Not taking showers is red pilled. Stop falling for the Jew Soap scam

Thats right, using chemicals like soap, body wash, shampoo and deoderant actually HARMS your body by destroying your natural microbiome! This brave woman has gone a month without using any of those jew products and is better in every way.

Do you still use Jew beauty products like soap, deodarant and shampoo?

Attached: fdhdfh.jpg (664x314, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I know someone who believes him. Everyone hates him cause he smells awful.

>hating someone for how they smell
>not hating all niggers for same reason
Fucking liberals

He probably doesn't do anything at all for his skin, this lady began using a natural bacterium spray as an alternative to soap and water. This is much healthier for your body.

Its time to ditch soap, shampoo and deoderant!

Attached: aobm.jpg (561x419, 42K)

that smell of yeasty pissy shitcunt. I want waffles now

I'm too oily and sweaty not to shower

Proof Liberalism’s whole foundation is white guilt

It's not saying not to shower, it's saying not to use soap n shit.

This lady says she apparently somehow grew a colony of bacteria that is commonly found on horses on her skin which is actually very good for you.

Attached: 35353.jpg (755x371, 71K)

My 7th grade biology teacher believed this.

I had to hold back the vomit every time I walked into that class room. He would get mad when kids made fun of his stench.

The japs actually don't use deoderant either. But if they start smelling they go to a sink use a body wipe or something. Done. I barely used soap and deoderant anymore, just wash yourself.

>I’m too [nonwhite] to shower...

Twice daily, nigger.

That's why you use pic related to wash, and not all those shitty 100% chemical shower gels.
People used Marseille's soap for everything, body, hair, and even brushing their teeth.

Attached: savon-de-marseille.jpg (678x381, 51K)

I knew a a woman who was a compulsive overwasher. Like she would constantly bath and so on like it's crack to her. Ate her pussy out once and later felt like something was growing in my stomach to the point of having gag reflexes. All that false fashing got rid of her natural bacteria and she turned sour in the vagina. True story.

120% this.
A shame it comes from an algerian colony.

Doesn't make a damned difference you stupid baguette. You still destroy the bacteria.

Don't use anti-bacterial soap, but regular bar soap is fine and you need it to get dirt and grime off your body. The problems are antibacterial chemicals, and parabens used in liquid soaps and shampoos. Just buy old school bar soap like everyone used a hundred years ago.

I only shower like once every week, that includes even when I gym. I've got a gf, friends and no problems with B.O or anything else.

What do you do against swamp ass?

soap was invented by germanic tribes you fat retard.

Then why did Nazis turn Jews into soap?

You only get swamp ass if you wax/shave your ass like a fag.

For washing clothes though.

Haven't used soap nor shampoo for years. Wash with water, then apply a bit of baking soda in armpits. Keeps the smell away for DAYS. Commercial deodorants give out after just a few hours.

It is a 100% natural soap that has been used for 700 years for everything, including washing clothes and floors, and guess what? It doesn't have any allergizing or bactericide propriety. it is the ultimate cleaning cleaning product, with only qualities and zero downsides.

I want that but I've heard your body needs weeks to adapt to that and I don't want to walk around stinking.
I once tried to replace hair shampoo with a mix from coconut oil, apple vinegar, natural soap and citrus juice. My hair looked very oily. I couldn't walk around like that

Do you own stock in savon de marseille or something? Jesus man.

I know it's good soap that's not the point I was making.

>used for 700 years
French have been cucked for what, 1600 years?

these threads are always eye opening to who you're posting with

I use natural soap, natural toothpaste and natural deodorant....all obtained from trees.

You said it kills bacterias, I'm telling you it doesnt. It's a simple fact that you can easily look up on the internet. There is no downsides to using it.

One of the functions of hair is to retain smells, and it does that very well, so it just needs to be removed, say from armpits.

ordered a load of these products yesterday, they're paraben free. That means no estrogen.

Attached: iuJQGGQ9FF.jpg (450x318, 92K)

>Thanks to its hypoallergenic and bactericidal (kills bacteria) properties, Savon de Marseille is highly recommended by dermatologists for sensitive skin.
Fucking baguettes don't even know one of their flagship products and you're wondering why you're country's falling apart.

Makes sense, most of your population was obtained from trees too.

Attached: baboon.jpg (1066x800, 275K)

I use organic soap and deodorant I buy from downtown.

never use that 'anti-bacterial' soap, it ruins your natural balance and even disrupts your hormones

then you wonder why your girls mature ealry and boys are low test sissies

Attached: K60260jKh8PM.png (1076x746, 198K)

I don't know any monkeys that have patents on the process of extracting the treasures of nature.

I have 3,


Why the fuck would anyone take your advice?

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Asians also barely if at all have any sweat glands. That's why they do not need to wash themselves as often. Caucasians have more and niggers the most.

way to ruin a joke, I was making fun of how many black people there are in Brazil...What patents do you have?

Not true I've never shaved my ass in my life and I get swamp ass like a motherfucker. My ass is extremely hairy though

water only.
for years.

Yes because mainly I like having sex and not smelling like a nigger.

With how many chemicals we already ingest through food I dont really see a reason to care. The kikes just want us to get used to the smell of shitskins so they can import more of them. Not washing with soap is actually helping the jew you dumb twats.

Stupid goy. Just checked the coffein shampoo. It has microplasti in it, which ruins the fucking oceans as it's eaten as plankton and allergenic and immunsystem attacking Methylisothiazolinon. It's also parfumed which is a combination of unknow, mostly allergenic ingredients.

Just use a fucking bar soap made of natural fats.

Stopped using soap a few months ago, use minimal shampoo about once a week. Honestly soaping your entire body up in the shower is pointless unless you have physical dirt stuck to your skin. Water will get rid of anything that causes odor without washing away the good bacteria along with it, which in turn causes the bad bacteria to grow back in greater numbers.

Your body over-produces oil because you keep washing it off. It will regulate itself if you stop fucking with your natural balances so much. Just do it gradually. Start with 5 showers a week, then 4, then 2 and so on.

Processes to extract natural from plant matter.

One is for a soap which is appropriate for clothing, body and dishes. A product similar to "campsuds"

One is for a "toothpaste" using 3 amazonian plants.

The last is for a natural antiperspirant which contains no aluminium.

I am from German and Italian stock, which would explain why I got off my ass and created something and my lack of humor.

>tfw I haven't used deoderant in at least a year
I'm still a virgin

>Just use a fucking bar soap made of natural fats

>not making your own soap in the current year

Attached: MCkHL.jpg (486x423, 44K)

This. These dirty fucks need to make a left and park at r9k/

People buying shit like the bong, are usually too low IQ to make it themselves. I'm currently aging a good batch of olive oil soap. Will prolly last me tilll india is a superpower.

This a real roundabout psyop to make the men here unfuckable.
Why are they putting so much energy into this? Are Jews this fucking bored oh my god. I’m gonna just say that OP is trust fund antifa kike

Just shower in cool to warm water and only use soap on pits, feet and crotch. Keeps good oils on your skin and you don't smell like BO.

You underestimate how much woman are sensitive to smell. And by that I mean, can get turned on by your smell if you are compatible. My ex used to ask me not to shower as she enjoyed my smell a lot.

>my lack of humor
It certainly does.

>is pointless unless you have physical dirt stuck to your skin.
You can also use a natural abrasive like sand, salt etc. Just mix some natural soap with salt and you get something that exfoliates well. Or you can just go out in nature and find a good course rock, pumice is good but there are plenty other that will do.

Works good on though spots on the sink, oven too. Cooking salt is cheap af anyway and you don't have to use strong detergents.

very difficult to get a discussion going on Jow Forums with a flag like mine without a monkey reference.

but I still refuse to use a meme flag.

I've been switching to Marseille soap too. It's cheap as hell which is always a plus.

i can see not showering for a week if it feels pointless for x y and z
but no deodorant in the summer? go fuck yourself frenchie

The good microbes are found in soil. All you need to do is regularly do something in the soil like gardening without gloves etc, and you'll get benefits without forgoing showering at all.

You can also do what the wealthy Romans did and rub yourself with olive oil while washing instead of using soap. Oil breaks down dirt but doesn't harm bacteria.

Just go into a restroom and wash your armpits.

But if that's to hard i guess you can just continue putting aluminium and other shit under you're armpits. Its not like the skin there is very thin and you get drunk if you put a cotton wad with ethanol there.

Bunch a stinky boys in this thread.

And I get called a nigger everyday Hans-Giuseppe Silva, it's still good to laugh

Dry showers are the best.. When you are dirty and stinky just rub your arm with your hand and the friction will remove the dirt

>Hans-Giuseppe Silva

HAHAHAHA that gave me a good chuckle.
Funny enough I went to school with a dude from South Africa...the most common question he was asked: "why aren't you black?"

People are fucking stupid.

please don't do this Jow Forums

only usihng baking soda for my hair , nothing else.

I only use shampoo and conditioner for my hair and I take long hot showers. If i am in a situation where I get extremely dirty I will use soap and bath wash.
Look I am a dude and for the past decade plus I havent used soap. I have sex, and except on a long day in the hot sun working nobody tells me I smell. Hell my sister tries to insult me every which way she can thats how i know i dont smell. Only after a days events where one worked in the hot sun will she be like you smell like shit but that changes after a shower. Also I am healthy as fuck at the age 28 and everyone else I know is constantly sick

I agree

this works but causes hair to fall out. Go to the sauna 3x a week for clean hair.

Wont this cause cracking of skin

Do not use anything on hair, not even shampoo. Only a drop of soap every couple of days

Apple Cider Vinegar is good
>Not a jewish chemical or carcinogen
>PH of 4.5, which hair likes
>Acts as a conditioner

>not all those shitty 100% chemical shower gels.
as opposed to what? liquid/solid soap is exactly the same thing just one uses sodium the other potassium. Why is one 100% natural/organic just like grandma made it at home and the other is corporate poison?

Dr. Bronners for everything. Wash hair, pits and bits.

If found easy and cheap, yeah, thing is your hair will need it if u use it constantly and will get weak if you stop using it, so for the best just don't do anything

This will just leave your skin oily as the water won't be able to rinse away the oil effectively

That's only because they don't eat nearly as much garbage and sugary shit that the west does.

Use lye soap. Solved all my skin issues. Grandma's soap.

Not exactly burger. It's because asians have vastly less sweat glands. Blacks are different too (they have a distinct scent to most whites) and to asians, whites smell like milk.

>Your body over-produces oil because you keep washing it off
This is a myth.

Okie Dokie smelly fag.

where are the proofs :DDD

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Our bodies also begin to stink and get greasy because of all the toxic fake food we eat, literally overflowing with garbage. We sweat it out and bacteria feed from the rottenness emitting pores, resulting in nasty odor.

I use only simple cheap bars of soap. I have a little BO if I've been exercising, but other than that I've saved a fortune and smell neutral. My skin is a lot better too.

Everything is 100% chemicals dumbass

No it's not. I've experimented with this myself.

He obviously means synthesized chemicals, don't be obtuse.

>(((Dr. Bronners)))

Is olive oil soap OK? I mostly use only warm water but sometimes pure olive oil soap for body and for hair I need soap or shampoo every day, otherwise it gets very greasy.

Attached: oliveoilsoap.jpg (500x500, 30K)

you should try washing yourself with steel wool. It took a little time to get used to but I smell better and my skin is damn near perfect now.

why would nazis want to wash themselves with soap made from people they considered vermin?

caustic soda + fat and no more juice for the ... :)

I used to believe stuff like this and it's true that deodorant and soap are overused but I feel so tremendously better using some regular bar soap everyday... If you sat around all day and didn't sweat much you can probably get away with just using warm water but if you have any kind of dirt on you that won't be enough lol. There's nothing worse than getting out of the shower and rubbing your arm with the towel and finding a whole layer of rolled grime you failed to get off in the shower. Using just hot water and scrubbing hard enough to remove all dirt will irritate your skin worse than soap lol.

I don't use deodorant because the more you use it the more you need it but if I got some kind of customer-facing job I would. If you do have circumstances that necessitate deodorant it's probably a good idea to not wear it on weekends and work out or something to make sure you sweat and the waste there can be excreted. Deodorant just plugs your shit up it doesn't neutralize the smell or anything like that.

Any kind of traditional bar soap is fine, olive oil soaps are meant to be more luxurious. The Marseilles soap mentioned earlier in the thread is mostly olive oil based. Soap is produced by combining a strong base and an oil, like Palmolive soap is named for the the two oils that were at least originally used in it. The classic Ivory soap is made from beef tallow. There are all kinds of weird shit they make soap out of like pine tar and camel milk with all kinds of shit about how they're gentler or hormonally neutral but even regular bars sold in wal mart and dollar stores are still a relatively natural product that hasn't changed in a century. I haven't researched what goes into "body washes" really but they tend to have longer ingredient lists..

Never worked for me.

You're supposed to shower with baking soda.

Also helps to use better water like use a carbon/.charcoal filter with when using city water or use rain water.

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Probably. Stop using shampoo though. Reduce the frequency (every other day, every third day) until you've weaned off of it.

I don't use soap or shampoo because I don't like the way it smells.

I do shower twice a day though.

>Fucking baguettes

What do you think you are?

You are just a province that should be reintegrated into France.

This goy gets it. Next at 11: Why pork is the worst food you could possibly eat.