Other urls found in this thread:
>implying infowars has done the Trump campaign any good
>humble water filter salesman censored by draconian corporate bullies.jpg
The boomer fire rises. You don't wanna piss them off and they dun pissed em off
Good. Silence the retards and the only far right voices left will be the intellectuals using facts and making good points, thus bringing more former-lefties to the other side.
>sorry mr. Jones, but you will not join the singularity...
YouTube and Facebook-
>Durr if they repeal net neutrality private corps can censor you and censorship is bad
Typical leftist hypocrisy.
>break rules repeatedly on privately owned website
>expect not to get banned
Right-wingers are so fucking retarded that they can't even comprehend capitalism.
They get 10million listeners a week in full support of Trump, of course they have.
looks like thefaggot got the message with his company tanking and is going with the program in shutting down AJ
They label themselves at a utility
Show videos from other news sites
Looks who's the fascist now
And all you get is. 05 cents
Alex Jones is a nut, but I have such fond memories from college, watching him rant on Austin public access TV while drinking and smoking and having a giggle. Hilarious how far he has come.
>sign up for a website
>accept the terms of service
>break terms of service
>cry when you're banned for it
Fuck off you retarded mongoloid.
Ahhh capitalism bites the promoter of capitalism.
>give power to private companies he said
>Communism bad he said
>capitalism good he said
>use popular private companies of best competition for maximum coverage and advertising
>corporation cancels you, because not needed any longer to generate cash
Except Twatter, YouTube, and Fagbook get called before Congress every other week because they do this shit on a whim and don't give a rats ass about their rules. Fuck off, Cenk.
They're enforcing them. Suck it up bitch.
More like "change the TOS/apply them in specific targeted cases" you fucking nigger
>sign up for a website
>accept the terms of service
>website changes terms of service
>delete few videos breaking the service
>website changes terms of service
>delete few videos breaking the service
>website changes terms of service
>delete few videos breaking the service, miss one
>banned, shitlord
Did he break rules or (((break rules))) if AJ can get the boot for saying dumb shit then expect every independent youtuber to get shut down eventually. Obviously that's the plan but its not a good thing.
Show proof nigger.
>soros drops his stock because Facebook won’t crack down on infowars
>Facebook stock drops like a rock 16 billion btfo
>ban infowars the next day
>Alex Jones joins singularity
>identified as rogue code
>spends rest of eternity fighting the tyranny of the antivirus software
Cyberpunk near-future miniseries when
I asked a question faggot don't flatter yourself
ReadNo rules are broken, they change them daily as they wish and you're just being intentionally dense.
You are retarded if you don't make backups of your videos. Even if a site is a simple uploading service, they can any day delete your videos, those aren't your disks on which you upload your videos. Only safe disk is your own disk. Cloud bullshit is retarded, i mean it's retarded people trust the cloud with their data. But Americans will say to trust even your ISP, so fucking dumb you are, after all you wanted net neutrality dead.
He's controlled op, so it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but he was booted on strikes from past videos after they changed the ToS. thats pretty greasy, no matter who did it.
Is this supposed to be payback for Dan “get in the van” Harmon?
>I was only pretending to be retarded
'conspiracy theories'
as opposed to what? russians are hacking everything? yea ok
am I supposed to give a shit about AJ? Dude uses YouTube because he can not because he has to. boomers actually go to peoples websites and that's his audience.
Know your audience when trolling or posting pasta or whatever dumb shit that is.
Facebook needs to pick a lane before the idea thieving faggot on top losses another 16 billion.
>holocaust realism ok
Lose money
>ok not ok
>losses more users and money
Just go back to a place with pages that shit on emos. That's what made you successful...
You don't think Russia tries to undermine the west but you believe Alex Jones?
>become content publisher
>now liable for stuff posted on your website
His name is Bill Hicks... idiots
Can't stop the signal!
Controlled opposition... Alex Jones wife ex wife his kids and all his major sponsors are Jewish...don't be naive
..the jpg. Applies to all arenas in where causing divisiveness among the nations is beneficial for the Jew.
Can't wait to start killing all of you. I don't care how white you are, you are all dead.
HAhahah you fucking faggot can't do shit, have fun in your trailer park you white trash moron! Bahaha, kill yoursefl
HAhahah you fucking faggot can't do shit, have fun in your trailer park you white trash moron! Bahaha, kill yourself
But it looks like Jones was right about the paedophiles.
Hillary is going to run again. Only this time it will be fair
Imagine believing this
Believing what? You're the dumbest of the dumb on Jow Forums. The pathetic fool that doesn't recognize Jones as parody and gets so triggered people don't believe him he threatens violence between a keyboard. You are worthless white trash and the world is better off without you or your whole family.
t. Riggerered
Censorship will backfire
>d Jews r silencing teh jews because I r smrt
This should mean war. They are censoring a very moderate person now.
Are you retarded or just a shill?
This is excellent, they are confirming what he has been saying for years, but i guess the left is never tired of waking up the giant more and more, enjoy
bot spotted
This is a slippery slope that ends with only one final solution.
A massive truck bomb into the offices of Facebook and Google.
I'm not advocating for it, I'm merely pointing out that it's an inevitability if these fucking dipshit liberal companies continue to infringe upon the rights of free Americans.
You're retarded god fucking damnit you're a stupid fuck, if they can censor just ONE they can then censor anyone, they are not excluding your 'intelligent" (actually on the payroll) hosts, they are just coming for them last
When the fuck was it ever a good idea to abolish freedom of speech in history?
Alex if you're reading this, you're a god keep it up
For a supposedly crazy conspiracy theorist he is always right.
Break what rule? Seriously? Ill wait, you got nothing its all fake new
>inb4 hur dur sandy hook
Tonight show with stephen colbert fake news dont count ok bro
Except what youre describing is coorporatism which is exactly what a nation becomes without the constitution that you commie scum want to repeal
the writing is on the wall... facebook will go the way of myspace within the next 1-2 years...
and alex jones? he will have his own national tv channel once trump's investigation into facebook and twitter's soon-to-be-illegal censorship takes ooff and facebook is forced to compensate content producers like alex jones to the tune of billions of dollars for the revenue they cost them and the bad will generated.
>The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.
>hurr durr something about Bongs and licenses
You're delusional, and i can tell you're a proud fat womyn who don need no myn
Get off this website and get conseling
At least he filmed inside of bohemian grove. Wasn't always COMPED
it isn't too late to pull the plug on big-tech
>none of their plans work without electricity, and seeing how ungrateful they're being to the very people that gave them the advent of electricity; they should be deprived of every element
>imagine how powerless the powerful will be without power
>this isn't about Alex Jones. it's about the gradualism/incrementalism being used as a tool to produce death by 1000 cuts
>Censorship will backfire
It always does.
They just took out the gate keeper to the jq.
I'm guessing they think Peterson and Shapiro and Rogan can fill the vaccume
LOL still upset that pedo Rick is going to be cancelled because of people from here? Womp womp
AJ showed practically the whole "Daryl" video during one of his shows. I wasn't expecting it and its the only time I saw it. Is that what triggered the censorship?
>Facebook's stock loses $100,000,000,000..........
>believe lies from democratic party where its clear story is bogus
Yea I would believe jones over (((media))) in current year.
Lol im working in my own private office in nyc right now. Window view but im white trash gwui!
I've got the infowars app on my phone so I never miss the action
Projection of his own failures.
the whole point of allowing that stuff in the first place was so that the NSA et all could track the retards who follow it from their personal facebook
it's funny how the libshits can't even understand that and just get triggered though
Infowars is controlled opposition. Infowars is the reason people ask me if I believe in stupid bullshit like plane holograms and sound weapons when I tell them Mossad did 9/11. This is unironically a good thing.
We made the mistake of not banning every Nazi during the election but with all your idols being silenced by media giants, the blue wave is guaranteed.
And you the best part is that Youtube is too big to fail.
There is literally nothing you can do to even inconvenience them and once they realize this, its only a matter of time before every other Nazi gets silenced as well.
Wtf I love unions now
Trumps going to declare martial law with open season on you cucks
>If i cover my ears and close my eyes all my problems will go away
Kys pedo guy
Nope the not, Trump will win again and Rick and Morty will be cancelled. #seething LOL sweetie :^)
To be clear, I am aware that sound weapons exist but they had no part in 9/11.
>Muh Rick and Morty
Sweetie. We have EVERYTHING on our side. Every major media outlet, every social media website, Hollywood, and most of the population. What do we care about 1 cartoon? And btw, it won't get cancelled because the sponsors are on our side as well :)))
Those aren't the actions of platforms..........
This act will prove Jones was right
>A guy says a thing
>"Hey that guy's a Nazi!"
>Everyone goes apeshit then realises he's not a nazi
>Another guy says a thing
>"Hey! That guy's -definitely- a nazi!"
>Everyone goes apeshit then realises he's not a nazi either
>A literal nazi says a thing
>"Holy shit a literal nazi!"
>Everyone ignores the person screeching 'nazi' and instead lets the guy roam free and spread his ideology
Every time you falsely label a nazi, you weaken the term and make sure that people will ignore you in the future. Then when the real nazis show up no one will be around to help you get rid of them because 'nazi' stopped meaning anything years ago after gross over-usage of the term.
Use it with care.
New rule, you're not allowed to blame right wingers for anything, doing so is hate speech on this board and you will be banned forever.
Fair as in the disinformation will flow unabated again.
LOL you basically just admitted you will be seething IF the show is cancelled. Last night it was uncovered he said the n-word shitloads of times on MySpace, so good luck getting the radical anti-whites on your side on this issue. It doesn’t look good for poor old Pickle Rick honestly, but who knows how this will play it. By the way it’s funny that you are proud that all the rich greedy corporations are on your side, I guess for women it’s a sexual thing, they look at the nanny-state as the powerful strong husband they can’t get.
Children repeat things without having any idea of meaning or context.
Can you imagine if actual Nazis showed up to this kids door?
You’d wish it were just 2018 alt-righty trolls and edgy fucks.
What’s even funnier to me is you will continue to push the country farther and farther right lol keep it up dummy.
That's no way to treat controlled opposition. Unless...
Censorship is bad but anyone complaining about Alex Jones is stupid. He gate keeped red pills because the first person anyone finds when doing inquiry is funnelled into his insanity. People get turned off and think he's representative of "conspiracies". He's a fucking faggot and wouldn't be surprised if he's a paid asset he's that bad and so effective at ruining the rights image. If not - say thanks it's a blessing in disguise.
>proud of rich greedy corporations
It’s almost like there’s some kind of sponsored fucking agenda isn’t there? These left wing fucktards are 10x worse than the Bushies in the 00s - I thought that was bad. You guys are straight snake oil salesman for some really shitty corps and people.
And when people who would otherwise be on the fence and/or vote for you realize that YOU are the Nazis by forcibly silencing free speech?
Good luck winning on that platform.
capitalism is not synonymous with the Republic. Indeed, congress could legislate it to the margins, if it chose. Look about you, and see, capitalism has no nationalist tendencies and merely uses nations to forward its profit making schemes. If it sees a greater opportunity to gain profit in a different nation than the one it is profiting from, it will do so. The love of money and the Republic are at enmity with each other. That's a horse pill few can swallow.
They don't care they are not ashamed of themselves
... it’s part of the illusion he is not controlled opposition
can someone explain to my dumb ass why this isn't against the law? i get that they are private companies, yadda yadda, but wouldn't it be better to not censor anything so normal folks can make up their own minds without being forced into what they can and can't hear? i would disagree with most of what AJ says, but i'm totally against censoring his content/views.
That's because you are intellectually honest. There has to be an equal protection argument to service, akin to the government prohibition of whites only restaraunts. Just need the right court case to make it to SCOTUS