McDonald's employee body-slams woman who allegedly tried to steal soda

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It's just an jungle asian among cartel escorts

this makes my dick tingle for some reason...


tfw no spicy latina thot gf

I'm loving it.

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Diversity is our strength. Embrace nigger culture.

SUCH DIVERSITY! It's beautiful!

Just another day in Drumpf’s America.

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Are Americans so hungry that they have to steal food/drinks?


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lol that asian bitch is frail and weak. I could beat that seacow's ass and not even broke a sweat.

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I think the real soda thief is the employee

>I think the real soda thief is the employee
hahahaha.. nice one Muhammed. That's probably the reason she freaked out too.

The woman stole the soda she was going to steal later on...

>Are Americans so hungry that they have to steal food/drinks?

In some areas people ask for a cup of water (you can get that free here) and then go fill it with soda.

It's petty stealing but usually no one cares.

That pic sums up America pretty well

the whole tiddy popped out.

I'd just surrender if I saw that freight train a'comin.

Intra-tribal goblin warfare.

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that little asian probably weighs as much as the fat bitch's forearm

a fat stinky arsed beaner and some type of mixed gook with a flat arse. What an abomination America has become, and it only 200 years old.

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If I saw that hamplanet coming at me, my ass would be outta the fuckin door.

Brave little jungle asian for facing that monstrosity .


If this isn't a good excuse for switching to robots and controlled refreshments, I don't know what is.

I see 0 white people, must be america

>starting a fight with a female sumo wrestler
What could possibly go wrong?

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If this was a white woman beating up a Hispanic woman there would be outrage! Let's help this chink reddit!

People are saying that they knew each other and it was personal. Remember McDonald's uses 100%. Beef in its smack downs.

Is this an orc guildhall? Or a vision of things to come....

You can beat a woman? look at your wow. So strong

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The flip girl is pretty cute and has a nice body. But she's trash, which offsets it a bit.

Chink girl mut've been doing some hienus shit becuase in any situation like this there's always some white knight retard trying to help.

She has a nice ass tho

its white big mama thornton holy shit mates

56% and dropping like a brick

Uncensored vid where?

dropping faster than she went down on that table

search mcdonalds on live leak, it's all there