Why do liberals and progressives assume white men are just going to roll over and die quietly when/if Trump is...

Why do liberals and progressives assume white men are just going to roll over and die quietly when/if Trump is impeached or voted out? Do they not realize that we will still be here, and there's nothing they can do about it without starting a civil war?
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i wish you were right but you're not. white people WILL just roll over and die without even a fight. just watch. the whole reason they are in the situation they're in right now is because rolling over and dying is what they do.

Seeing all the articles about "toxic masculinity" and how being to the Right of Jeremy Corbyn is Aunnda Shoah, I feel like we will be pushed to where we have to fight back. We did so in 2016. And libs are kvetching harder every day

in 2016 like 60% of us voted for a guy that vaguely-sort-of-maybe-kind-of represented white identity politics, even though he vehemently denied being racist. pretty weak and lame rebellion dude. i'm 32 years old now. i've been saying my whole life "well, pretty soon people won't take it anymore. pretty soon they'll wake up! things are just getting more and more insane!"
well, it never happened. i've watched this country change from a white libertarian paradise to a nigged up spic-fest on the borderline of socialism and open borders revolution. most of the whites today won't even dare utter the words "this country was better when it was all white". most whites still vehemently condemn racism. white normies all took the side of antifa at charlottesville, ultimately. richard spencer is their evil monster boogeyman.

you think people are gonna wake up, but they're not. they're just gonna get slowly cooked to death in this pot. the fight was already lost by the time i was born. by the time obama was elected president there was really no more hope anymore. a nigger fucking president in the USA omfg. back when i was growing up in the 90s such a thought would be impossible.

back in the 90s even the demoncrats considered border control one of the most important issues. of course, both republicans and demoncrats were secretly opening the borders for cheap labor and globalist socialism ideals behind everyone's back. but pretty much 100% of the country wanted shitskins kept out. we didn't sign up for the immigration crisis, but it's still our own fault because elected people who sold us out behind our backs. we weren't smart enough. that's what it comes down to.

sorry bro, i'm really black-pilled about this at this point. USA was 53% white as of the 2010 census - many of those people are mixed race mutts that "identify" as white, plus there are 25 million illegals that aren't counted, plus the "white hispanics" who don't check the hispanic box.

USA is like 35% real red blooded european "white" at best, and even that is being generous. this country just doesn't belong to us anymore. walkign down the streets i see it. i still live in my home town. when i was a kid it was all white. ALL white. now it's mostly shitskins. the world is done for dude. we lost.

I will give it 2 generations

100% you will roll over and die like a bitch.

When Trump and his ilk go down bigly, you're going to lay down and put your legs in the air like the true cunts you are.

Blackpill: Whites are genetically predisposed to meek cuckold-like behaviour. Sorry but it's true.

Because right wingers are only tough on Jow Forums but in real life they are a bunch of pussies terrified of Mexicans and blacks. You will roll over and get cuck’ed like you already do. Look at all the interracial relationships. Your women have had enough. Go play video games and fap to tranny porn. You may have guns but you don’t have the balls to use them.

Several generations of children raised by single mothers will do that for you.