Why wont millennials work trade jobs?

im gen z and were flocking to skilled trades in droves. im 18 and im in welding school, my buddys learning to become a plumber. were all at least moderate republican too.

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Immediate reminder that all prospectively influential men are well educated. You can't fight a culture war working the trades. OP is a kike. This thread is in rotation.

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Wow wtf I hate white tradesmen now

I fucking hope so. I've been in the building trades for a long time. I had a job recently where there were 25 men on the crew and I was the only one who didn't speak spanish.
Please tell methat young Americans haven't gotten too fat, stoned and lazy to do some hard work...

plenty have. gen z has taken to nigger culture like flies to shit and theyre drug addicted untermenschen but theres a sizeable and growing portion of us that arent retarded and know where we need to go to succeed

>Please tell methat young Americans haven't gotten too fat, stoned and lazy to do some hard work...
Sorry but white amerimutts are exactly that. Too stoned/drunk and fat to do anything but listen to FTN in between jacking off to doujins and eating tendies

I had to work July 4 and my birthday because we're behind because we're undermanned.
That job was posted on Craigslist, so it was open and available to anyone who is allowed to work here, has skills and could pass a piss test

>has skills
And there's the rub. The babyboomer (((job creator))) who only wants to hire people with 25 years experience digging ditches and has a certification from the Schlomo Goldstein University of Ditch-Digging

theres over 200,000 unfilled jobs because so many millennials and gen z are so retarded they cant stop doing drugs for a week to pass a piss test

Well, yeah, a guy could get a spot on the crew as a laborer and, God forbid, learn the trade/acquire the skills soon enough

because I don't want to lift heavy stuff outside of the gym

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Machinist reporting

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dude i fucking love machining. i dont have any formal training or certificates but i taught myself. its fun as hell

I'm not above manual labor. I'm slated to start a (union) trade apprenticeship in a couple weeks as a laborer/helper/gopher. But they didn't try and do the whole baby-boomer-gatekeeping thing where "sorry sonny you just aint got enough experience, we're lookin' fer someone who has AT LEAST 75 years of ditch-diggin' experience, 50 years of coffee-fetchin' experience, and a master's degree in trash haulin' " and you don't get the job because you're not an illegal immigrant. I took an aptitude test to prove I'm not illiterate and can add and subtract, went to an interview to prove I'm not autistic or antisocial, and now I'm hopefully getting placed on a call list for work referrals.

they've been a lot more receptive and open toward bringing me on even though I'm "unskilled" compared to most (dare I say, non-union) contractors and companies run by (((american job creators))).

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22 here, I'm making decent money being a warehouse manager right now but at this point there's nowhere up to go. College these days is fucking intolerable, I would kill myself before having to write Marxist ideology for an elective class while I would go for a STEM field.

What fucking trade do I get into and how do I start.

People want to work white collar jobs

any trade pays enough to live and has good benefits since theyre all undermanned. plumbers, hvac and pipefitters make the most money from what i can tell. after you get some experience any trade can provide $50k or more a year
if they werent entitled anf lazy they could become self employed tradesmen and make six figures running their own plumbing company

Because in order to have a trade job, you have to have the willingness to develop skill.

Im a boomer and I work a trade job, shits cash.

Ironically friends from uni who have been working office jobs for years all have back problems, look unhealthy as fuck, and earn less then me.

What are you a pussy?

I lift heavy things at work all day then go to the gym after to lift even heavier things.

>if they werent entitled anf lazy they could become self employed tradesmen and make six figures running their own plumbing company
You can be self employed and/or make six figures in a white collar job

How did you teach yourself? If I could teach myself I could definitely get job in a shop

yeah but not without selling your soul to college and being the banks bitch for decades

You dont have to go to college to learn to code if you're white

i bought a lathe and milling machine with my drug money and studied at youtube university

Or go to community college/GI bill if your parents can't pay...

Yeah you can, by participating in the culture and voting. The idea that somehow education makes you *elite* in this day and age is pure bullshit. Our educational institutions are GARBAGE, that's where minds go to die and the curious go to be indoctrinated.

Fuck yeah dood...1 year apprentice sheet metal guy here...7 years welding exp...lifes good when your job actually makes a physical change in the world and you come home tired

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Good luck, user. I'm just a lowly painter but I've been doing it for a long time and I'm at the point where I can pick and choose my jobs. I was determined early on that if I'm going to do this brain dead job for a career I'm going to be excellent at it. I actually enjoy about 7 work days out of 10. Not a bad ratio.

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Is it easy to get an apprenticeship with no experience?
I live in illinois in the suburbs outside of chicago

95 % of my friends in my year about 25 people dropped out of school to do an apprenticeship, this is in Australia.

That education is really working out for you user...listen to this indoctrinated brainlet

i live in that area too. hell fucking no it isnt. unless youre making $150k a year out here youre gonna starve to death. im moving back to my home town in indiana where i can buy a 2800 ft>2 house for $20k. if youre a tradie and dont want to live a miserable life of poverty stay the fuck from illinois or any other socialist blue state

My brother in- law did an apprentership in carpentry but after it he went to uni and studied construction management. Seems like a pretty good middle point and there is a lot of room in what type of work he's earning 6 figures as well which doesnt hurt.

Enjoy the brain damage and severe personality changes.

I'm living here since my parents do and my degree has gotten me nowhere so far.

There was a big attack on trades during our youth. It was around the time a lot of unions got killed by the government.
I'm assuming it was similar in the US

Depending on what you want to do, check out your local union. Lots of Jow Forumsacks talk down on skilled labor unions because they've taken the "all unions are bad because teachers unions and public workers unions are bad" pill, but Trump has been actively taking steps toward nurturing the growth of skilled labor unions and securing funds for future generations of apprentices. He knows that skilled trade labor unions are the antithesis of illegal immigrant labor (e.g.: union electricians vs. non-union illegals)

>inb4 >CNN


IMO, your best bet is to look up "[insert skilled trade here] + apprenticeship/union hall + [your area here]" on a search engine then try and find out what you need to pursue an apprenticeship.

I do.

How much did you spend on them? I could probably get access to one instead of buying them. Was it difficult to learn? How long until you were good enough to be paid to do it?

Because I value my health & life expectancy

go to indiana or anywhere in the deep south. you can live on minimum wage there easy

And be a faggot. Men belong outside and in the fields, not around a fucking water cooler talking to Samantha about her kids fucking soccer game you complete fucking faggot.

A man with a mission is a happy man and there is no better mission than getting physical shit done and solving problems.

I have absolutely NO respect for a white collar faggot and you douches will be there first thrown into the pit of the shit ever hits the fan. Fucking Democrats.

I'll say that sitting in front of a computer all day is pretty terrible on your health too, however

how old are you? In Straya around 2009 there was a big push everyone was saying get involved.

Why are tradies always so butthurt?

i dont do it for money i suck at it. my lathe cost $3000 and the milling machine cost $6000. i plan on welding for a living since im already enrolled in classes. but once i get really good i can do a side hustle or something

I don't have a degree in the field I work in. I have 30 years of experience actually doing the work.

I often wonder what would happen if you could challenge people with degrees like as a simple test of whatever skill the corrupt university says that they have, and strip degrees from the people who just paid for them. Fortunately, I have so much work and standing job offers in my field that I'm sitting pretty right now like my hero Martin.

My advice is to kill spooks, judges, lawyers, and politicians if you want to be influential. First post user is also a fag.

I know a guy whos dad is super rich from doing house painting he just quotes them 10 k more than the going rate and more often than not they just go for it.

25, I'm in printing but unions are complete garbage still.

Being in a white collar cog is terrible for your mental health kiddo

Its just a means to make a living, the jobs suck big time, but you gotta do something to make a living and it pays more than any min wage job, makes more than most nurses and IT kids, but in exchange you got a reaaaallllyyy shitty lifestyle to look forward to till you retire...work is work though, respect all labor, to each their own

Imagine going from being a domestic hero that had fun all day and got shit done to a social pariah that can't do shit without worrying about HR and gets paid half of what they got a decade ago

they are afraid of actual work, that's why
mastering a trade makes you independent, people will pay you good money for your skill, wherever you work for Mr. Bossman or yourself is completely up to you
a degree is just that, a piece of paper with your name, big corp will hire you for your title, not for your "theoretical knowledge", the actual work is done by others anyway, you are nothing but a figurehead, try making a business out of that, its near impossible
i got both and guess whats making me money

The only reason why a lot of millennials don't go into trades is directly because of the tank in testesterone levels over three decades - google it

You can earn a lot of money in the trades

Realistically though, having a job directly tied to the economy after we witnesses the Great Recession is full retard, if you want to plan on having a long term family

Or you better have emergency investments

>Fortunately, I have so much work and standing job offers in my field that I'm sitting pretty right now like my hero Martin.
The dad from Frasier?

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Fuck mate there are some pretty good gigs going over in NZ I reckon working for the department of conservation or whatever its called would be pretty comfy but i know the pay is shit

hes right. white collar skills are useless in a shtf scenario. i can make weapons, engines, tools, anything i can imagine with my skills and trade my services and products for things i want or need like clean water, food, ammo, sex, etc. people will need someone to make engines to keep the old cars running. nobody needs an accountant or realtor

apprenticeships are a meme and most of the people in the US talking about how they got one knew or were related to someone in a union
I talked with recruiter from a multibillion dollar power company in my state after I saw the ads about them want to hire new people and offering apprenticeships for various jobs, they even have a dedicated veteran liaison
cut through the bullshit and the gist is that they only give apprenticeships to current employees, and they don't have any open positions for someone with no relevant experience

The handsome and intelligent biopharma king, but I'll accept the dad from Frasier as a secondary role model alongside Al Bundy.

I wouldn't mind being a tradie, I know this sounds like a faggot thing to say but I just have really bad allergys i'm allergic to dust and brake out into hives and shit so I don't really see a trade being for me, at least the conventional ones.

NZ is on the verge of being a third world country. Pay is shit, money is worth not much, cost of living is sky high.
There is no reason to move here from a first world nation.
There is a reason so many kiwis are moving to aus

this. the trades have a kike tier nepotism problem. the hardest part of a tradies career is the first 5 years of experience

Because they're pretentious dipshits who believe they're above working with their hands.

>al bundy
god i love that show

Boosh...their it is niggers the real argument...independent man vs. white collar cog

Yeah i've heard things are bad, but if you have money you can buy a nice house way cheaper in NZ and live the good life, I love the nature of NZ particularly of the south island if I had enough money to retire id move over the ditch

because 10-12 years ago all the boomers lost their retirement and closed up the unions to young guys and school was telling everyone to go into college, now that my generation is fucked and boomer tradesmen made enough money to retire again they want you to get in there. also welding is a meme for teenyboppers and it sucks enjoy your cough. bricklaying/stonemasonry/tuckpointing masterrace

This. It's rare as shit they'll take in anyone off the street. You don't just "give the union supervisor a firm handshake" like boomers will have you believe. You bet your ass you're going to have to give up several years of pay and go into debt to afford trade school. The juice isn't worth the squeeze when you can make $15+ in a warehouse that'll get you started in a week.

Sounds like your problem is you went through a (((private non-union job creator))) instead of a skilled DOL-approved trade union like Papa Trump approves of/wants you to do.


>""We're empowering these companies, these unions, industry groups, federal agencies to go out and create new apprenticeships for millions of our citizens. Apprenticeships place students into great jobs without the crippling debt of traditional four-year college degrees. Instead, apprentices earn while they learn," Trump said."

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>Thinks white collar people can't own businesses
>Thinks all people in blue collar work are independent
Why do I know all the people promoting trade schools are high school seniors?

Did you read shtf post?

Faggot. Why don't you take an allergy test to find out exactly what you're allergic to and mitigate that shit?

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It's simple the school system pushes people towards education no matter their intelligence and skills children are constantly bring told to go to uni or their lives will be over. Careers classes and teachers barely cover trades or other options they want people entering into the meme roller-coaster that is third level education.

So you guys are going into a career because you're a doomsday prepper?

>im 18 and im in welding school, my buddys learning to become a plumber. were all at least moderate republican too.
I hope you're trolling faggot. Stop sabotage.

I'm alergic to cats and dogs but dust mites and dust in general. If I go to a construction site i usually get super itchy it sucks being an allergy fag but your right i should get tested see exactly what I am allergic to.

ikr? and the military is an even easier route to success than the trades are

wear a dust mask it helps alot

>applied to every apprentice trade program in the entire city available
>rejected from every single one, many because they want licensed experienced apprentices
Boomerfags ruined trades

No i have real life skills...no debt....a pension...a 401k...health insurance....get paid well....the work i do is a workout...feels good man

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This is some NEET fanfiction right here

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that wasn't the case for me haha they were basically like to most of the guys in my year you should leave school get a trade your not cut out for it, was pretty sweet though all the hot girls stayed and graduated.

If you think voting is the answer you probably should leave this to smarter people. I actually legitimately enjoy manual labor, I would go to work and be genuinely happy that the task this morning was digging a giant hole, in the summer in south florida, but I understand you're never going to gain societal power or influence if you work with your hands. The ONLY way is if you rise to the top in that trade and become some kind of company owner, in which case you will be at a desk wearing a dress shirt a lot of the time anyway...

Even if you own a big company and are a millionaire you're at best going to be able to be a voice locally in your city or implement practices like refusing to work with illegals, at the absolute peak your influence is nothing like what you could do if you were truly power hungry and tried to attain equivalent status in business, tech, or politics. There's a high chance I'll end up working in some trade type job since I'm too old to try to get into much anything else by now but if you're 18 picking your path in life, and wielding influence is important to you, the trades are not going to be how you get it

theyre not gonna live much longer unlike their white collar and political counterparts. theyll be dead within the next 20 years or so driving up wages even more

>This is some NEET fanfiction right here
I wish it were. I'm not even 'qualified' to be a machinist, which is a glorified part changer.

>my social sciences degree makes me important
>giv patreon pls im daily on twitch playing conservative-approved games, and check my youtube for political truths PS patreon lilnk is heer

Not sure what its like stateside, but here i've worked in 3 different trades at various times, and they were all 1. heavy physical labor with no breaks or deducted from pay breaktime. 2. pay was about 1-2$ above minimum wage, why work hard hammering or digging feces for that pay, when i could stand around somewhere or be in an air conditioned store for a buck an hour less?
3. in order to get certified (here its called red seal or journeyman) its essentially up to your employer, since you have a book that needs to be "signed off" and you need a person who has certification to sign you off. in addition to going to school several times. All told, one friend of mine who stuck with electrical, for example, took 6+ years to get his red seal, and he can ONLY work on specific things. He's not, for example, allowed to put a fucking light socket in his own home, by law.
Most bosses I had would drag the process out more, since fuck, why put a guy all the way to journeyman and have to pay him more, when he can do all the hard work and be paid shit wages?
Sure "some trades are good" or "lol you were in the wrong one" there are good ones, but in general you need 1.journeyman status/certification already and 2. 7+ years of experience or whatever unrealistic HR cunts are expecting this week.

Do scaffolding if you are that desperate.

> moderate republican
If you even think about voting democrat you're a filthy commie.

I dont know what state you're in but in Texas you don't need a "certified apprentice license" to become an apprentice machinist OR electrician.

My buddy was doing an apprenticeship with a local machining shop for a couple months and it was basically an informal* "hey wanna be my apprentice? ok here's what I do and how to do it" type of job/apprenticeship, no licensing or accreditation required.
>* = obviously he still filled out a W-4 and got paid and everything

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You dumb millenials think you know what a hard job is... lol, tumor babies. Why don't you serve in the army like a real American?

This...no skills do this..or laborer ...scffolders are bad asses...fast..climbers ..strong

Yep, TX. You need experience under a master to get an apprentice license, but no one will hire anyone but licensed apprenrices. Catch 22

gatekeeped by boomers and illegals

In the short term you could use OTC allergy pills (better) or anti-histamines (worse, but works) before you're exposed.

I have the same outfit!

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fuck that sounds amazing. not even close to how it is here.

because we're not so dumb that we'll make a career in a occupation that will be replaced with robots during our lifetime

its kind of poetic. Republicans will be out of jobs, and thanks to their stance on socialism, they will have absolutely zero prospects of ever getting out of their social situation.

oh whats that? 1776 will commence again you say? well, ill let you settle that with my army of terminator drones

u mad, mohammad?

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>because we're not so dumb that we'll make a career in a occupation that will be replaced with robots during our lifetime
I'm hopefully starting an electrician's apprenticeship soon; the fuck are you talking about? They're still going to need retards like me to work on the robots and the robots that make the robots