Just a reminder if you support this country you support white genocide

>Kiev’s round table on problems of migrants in Ukraine discussed a new social project prepared by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine and aimed at promoting tolerant public attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers.

>The project’s main goal is to turn Ukraine into an inviting place for migrants and humanize Ukrainian society.

>According to President Poroshenko, Ukraine, as a future member of the European Union, is not going to withdraw from its commitments to accept refugees; it will strive to increase their number.


Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Ukraine.svg.png (1280x853, 940)

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Right, so just like every other country?

no one supports any official government in here, you stupid britbong.
or are you just shilling for russia?

lmao, russia is just as bad. if not worse.

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seasonal worker migration isn't the same as replacement migration

So (((Germany/the EU))) is bullying small countries into self-destruction? Imagine my shock.
The good people of the Ukraine have suffered enough at the hands of the Zog.

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Look at your own country RORY

I hate Jews Niggers Russians Americans Ukrainians and ching chongs is this ok ?

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>lmao, russia is just as bad. if not worse.
You are wrong. Russia is a based 100% white ethnostate, there are no shitskins/muslims in Russia.

Putin is the savior of the white race and has proven to be /ourguy/ !

That’s what they said about the Mexicans...

based and redpilled jew