Why do liberals and progressives assume white men are just going to roll over and die quietly when/if Trump is...

Why do liberals and progressives assume white men are just going to roll over and die quietly when/if Trump is impeached or voted out? Do they not realize that we will still be here, and there's nothing they can do about it without starting a civil war?
Pic may or may not be related.

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i wish you were right but you're not. white people WILL just roll over and die without even a fight. just watch. the whole reason they are in the situation they're in right now is because rolling over and dying is what they do.

Seeing all the articles about "toxic masculinity" and how being to the Right of Jeremy Corbyn is Aunnda Shoah, I feel like we will be pushed to where we have to fight back. We did so in 2016. And libs are kvetching harder every day

in 2016 like 60% of us voted for a guy that vaguely-sort-of-maybe-kind-of represented white identity politics, even though he vehemently denied being racist. pretty weak and lame rebellion dude. i'm 32 years old now. i've been saying my whole life "well, pretty soon people won't take it anymore. pretty soon they'll wake up! things are just getting more and more insane!"
well, it never happened. i've watched this country change from a white libertarian paradise to a nigged up spic-fest on the borderline of socialism and open borders revolution. most of the whites today won't even dare utter the words "this country was better when it was all white". most whites still vehemently condemn racism. white normies all took the side of antifa at charlottesville, ultimately. richard spencer is their evil monster boogeyman.

you think people are gonna wake up, but they're not. they're just gonna get slowly cooked to death in this pot. the fight was already lost by the time i was born. by the time obama was elected president there was really no more hope anymore. a nigger fucking president in the USA omfg. back when i was growing up in the 90s such a thought would be impossible.

back in the 90s even the demoncrats considered border control one of the most important issues. of course, both republicans and demoncrats were secretly opening the borders for cheap labor and globalist socialism ideals behind everyone's back. but pretty much 100% of the country wanted shitskins kept out. we didn't sign up for the immigration crisis, but it's still our own fault because elected people who sold us out behind our backs. we weren't smart enough. that's what it comes down to.

sorry bro, i'm really black-pilled about this at this point. USA was 53% white as of the 2010 census - many of those people are mixed race mutts that "identify" as white, plus there are 25 million illegals that aren't counted, plus the "white hispanics" who don't check the hispanic box.

USA is like 35% real red blooded european "white" at best, and even that is being generous. this country just doesn't belong to us anymore. walkign down the streets i see it. i still live in my home town. when i was a kid it was all white. ALL white. now it's mostly shitskins. the world is done for dude. we lost.

I will give it 2 generations

100% you will roll over and die like a bitch.

When Trump and his ilk go down bigly, you're going to lay down and put your legs in the air like the true cunts you are.

Blackpill: Whites are genetically predisposed to meek cuckold-like behaviour. Sorry but it's true.

Because right wingers are only tough on Jow Forums but in real life they are a bunch of pussies terrified of Mexicans and blacks. You will roll over and get cuck’ed like you already do. Look at all the interracial relationships. Your women have had enough. Go play video games and fap to tranny porn. You may have guns but you don’t have the balls to use them.

Several generations of children raised by single mothers will do that for you.

Fuck you, you fucking bitch.

I will go down in a goddamn blaze of fucking glory, taking out as many non-white pieces of shit as I possibly can. 10, 100, 1000?


10,000+ you fucking piece of shit.

Impeach our duly elected President, and for the safety of your own life, avoid all non-white neighborhoods. They will be rife with IEDs, automatic weapon ambushes, explosive drone attacks, car bombs, etc.

Places like Compton will turn into ash.

Niggers, spics and race-traitor whites will be hunted down in the street. Entire businesses filled with non-whites will succumb to mass shooter events, daily.

If you successfully impeach our President, you better ready you fucking dumb fucks. Mass murders will be a daily occurrence.

as America becomes less white it is polarising. if there is hope, it lies with gen z

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no whites just don't fight for no reason the way nigs and spics and mutts (like yourself, i am presuming) do.
nigs and spics fight for their "machismo" and their "honor" and because they're involved in some pack dominance struggle every day of their lives. whites aren't like that. we're above it. normally this suits us well, but in the USA and Europe we had such a high standard of living for so long, and things were just so good, that we weren't properly motivated to fight back when there was still a chance.
keep in mind, your shitskin friends can't even build a successful society to begin with, so don't even try to say "hurrrrrrrr whites failed" because it's just retarded to say when litearlly every nonwhite civilization is a massive failure, even including china and east asia.

BUT i do know that to shitskins, nigs and spics they will never understand that. they will always see someone not wanting to fight and see it as "weakness". and they'll never be able to understand why that is much of the reason the still languish in ghettos and why their lives are in total shambles. but yeah, go ahead, keep thinking it's weakness as your fucking welfare check comes in and your kids end up in prison for selling crack. whites don't give a fuck about your animalistic retarded primitive mindset about fighting and honor.

which is why they conquered almost every country.

>putting this much effort into cuckposting

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Another Jow Forums thread about a civil war coming... for the past 30 years

The Zionists are unintentionally creating a race of whites who are immune to their deceit - and are willing to fight.

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>If you successfully impeach our President, you better ready you fucking dumb fucks. Mass murders will be a daily occurrence.
i dunno what you're talking about lol, i support our president. but good luck with your 1 man genocide. i support you.
here in the USA gen Z is socially conservative, but they're mostly not white.

you wont do it faggot

It's a jewish thing. You're allowed to live under their rule while you're bred out of existance as long as you have no power and worship jews and agree to be their slave with no assets.
If you 're against this, you're an anti-semite that wants to kill 6 million jews

*When* he gets impeached, you're not going to do diddly shit except cry online and outwardly pretend you didn't even support Trump in the first place.

>US Flag

Pick one

>brings up Richard Spencer

This is a shill post.

85% of white boys and 70% of white girls would have voted for Trump. gen z would be approx 50% white. thats a heck of a lot of polarisation.

Fuck your defeatism, you little bitch.

YOU may think it's over, because you're a fucking pussy.

It is not over until there isn't one white person left on this planet, and that is NOT going to happen.

We will make our own fucking nuclear weapons if we have to, and use them to disproportionately even the odds.

If each white man takes out 20 shit-skins, we win. Assuming some will take out none, but others will take out thousands in a single attack, we've still got excellent odds.

So fuck you and you "I'm black pilled" defeatist attitude and go shove it up your little pussy.

Whiter than you Mohammed.

Gen Z will be the first generation to realize college is a scam.

That's a pretty ironic thing to say considering your people were enslaved and relentlessly bred by white masters.

Think of how many black wives disappeared into masters house each night to get fucked stupid and swallow white jizz, then returned to their husbands in the morning. Thousands upon thousands.

Fuck you, you freaking pal.

I will go down in a gosh darn blaze of freaking glory, buddy, taking out as many non-white Whipper snappers as I possibly can. 10, 100, 1000?


10,000+ you freaking poop butt

Impeach our duly elected President, and for the safety of your own life, avoid 98%of America. They will be rife with Absolutely nothing, while I’m sitting at home watching Tyrone, our bull, cream pie my wife Cindy.

Places like Compton are where we find them.

Niggers, spics and race-traitor whites all make my boi pussy drip.
Entire businesses filled with non-whites will succumb to my sexual advances.

If you successfully impeach our President, you better ready you freakig dumb fricks.

Spoken like someone who wants a .38 planted in the back of their skull...

you're so gay shitting on me. i was a white nationalist back in the fucking 90s and in the 2000s. i was on a college campus in the mid 2000s being a white nationalist and people knew all about my views. i was sounding the warning bell for a long time. nobody cared. every just labels you as the monster because it's easier for them and they get social currency for it. they just don't give a fuck. the just want to smoke pot, or drink booze, or watch fucking SNL and jon stewart (or whoever hte nigger who hosts that show now is). i'm just saying, i've been down this road. you keep thinking "some day the white man will wake up" but he fucking won't. and the majority of the reason, unfortunately, is because of the white woman, who refuses to embrace any sort of racial identity politics in a way that women of other races ARE willing to do. i have NEVER in my life dated a woman who was truly at ease with my white natioanlism. i've dated women, even outright pink-haired feminists, who TOLERATED it, but they were never fully at-ease with it. those are the facts. that's how it. whatever. you're never gonna save the white race if your own fucking women aren't on board with doing it. it just won't happen. so whatever.

it's funny i one time actually dated a fucking spic (many years ago, it was a mistake) and she was actually the MOST OK with me being a white nationalist. cuz she was like "yeah, of course you want whats best for your own people. i'm the same way". lmfao. white women don't have that part of them though.

See? Spoken like a faggot. Can't even create his own words, has to take mine and dress them up with his faggot liberal nonsense.

I can't wait to see dead faggots like you littered across American in the wake up the uprising.

As the race that created 99% of the torture in this world, your hubris will be your downfall, you fucking nigger.

Most autistic post of 2018. Jesus Christ. No wonder white dominance is coming to an end.

Forgot your picture. Such an edgy post, still in shock.

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Says the guy projecting his own video game and tranny porn habits onto others.

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot.

Some of us are ready and willing to die for a cause that our ancestors fought for as well.

As hard as that may be to comprehend in your weak feeble mind, it is a fact.

You liberals love hating facts and pretend they don't exist. Fine. Hubris will be your downfall you fucking faggot.

Nice projection you fucking nigger kike faggot.

Fucking, Jesus Christ! It’s like teasing the special ed kids back in elementary. Hit me harder, Timmy. Hold on to your fedora and let er rip buddy!

You're a cringy fucking faggot.

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Yup, nigger confirmed.

Timestamp and hand or mutt.

This. They are pushing the "children are bad goy" meme so much that in a few years the only whites making children will be ultra-nationalists, which will lead to a political imbalance and it will indeed result in a civil war.

Cuban nigger. Cream inside big booty white women on the regular in my suburban community. Moms, tinder sluts, you name it, Hoping to get one knocked up and then I’ll split.

maybe they're counting on those 45% that didn't vote

pic unrelated

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Where do you live? I’d love to come fight you and then seduce your mommy.

I'd cross the border to fight alongside patriots like you. They won't find safe heaven in Canada

Yup, another non-white piece of shit who doesn't deserve to live into the 22nd Century.

Imagine my shock.

Don’t be mad

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Thank you.

There are millions like us. MILLIONS.

It doesn't seem that way because shit skin Cuban niggers try to convince you that we're cucks and other stupid non-white anti-white bullshit propaganda.

Truth be told, I'd fillet that fucking nigger alive, and pour grape juice all over him and let the crows have at him. I'd probably put him out of his misery sooner than letting the birds rip his flesh off his body, because he'd be screaming like such a little bitch, I'd get tired of the noise. I'd just jam a nail through his eye.

>try to convince
Lol. It’s a fact, buddy. White women will always prefer us. Even if they end up marrying you, they will cheat or experiment before locking you in for their financial benefit. They will always fantasize about dark skinned cock. It’s just nature. You’re mad because you know it’s true.

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I’d rather get shot than cuck’d Any fucking day lol Living with that humiliation wouldn’t be living at all

Also I have a confession to make. I’m actially white white a huge bull fantasy. I let my wife get fucked by Cubans lol she loves it. So fucking hot! Lol!

Typical nigger. Making up things, then proclaiming them as fact.

Holy fuck, you are ALL sub-human. You're not even the same species as me, you fucking nigger.

THESE are the facts, you fucking nigger.

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cry more liver lips

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Sure thing, you fucking nigger.

In fact, you're probably a paid kike working for the JIDF and you're trying to slide this shit.

Either way, I can't wait to murder faggots like you in the coming wars.

>ok Cupid ratings
Lol! Solid facts there, fedora.
God you’re so fucking cringy. Living up to the typical autistic mass shooter stereo type. Yikes. Enjoy your lonely life while I keep fucking white women. As many as I can ;)

>assuming all white men support Traitor Trump
>assuming we care what you think
>assuming all your bullshit about "muh blood in the streetz" scares anyone
>assuming you won't sit the fuck down and shut up if Trump is impeached
>assuming Law Enforcement won't waste you if you attempt political violence

Would literally suck pic related dry. Love big guns on a man.

>Also I have a confession to make. I’m actially white white a huge bull fantasy. I let my wife get fucked by Cubans lol she loves it. So fucking hot! Lol!
>God you’re so fucking cringy. Living up to the typical autistic mass shooter stereo type. Yikes. Enjoy your lonely life while I keep fucking white women. As many as I can ;)
ok virgin

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Nope. Blacks are definitely the same species as everyone else, unless you think they can’t breed with the other races?

>I will go down in a goddamn blaze of fucking glory, taking out as many non-white pieces of shit as I possibly can. 10, 100, 1000?
Good. Then you give Law Enforcement an excuse to eliminate your racist ass from the gene pool for good.

>leftycucks with """guns"""

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Finally a thread talking about some action instead of constant narration and spectulating about our own invasion.

inb4 "FBI"

pic related is me in this thread :3

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>Spoken like someone who wants a .38 planted in the back of their skull...
Spoken like a fat tendie-eating fuck who has never seen combat, and has no clue that SWAT will fuck you up just for saying that.

Race Realist

There's a difference.

Being realistic about certain races having better qualities over others doesn't = racism. It = common fucking sense.

No, they are not. Just because they can interbreed, doesn't make us "the same".

A terrier is not the same as a pitbull.

Sure, they could have puppies, but no one in their right fucking mind would compare the behavior or physical attributes as being even remotely similar.

>Race Realist

If you will kill a human being you don't know merely for the color of their skin, I honestly hope you do something stupid someday to give a CCW or LEO the chance to remove you from the gene pool forever, terrorist. You're no better than a goatfucking ISIS sandnigger.

I struggle with understanding how much of this is conscious misrepresentation versus their earnest appreciation of the situation

Stop feeding it (You)'s brainlet

Said the brainwashed cucked multi-culturism worshipping faggot from Norway, one of the biggest cucked multi-cultural hell holes in all of Europe.

Sure thing, you fucking cucked bitch.

>Law Enforcement
I'll bet you get a not-so-secret thrill from imagining what big, strong men with uniforms and big guns would do.

The rub is that your average white has enough money to live in relative comfort vs. starvation. As long as every member of the Jewish and White Elite is against white identity for Plebs, there will be no white identity for Plebs allowed.

There is a major rub coming with the White Demographic Collapse of 2030 to 2060: The Darkies will become brave enough to openly and honestly kill white people for their money and for the sake of revenge. The Darkies will not care about white Ally's. They will take whatever they want from those people too. Darkies need high numbers to feel brave enough to fight war though. I don't expect them to strike before they have around a 10 to 1 advantage. (Most Darkies are slave laborers, not hardcore soldiers.) If you want a different outcome, teach people about how (((Central Banking))) controls everything. That is the first step. The second step is to remove the anti white Masters from all positions of power. Get busy. You have up to 12 years before you won't have the numbers to vote your problems away. Remember that the Elite Jews and White Good Goyim are the most powerful enemies of the white working class. Focus on Jews first and White Good Goyim second.

>thinks a guy who can't spell is the savior of the white race
you prolly deserve to die desu

>i've watched this country change from a white libertarian paradise
This place hasn't been libertarian since Coolidge

>teach people about how (((Central Banking))) controls everything. That is the first step

That Hitler did this on a national scale was why the Zionists destroyed Germany.

There aren't enough SWAT in the world, buddy. And most of them are white

Hopefully pic related

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Are you sure about that? Whites will endure a lot of abuse, until we don't. Pic related

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>Checked. And heiled.

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Again, I'll consider taking advice from a Norwegian the day your country decides to stop being a bunch of Islam-cucked faggots who bend over backwards to virtue signal for people who fucking hate you.

Wow, you liberals are fucking retarded and delusional.

Thank god I'm not a liberal and I actually live in reality.

You won't do shit, faggot. Maybe a handful of you faggots will become some shitty domestic terror group that gets rekt by the cops, that's it. Now die quietly, your time is done.

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Now THIS is cringe-posting!

Can't wait to enjoy murdering sandniggers like you, just like how I enjoy buying my eggs...

By the dozen.

Lol kike.

This comes to mind.

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Enjoy your larping.

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yes, fuck with us some more. really. do it.

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>Now die quietly, your time is done
The perfect epitaph for Britain.

But not for the rest of us.

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>Can't even say nigger out loud in public
Your time is done.

We most certainly can, and if you weren't dying on a bankrupt rock flooded with raping, acid-throwing immigrants you'd hear we often do.

Your wife is fucking ugly so it doesnt matter.

Question is, why did the greatest generation roll over for their wives and give them so much power?

kike/nigger/paki/cuck alert.

Wow, what a heartfelt demoralizing post. You are either a cuck or a kike. Probably both.

>sAD in ID
KEK is just outing you fuckers left and right lately. Sad!

>You are either a cuck or a kike
Those are synonyms.

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