If ethnostate is so good, why is Japan such a shithole?

If ethnostate is so good, why is Japan such a shithole?

Racists BTFO

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Based OP.
We should strive to be a multicultural utopia like Brazil or India.

who keeps making these threads??

I expect every Honorary aryan to kill the kikes when Europe gets to work with them, and I very much expect and hope Japanese Loyalists kill cunts like OP.

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You tell me

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japan isn't a shithole though

Because an ethnostate is only successful if its inhabiting ethnicity is actually human.

Because American Jews nuked them and took them over.

>has the biggest city in the world
>still better than any other city in the world

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They seem to be miserable and self genociding but I guess Nazis think that is based


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>Has some of the safest, cleanest cities in the world

i worked with Japanese for a year. they are the most suffering nation in the world. their live is consumed by work. those who stay sane become soulless.

This. Brazil ftw. moving there now.

Can you tell me what jap VPN or proxy you're using that isn't blocked by Jow Forums?

Why are there so many "Nips" on /pol?

I loved your irony. Yup, brazil is a nigger country.


You ungrateful fuck.

Come to London and you will think Japan is a utopia.

>why are weebs on the political board of an anime forum

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>Zero crime
>Clean street
>Polite citizen
>Actual culture

Wtf I hate japan now

That’s the same with every other asian country (Singapore, South Korea, China)

who is second from the left?

Singapore is actually worse, believe it or not.

>That’s the same with every other asian country (Singapore, South Korea, China)

strangely enough, i found Koreans to be different. they work 16 hours sure. but they always seem happy and pleasant to talk to and they're friendly. idk if it's an act for the foreigners

Move to China then, lol Japan is a shithole.

>why is Japan such a shithole?

Good point. It's total shit here. No one should ever come here.

20k gdp per capita

From the left? Astolfo


>those who stay sane become soulless.

Here you become lifeless regardless of your mental state but to each one their own

If OP is from a based country, how is he such a faggot?

>life is good for pretty much everyone
>"but don't you see, if you let in immigrants your boss could make 5% more per year!"

japan is great. im on vacation here and the people are so friendly. was just eating some sushi when some japan wife and husband next to us were talking about how theyr son was studying in america and they bought us beer and some more sushi and almost everyone is friendly in general. beautifull culture.

t dutchie

>1 post by this ID

Let me guess...you are a foreigner in Japan and your feelings got hurt...aaaawww

I can only imagine the horror if human poo was actually found on the street in Tokyo. Japanese are autistic and they would sperg the fuck out.

It's only a shithole because of overcrowding and the elder crisis.

> Says the chink or poo

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>t. chankuro / zainichi subhuman

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Show your true flag, Korean dog

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That's because they went full christc.uck at the expense of their culture.

>Falling for nip propaganda
it has a higher rate of income inequality when compared to western countries

they would really like 2girls1cup

i know i do

No, white. But I won't forget how the Nips treated Allied POWs when we basically treated them like royalty in comparison.

We fucking leveled three of their cities. I feel at this point they paid for not acknowledging white superiority.

that's not a bad thing though

Japan has a work based culture.
>Can't afford to own land
>Can't own weapons
>Can't do anything fun
>Live in tiny apartment in massive beehive city
>Work extremely hard
>Come home and drink yourself to sleep
>muh clean streets

>idk if it's an act for the foreigners

Japanese and Koreans always put an act for foreigners.

It's one thing to go to a building where the poo flows freely, it's quite another to tolerate homeless people shitting on the street like in San Francisco. I invite you to search for "street poo tokyo" and see what kind of results you get. Now replace Tokyo with San Francisco.

Your problem is western(speak: Jewish) hedonism, it will be your downfall.

Isnt it funny that the people calling Japan paradise are the very same people who only go there as tourists and expats?

Real life in Japan entails a lot of responsibility. The reason why Japan is in such state is because they sacrifice their personal lives for the greater good of everyone.
Gaijin acting like Japan is paradise wouldn't handle a single day living like a real Japanese.

This is not exclusive to Japan, it's every developed country. As long as you're abroad like a tourist you'll always think it's paradise because during that time you are not back home working or under social preassure. You never feel the hardrships that native people have to go through.

Take off your gaijin goggles.

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Imagine being a foreign nigger in Europe who doesnt work.
This is the exact same thing as being a tourist abroad.

Exactly. The American tourist above has only been there fora few hours and thinks it's great. Try living there. The Japanese are not really happy people, either. 30,000 people a year hang themselves or hurl themselves in front of the Yamanote Line. I've also noticed that they're kind of a kinky, odd people. Psychologically, they are probably among the most insular and isolated people in the world.

They do get some animu and handjobs at the soapland. I dunno. It seems like their problems are of their own making at least.

Shithole? I spent 2 weeks in Japan and fucking loved every second of it.

Not sure what you're on about, Nippon.

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As a gaijin, it can be okay. Especially if you're a white male. Feminism is not strong here yet. And there's no multiculturalism or mass Third-World immigration to deal with. Some believe that it's coming, though.

Possibly trolling?

You are either some ugly Korean pig dog or a triggered Amerifat.

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Japan is perfect. The only issue is working there is cancerous. Only way to get promotion is sucking up to management.

the one on the far right?

>Live in tiny apartment in massive beehive city
>Work extremely hard
>Come home and drink yourself to sleep
>muh clean streets
same as my life except for the clean streets.

You post this every day, go back to your Loli

And you're be wrong on both counts. Faggot.

Welcome to your first day on the internet, son.

They are highly collective and highly regimented. If you are individualistic and don't love discipline, you're going to have a bad time.

I saw enough of Tokyo to know it's a nice place to visit but I do not want to live there.

>gaijin goggles.
Infantile, too. They're fascinated with Mickey Mouse and cute anthropomorphized animal figures. Even grown men. I was surprised when I saw so many grown men reading comic books.

I take it for granted you're being sarcastic, but Japan is actually in gigantic national peril, even moreso than comparable European countries. Plus, it's one of the most depressed nations on the planet. Japan's downfall will mark a big worldwide shift away from conservative policy.

The average seinen manga is higher level than shit like game of thrones or marvel movies that people watch here to be honest.

based quads.
but seriously thou just go gelow the tropic thats were the safe zone is, in other words white

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Also I'm not planning to work 13hours a day. I have 38 vacation days myself over here and a good salary. Why people love money more than enjoying life is beyond me

atrophied sense of self, the number one reason why we must guard the West against foreigners

Life isnt about money user.

And even if it were, nearly all of that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few hundred individuals who rule Japan like gods

Why is japan a shithole? You guys have problems like everyone else but you're not a shithole country.

Who's the far left? I have this image of her (male).

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Based Nip retorting the (((fake Nip)'s words to tell immigrants to fuck off.

This homo is correct. Japanese are very isolated from each other. Don't mistake politeness for happiness

There is a jewish community in Japan that privately owns the Japanese Central Bank.

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

>Why people love money more than enjoying life is beyond me
>pic related

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>jealous snow nigger detected

Why are you so isolated and anti social?

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

>Don't mistake politeness for happiness
This faggot is spot on. Most gaijin perceive politeness as friendliness, too. They may be polite to your face, but they're thinking how they will cut your head off.

>There is a jewish community in Japan that privately owns the Japanese Central Bank.
This is one of the most understated acts of heroicism in modern history. One young man, with just one blade, single-handedly saved Japan from the same fate the USSR, China, and now even some Western nations have had to suffer through.
Here, we pay homage to the young man who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep his country out of the brutal grip of Communist tyranny. Bury it deep, Yamaguchi.

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that dude in Himegoto

>Huge earth quake, collapsing buildings and destroyed infrastructure
>every civilized country on the planet offers to help
>nippons be like, thank you gaijin, but we got this, it's a bad one sure, but we know how to deal with this
Yeah, what a shithole. Those Japs need to learn to take gibs like all other brown people!

It's worse


>we know how to deal with this
>by coercing our lower class into working 200 overtime hours per month with no extra pay, ho ho ho ho

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This but Japanese gov took 4 days to start helping after Kobe. And still covering up Fukushima nuke meltdown. It was the people, mostly retired older folks with time (no work) that got together and helped fellow citizens.

Maybe if Tepco hadn't been too greedy to properly modernize and secure that reactor, there would be no need for noble old guys to clean up anything to begin with.


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Not for long, doesn’t matter who we think controls the federal reserve and global banking Trump is taking back the control from ((them)) who ever ((they))are.
>Trump poised to take control of the Federal Reserve

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Absolutely based.

>he didn't get the memo
Only white ethnostates are good. Yellow insectoids need cultural enrichment in order to have at least a semblance of a soul

What!? Utility company with government protected monopoly being greedy this can’t be /s

>cultural enrichment in order to have at least a semblance of a soul
LMAO sure thing bud
>pic related “cultural enrichment”

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I didnt said that was a good thing
But unlike the insectoids these degenerates have souls.
You know how it is, theyre not part of the creation, we should have taken the opportunity and nuked the entire continent

Dude on far right is Felix from Re:Zero
Hideri from Blend S

>tfw my OP from a couple of weeks ago got saved and reposted
Flattered t b h. Bury it deep, Yamaguchi.

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Yup I saved it and tone downed the hook nose for mass consumption. “Communist bankers” anons can read between the lines.