Can this man do anything wrong??? rolling for Salvini
Based tomato man
one digit off
“Populist Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has ordered that benefits for asylum seekers be substantially reduced, saying the money saved will be given to police working overtime shifts instead”
as a Catholic, it hurts like hell that the current occupants of the Church are such traitors, liars, and greedy fools. we should have known when francis defended his pedophile priests. they’ve destroyed the reputation of the greatest historical institution, and now, when finally somebody is standing up for Christdom and the Church, he’s shit on by these faggots. Fuck them. They aren’t Catholic, Christian, or even European. Francis and his cronies are snakes that deserve the rope for treason.
just look at them standing by in Spain while the greatest champion of Christianity of the 20th century - Franco - who literally stopped massacres of Christians and clergy and restored respect for the Church - is trashed by the Soros-slave Trudeau-clone Pedro Sanchez. They’re trying to dig his body up and discard it in some shithole and the Church sits by and gives vague statements and does NOTHING. FUCK
So glad that we have based Salvini and praying that he saves both Italy and us.
bump - hopefully wasn’t shadowbanned
damn, maybe i was
based and redpilled
I know your feel.
t. Catholic, but one who will not set foot in a church for as long as evil reigns.
No you have not.
I hope the EU will fuck Italy over because of this.