Why does America do this?
Why does America do this?
Because they can, because you let them.
remember next time an amercican on Jow Forums tells us that it's our fault that we let niggers in, show him this picture; it will shut him up
Well their brainwashing hasn't worked on me, and I live here.
Americans aren't to blame for the EU being formed or the kalergi plan.
Because they love kikes so fucking much they'll gladly swallow a massive load and then shit it out where they're told.
You're a kike D&C operative working out of Israel.
Because americans are evil, they are the lapdog of the Jew.
the USA gov does all kinds of stupid shit. Why do euros refuse to take responsibility for their own actions?
:$ in progress
they are judaic golems, bred for the sole purpose of destroying europe
It's fucking kikes
You sound like a nigger blaming everyone else but yourself. It's the EU's fault, faggot.
They're mixed non white subhumans and they're jealous about our white nations so they try everything to make those white nations the same mixed brown subhumans like they are
Because it's easier to blame another country that's easily hateable instead of realizing that your own population is cucked. Why take any responsibility when you can just blame those damn Americans and their Jewish overlords?
Because lowering wages by means of diversifying populations benefits corporate interests of the US companies.
Because the deep state is run by jews and is entirely out of control.
the average american has no idea about any of this, and those that do know can't do anything about it. it isn't our government anymore.
If Europe stays white (and it is still a lot whiter than the US, even in the West) whilst America gets even more diverse, it becomes ever more likely Europe will gravitate slowly away from America
They want us browner because they know they will be
Why did you blame the USSR for everything and still hate commies then? It's easy. You should have just become stong back then, not blame the reds, lol
>their own actions
>bombs Lybia, kills Gaddafi and destabilizes the only country stopping niggers from taking boats
any Estonian bruh's here? Please don't fall for this kikery. Millennia of nature and biology has given you some of the finest, high-quality DNA known to man. Don't allow this!!!
So much this. It's like he's a boomer saying shit like "just go out and find a job, we did it, you are lazy".
Back to mowing the lawn, gramps.
Being really fair to this EU shill. there are entire grant proposals that predicate on mission directives by the American occupying forces of western europe in the immediate aftermath of WWII that make reference to the indoctrination of Europe towards openess to inter-border transit as a milestione for the marshall plan's success. They literally argue that their shitty media gimmicks promoting nigerians and afghans will further the objectives of US military directives set down in the 1940s, and therefore justify national funding.
It isn't that America has promoted the niggerification of Europe, but (((The United States))) most certainly has done.
Im American. And i am here to tell you, Resist the PC BS.
Because they were the "big bad enemy" painted by our government and media. Also the whole failing at ever being a sustainable form of government. Of course comparing a population with little access to international information to kvetching faggots with access to the world's collective knowledge is fair though.
>1 post ID
>fake image
>NATO/EU to Estonia: your Russian population are dangerous subhumans. Don't allow them to vote or have citizenship.
>Also NATO/EU to Estonia: have more black babies, and allow anyone in the world to get free citizenship online
These people have names and addresses. You know what to do.
yeah, because France and the UK begged king nigger to bomb Libya
>These people have names and addresses
Actually they're multinational organizations, but I get that you're trying to make/revive a meme.
>NATO/EU to Estonia: your Russian population are dangerous subhumans. Don't allow them to vote or have citizenship.
you greentext that as if it's an incorrect statement
jew controlled
but we're fighting back, sure wish the rest of you would join in.
Yeah, sorry about that, but your article came out during King Nigger's reign. I'd honestly like to know if this is still going on, and if so, by who in our government exactly?
Because Jews
The Senior Executive Service is the deep state.
Hang them
THe USSR lasted 1/3 as long as america is old right now. They went beyond the duration until our first civil war too. If we collapse in the next 10 years it'll be kind of difficult to defend the view that their ideology was a 'failure' and ours a 'success'.
Stage a protest outside the US embassy and call niggers every name in the book. Finish with "Yankee, go home".
There is a lot of leftist garbage in the state department left over form Obama.
The shit dates back to the marshall plan man, you have no idea how long the blanda up agenda has been in effect.
>These people have names and addresses. You know what to do.
THIS! Jow Forums is a much more functional collective force when there is a clear goal, and if they "shut it down", 100 new sites will appear by tomorrow
>today it's InfoWars being silenced, and the clock is ticking on the chanz
To undermine "them eeevul commies".
Strategic reason is they don't want Russia "russifying" Estonia.
Russians have already replaced a great deal of native Estonians and their culture.
I mean yes globalists can try to influence the decisions of EU leaders, but ultimately the decision is up to them; It's not my fault a large amount of countries practice white guilt. Also while the killing of Gaddafi was unlawful and destabilizing, he threatened to "open the flood gates" of Africans into Europe MULTIPLE times. He was also one of the biggest supporters of modern Pan-Africanism, so by no means was he a BASED NIGGER XD.
>left over form Obama
>imagining this shit began in 2008
burger, you are fucking stupid
fake and gay
>hurr durr now whenever anyone tries to say it's our own fault the politicians we voted for and the EU make us accept Muslim immigrants we can just say it's America's fault and deny any responsibility durf!
kys retard
none of it is true
>1 post by this ID
fuck off troll
Estonian bitches are hoagley
>posted 3 minutes ago
Are you for real?
The chick on the left still reminds me of Gleisi Hoffmann.
>One embassy that nobody visits showing feelgood videos of minorities hugging whites is now suddenly in charge of all border policies, immigration and socialist gibs for the entire European continent
Damn. Didn't know we had that much power.
Because it’s run by Jews
>America does something
>Europe does something
>one country and one leader stopped the entirety of a billion people from africa from immigrating to europe
>immigration from africa to europe only happened after this one guy got taken down
>the millions of economic refugees from pakistan, turkey, bangladesh and other countries all taking the balkan overland route suddenly don't exist
stupid shill
>the US embassy in Estonia that nobody visits has some pamphlets and videos with pictures of smiling black people and some platitudes about diversity
honest, non-sensationalist headlines
this ffs
that was hillary's war
sorry... jews are at it again.
Four words:
Council On Foreign Relations
We do it for the Lulz.
>Why does America do this?
Because economy needs manpower instead of smiling zig heiling nazis. Also technological advancce was a mistake. Nobody wants a society in which every faggot is supersmart motherfucker who knows what's up and what to do. They need you to shut the fuck up and work you fucking pleb but oh noooo you're here protesting daily. Go fucking work faggot.
It's the Jews. Always the Jews.
They know diversity destroys, that's why Israel is becoming an ethnostate. They are bringing the rest of the white world down so they can take over
Does anyone remember when Assange was the hero of leftists and liberals?
What a farce that was.
Dont worry, alot of us are aware of the jew here. Even if the media shills us with marxist idieology and promotes socialism, we dony buy it.
Because jews
Because Americans are basically the niggers of the world.
Sorry for the horrible typos.
God bless this great nation
The purpose of breaking down their ethnicity, tradition, and morals is to make them vulnerable to psychological warfare/conditioning. Then once they've taken the bait they are exploited for the controllers financial or political gain.
(((US GOV.)))
>Why does America do this?
Why do you have to ask this? How new are you?