with Danish interests. And most people agreed with him. That is I think the main difference. We are more honest about this shit.
Leaving the fatherland during hard times, wow, what a viking.
If you're more honest and open you're at a better point to put more pressure on your politicians and to get a decent party in and leave the EU. The reason it's so bad here is because you can't speak about anything because people are uptight, but even then the majority voted leave.
>move to places like Hungary/eastern europe or the US
fuck off and never come back you roach
> I prefer the US since all my friends/pals live over there
you befriend new worlders? What the fuck is wrong with you. Skrid med dig neger
>til: langtbortistan
Er dette ein Donald duck-plakat, eller?
>leave the EU
we wont leave the EU until we see what happens with the UK. We only joined the EU because the UK did and we did not want to be left out.
Also with all our opt outs many Danes still thinks we get more cash out of the EU than we lose.
>non-whites are only about 8% of the national population
That is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many motherfucker
Its probably wayyy more than 8 stats are 90% rigged
well none whites are not 8% of the population. None westerners are 8%. So all the slav shit we have received since the 1990s counts towards the 8%.
None whites make up something like 5-6% which is still WAY too many and a massive issue.
They're 5 foot six average sand niggers for fucks sake, just be men.