On one hand, I'm glad my father decided not to circumcise me or my brother. I can't imagine having a dried-out, sensation-less dick. On the other, women here in burgerland definitely find uncircumcised penises inherently weird due to how commonplace circumcision is (plus their exposure to internet porn), so that made me somewhat self-conscious about things for a while.
Ayden Ortiz
My friend throughout school wasn't snipped. All he ever did was complain about how girls wouldn't touch his dick. He said something about pulling down the skin and residue and I asked him to stop talking. I'll take getting laid easily over girls freaking out about residue on my dick.
Asher Baker
>women here in burgerland definitely find uncircumcised penises inherently weird >can't feel shit with dead stick >but at least women want to suck my dead stick
user, with this resource you can read a comprehensive, condensed, and doctrinally-sound version of the entire Bible in 1(one) day. Yes, you can have a general understanding of the entire Bible story in 1 day.
Other notable points: -Research what's known as "NWO Bibles", and the argument for King James Only. (Kent Hovind and Steven Anderson provide great info) -Look into Pastor Texe Marrs to satisfy your conspiracy theory itches. -Key points of a proper church/denomination: >Once Saved Always Saved >Salvation = Grace through FAITH ALONE >Jesus is the Son of God, and is God
>Blasphemy Against Jesus Christ -Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement." -Sanhedrin 43a. Says Jesus ("Yeshu" and in Soncino footnote #6, Yeshu "the Nazarene") was executed because he practiced sorcery. -Shabbos 104b. He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures that involved cutting his flesh, which is also explicitly banned in the Bible. >Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews -Sanhedrin 57a. When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep. -Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel." >Jews May Lie to Non-Jews -Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile. >Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human -Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals. -Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. -Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old). -Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old. -Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing." -Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell. -Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate. >Tall Tales of a Roman Holocaust -Gittin 57b. 4,000,000,000 Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. -Gittin 58a 16,000,000 Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans.
Ian Smith
It's the (((media)))'s fault, unsurprisingly. Literally any time the subject of circumcision comes up in some television show, it usually consists of jokes on behalf of uncircumcised men, or bullshit about how it's "unhygienic" or whatever.
Still would never get myself circumcised regardless.
Cooper Jones
>haha it’s cool that jews mutilated my dick haha
Noah Ortiz
>1 John 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. >2 John 1:9-11 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
Here's what's going on: >He's possibly doing damage control. There are a few ways to absolutely shut down Hasbara/JIDF online. Bringing up their completely irrefutable Metzitzah B'peh is a strong one. (((They))) know this, and (((they))) aren't thinking short term. They're already planning damage control 50 years down the road. >He's hijacking what we've known for years. And will likely get exclusive credit for it, possibly all the way into the history books, as the "super high IQ ashkenazi who saved the judeo-christians". >He is extremely proud. Proverbs 16:5 Every one that isproud in heart isan abomination to the LORD:though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.
Stay vigilant brothers. With "jews", you lose.
Clopper: "I acknowledge, I acknowledge that jewish parents are trying to damage their sons in a very fundamental way for life, but that is exactly what they're doing, and this ignorance needs to end immediately, lest judaism continue to embarass itself on a global scale."
Ethan Butler
Yeah, I did eventually come to that conclusion. It was just weird when I was first hitting puberty and started thinking about sex and stuff.
Nathan Nelson
>shill pasta #16 you kikes need to stop posting the same shit constantly, it starting to become a bit too blatant
Jacob Bailey
Every (((Eric Clopper))) thread is full of Hasbara/JIDF that troll every "be careful he's a jew" and "" post.
Facts: >"I am so smart. What I say is profound. Listen to ME." He says nothing different than what we have been saying for years. This is a trick. >"I AM DECLARING WAR ON...not all of judaism, but our weakest link." Streissand effect. (((Harvard))) was either in on it, or he intentionally got fired. This wasn't the only reason, he was released on "pretextual grounds". >RAT POISON IS 99.999% "GOOD FOOD" I was admittedly wooed the 1st time. Then I relistened and noticed all the sprinkles of propaganda. If we are a Christian board, this kike in no way represents our ideas and I implore you to NEVER RELAX.
>the cripples laugh at the healthy and natural symbolic America
Oliver Watson
Josiah Bennett
Could anyone do a subtitled webm of his monologue towards the end where he's sitting on the edge of the stage? Specifically the part where he says "Perhaps I should be preaching forgiveness, but I cannot find it... The Jew" etc That shit is kino.
Henry Martinez
Normies just can't come to grips on this topic. I had my girlfriend share this on facebook. People came out of the woodwork to defend male genital mutilation.
The best bible verse to send a cut christian into hysterics is Galatians 5-2, btw.
So many memes: >Natural dick looks weird >It smells >Muh smegma >It's not a big deal >You don't even remember it
The sad fact is that the average man would rather continue this sick cycle, just so he doesn't have to deal with the fact that he's been mutilated for no reason. Their egos won't let them understand it, it would break them I think.
I'm cut and still sensitive. I can bust a nut in 2 minutes then again after 15 minutes. The mind is the most sensual organ in the body.
Josiah Garcia
I'm happy I have a natural penis, but this dude is overboard.
You can't regrow your foreskin, stretching doesn't bring it back.
This guy is just a weirdo.
Aiden Murphy
What's left to discuss? Circumcision on babies should be banned. Now we just need to raise awareness.
Luis Hill
ITT: penis envy
Parker Martinez
>He says nothing different than what we have been saying for years.
Yeah, but he is dressing it up as a Chad jock scientist guy doing a theater play in front of a life audience in a top university, rather than a pixelated .png file from a Holocaust denial blogpost. Presentation matters. Look how much Ronald Reagan did with his watered down capitalist ideas, despite economist grandpas repeating the same shit and publishing books for decades.
Benjamin Gonzalez
>Is this why you bomb people? might be but it's 100% certain it is linked to the legendary burger retardation
I did read that link. This may be the case once they've actually has sex with a guy with an uncut dick, but I'm telling you that they do generally find it weird at least at a glance. The reason, apart from the pro-circumcision propaganda, is that average burger woman is likely to only ever encounter cut dicks in her life. An actual intact penis is going to seem alien to her.
I don't understand this shit. I was circumcised at a later age due to a medical issue since I had a lot of foreskin and even with cleaning, it would still leave bacteria there that could travel back and infect the kidneys. I don't know how much sensitivity I would want to be honest, since it feels really fucking good already, if it felt any better I would probably cum too quick.
I wouldn't say I've been with a lot of girls, but definitely more than 15, and gotten head from a lot more than that. I've never come across a girl that has said they prefer uncircumcised.
Also, why would jews try to damage their own people?
You're obviously lying. If you knew what a natural penis felt like you'd know foreskin acts as a sort of trigger to climax and men with foreskin can last way longer, or cum as soon as they way, it's up to them
Josiah Stewart
Well you got me there, Fritz. I'm not saying everyone should be cut, it's a kike invention for sure, just that it isn't the end of the world.
Fun story, my ex gave me a handy once without lube and after I finished my dick was swollen for an hour, want even painful but it scared the shit out of me.
Cock threads again? Mods, Im confused. Can you move /anteater dick general/ to where it belongs?
Adam Miller
>This may be the case once they've actually has sex with a guy with an uncut dick, not only is this a ridiculous assumption to make but apparently, you can't into reading charts either >but I'm telling you that they do generally find it weird at least at a glance. who cares? it feels better so they'll get over it quickly >You can't regrow your foreskin you can stretch the remaining skin and gain some sensitivity back, gliding mmechanism and obviously some psychological appeasement based kike how is this ever going to happen in Israel though? >shill pasta #17 wtf did I just tell you cunts?
Landon Jenkins
Imagine that just 25 years ago, that country was the pinnacle of greatness and Germany had not only the loosest, but also slimmest whores.
And now look at them. Look at their nation: Poor, brown, diseased, demented, incompetent. Their army is a paper tiger. Each new enemy they face is even more pathetic and still wins. Look, the children of boomers are coming of age now, and now we see that that nation is BEREFT OF DICKS even. France is on the brink of economic collapse, the UK is a parody of anti-nazi propaganda in a Paki sense. Germany is no longer a paradise of free sex, but a disgusting hole of the most detestable fetishes devised in the recorded history of mankind.
I once tried fapping with lotion since it's a meme here to do so and genuinely could not understand why people found it anywhere near necessary. Only after coming to this board did I make the connection that cut dicks are really that dried out.
Hudson Kelly
Read 4 more verses down, dipshit
Michael Bell
That is why this is so effective. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. It's literally a cult of belief. As a mutilated (circumcised) man I can confirm most girls prefer it and demand the right to cut their child, and most men will defend its benefits. How do we change this? What about a female circumcision campaign for 'equality'? We lose our G spot, the clitoris must go!
Kayden Moore
lmfao that pic you retards are really reaching now
Jose Mitchell
They're not.
"Intactivist" loons (who are always childless, oddly) are just impotent and looking to blame their inability to get boners on something.
"Dry penis" is just their latest excuse.
Jeremiah Jones
God. 4 chan is becoming fucking 4 skin.
Angel Morris
>it isn't the end of the world seeand eat your words
Adrian Sanders
It's not. Premature ejaculation is a thing for cut guys.
Foreskin lets you know where you are in relation to your orgasm, it doesn't just happen, you're in control.
Impotent dudes are tireless in their quest to find blame for their limp cocks. "Circumcision" is the 2018 excuse. "Bad economy" was 2017. "Fat chicks" was 2016.
Noah Jones
>how is this ever going to happen in Israel though? It isn't. Circumcision is done as tradition here, but at least we can save the rest of the (civilized) world. In fact I believe through red-pilling Europe, it is possible to red-pill Israel.
Evan Gomez
>Jews have no problem do you even know where tf you are? >I've never come across a girl that has said they prefer uncircumcised. see>Also, why would jews try to damage their own people? see
>The Muslims conquering your dying country and ploughing your women into multiple orgasms are all circumcised, dummy.
Actually a few years ago bulgarian muslims (we are most muslim country in Europe at 15%) were asked questions in a survey: >30% said they are religious (yes, the rest said they are muslims, but not religious) >59% said they visit a mosque at least once per year >41% said that they pray at least once per year >12% said have or would circumcise their children
I imagine french numbers are similar for people actually born in France. Muslims are only fertile conquering religious fanatics if they are manufactured abroad, and the integration meme is more valid than people assume. Yeah, they are hipsters who cling to their exotic identity, but in actuality they abandon it and just wear it as a fashion statement.
Gavin Mitchell
Muslims get circumcised and fuck like rabbits.
So there goes your theory blaming your impotence on circumcision.
Adam Watson
Oh yeah, and 81% of our muslims said wearing face covering in public is retarded and should be banned, so that criminals don't abuse it.
they it to differentiate themselves from the goyim and have started recommending it to other countries and cultures in order to normalize the practice.
Grayson White
>So there goes your theory blaming your impotence on circumcision.
Also, I am neither circumcised, not impotent. Its funny that an american flag would call me out on that though, lmao. By the way I had sex this morning when I woke up with a diamond hardon.
Benjamin Richardson
"The Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus. However, the demons that are invoked are not the small ones, but very powerful ones. In working with victims of this programming, it is clear that high level demons were placed within these people at very early ages. It is believed many of them were demonized before they were born by rituals like the Moonchild rituals. Blood sacrifices and human sacrifices are always required for this level of magic.
Even if every other thing said about jews here is a lie I know that they deserve the worst for pushing this barbaric practice on our culture, the world and ME. They will burn.
Josiah Lewis
Sure you did.
How many kids do you have there, limpy?
Kevin Brown
wtf are you even saying? cutting dicks is what makes kikes kike too it's critical we ban it in the West to get the JEws to either fuck off or be decent
The Koran also demands circumcision. Many Christians have. Many non-religious have because it's easier to cut a baby than a 16 year old screaming from phimosis.
>n-n-o, sex isn't real! it can't be!! I'm having sex tonight too, stay mad. Set your alarm clock to about four hours from now, so you can jerk off while I am making love.
>kids? I don't have children, I'm in my 20s and rent my home. Sex isn't just for spawning goblins, you know. Or maybe you don't, seeing how you never experienced the joy of sex with your broken dick.
Fuck, I came into this thread sympathetic, you've turned me to mockery. Don't be confused, I do pity you. You are missing our on essential human feelings.
Benjamin Rogers
Shut fuck up shill
Tyler Anderson
The koran doesn't mention circumcision, the muslims do it anyway.
Brayden Hill
tfw u donating to a jew to stop jewish subversion
Leo Brooks
nice backtrack, faggot.
every circumcision post is childless dudes lamenting their sexual problems and blaming it on their parents ("FUCK YOU, CHRISTKEK DAD! YOU'RE WHY I CAN'T GET BONERS!")
in the last part of the documentary he literally goes full Goebbels. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire 2-hour documentary tho', learned quite a lot of stuff that I had no idea about. This poor guy has dropped his studies in order to learn about circumcision and the moment he puts out his play, he gets kicked out of Harvard (even thought he stated multiple times that he was not affiliated with the University at all in regards to the play).
Everybody should see this documentary, and I really fucking mean it. It's one of the best ways to redpill someone, as it doesn't touch anything "anti-semitic" at all, just facts, statistics and history. When I got at the end, where he puts the entire blame on his father and on the ones responsible for this ... man that was hard. One of the hardest redpills I ever had the chance to swallow.
Easton Scott
The mind is the most sensual organ in the body. t. Man who can't feel his dick
David Gomez
>The Jewish Triumvirate and Niggers That's why paganism is on the rise, you giganigga
Brody Jackson
boy all this shilling must make you tired.
Makes me tired, *Yawn* so sleepy. Might go take a nap...
>implying the odds of a complication with an intact penis are greater than one with a circumcised one.
Isaiah Ward
better pic >You believe that only Jews circumcise? no >You're a retard. project harder >The Koran also demands circumcision. not on infants at leasxt >Many Christians have. they shouldn't, they've been tricked >Many non-religious have because it's easier to cut a baby than a 16 year old screaming from phimosis. and because masturbation is evil
Lmao I did this too I kept trying lube bc my buddy told me it's great.. And I was like wtf are you doing this for its just so messy and feels worse.... Took me ages to connect the dots