R.I.P. Democrats 1828-2018
4.1 percent growth for Q2
Other urls found in this thread:
>my kike boss made more money YAAAAY!!!
I love Trump. I want him elected Emperor. But measures used as goals are inevitably gamed into meaninglessness.
>only kikes can make money in America
lmao you poorfags
Wages are increasing as well you faggot
Why would you want them dead? A 3rd party would fill the vacuum and have better policies and practices and unseat Republicans.
You couldn't ask for a more toothless incompetent opponent than the Democratic party. Hope that they are around forever to be our controlled opposition.
> "I don't know what Frontloading is when tariffs are around!"
>Would rank among the worst of the best of Obama's growth
[John Oliver Smirk]
[/John Oliver Smirk]
>living in shills' head rent-free
hope you like the smell of curry I'm cooking
> never before in politics
> eliminates 18 other candidates
> eliminates most heavily favored opponent in US history, despite media and government collusion
> resurrects economy which never topped 3% growth in all 8 years of Obama
> makes peace with Norks
> Gets trade concessions from EU
> Forces NATO countries to pay their fair share
> Resurrects American manufacturing
> Does ALL of the above while STILL fighting tooth and nail with the media, his own party and the deepstate
I'm no kekistani bros, but we're literally watching history happen
No they're not. Wages have DROPPED across the board.
not so fast
Trump is proof that career politicians are absolute garbage.
Dunno about you but I live in a state with almost $11 min wage and nobody can afford anything, here you are either dirt poor and can't afford a working car or super rich and you can afford to not work all day and spend your money on trips to the lake and nice boats.
Are you retarded?
This. Around 90% of that growth if not more is just going to go to CEOs who are already able to afford sold gold shark aquariums for the rest of their lives.
Socialist revolution when?
we're going to get a new trade deal with Mexico soon too
apparently Trump is using all the EU's investment in Mexican factories as leverage for both the Mexicans and EU to play ball
They have become too insane and subversive. They no longer function as a rational counterbalance, and are no longer useful to the health of our politics. We don't want an echo chamber, but we definitely don't want unintelligable, insane screeching (e.g. April on CNN last night).
> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums
As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.
I hope someone assassinates that bitch. She's an anti-American piece of shit and she is pushing for the same ideology that killed over 100 Million whites in the 20th Century.
Fuck her. She deserves to have her throat slit.
Inventories fell rather than grew, so there was no substantial loading. Some of the new tariffs were also already in effect during Q2.
yay im so glad the world's only anti-white superpower's economy is growing, fucking based republicans XDDDDD
calm down bro. this is a board of peace
you're also non anonymous in the slightest
I'm seriously thinking of switching over to the GOP.
Fuck off cuck nigger, you’ll be swinging from the gallows next to the commies. Can’t wait to spit on your worthless corpse
Why are you reposting week old pasta? You do know that stuff expires, right?
>R.I.P. Democrats 1828-2018
yes because GOP politicians don't support mass immigration from the 3rd world to line their donor's pockets. and they definitely aren't globalist neocons who want anti-white us supremacy across the entire globe
fucking retard
> eliminates most heavily favored opponent in US history, despite media and government collusion
Media was actually incredibly favourable to Trump, and focused heavily on Clinton's negatives. The FBI quite literally shived her three days before the election.
> resurrects economy which never topped 3% growth in all 8 years of Obama
Nothing to do with Trump or his policies.
> makes peace with Norks
Doubtful. Remains to be seen.
> Gets trade concessions from EU
Lol, nope.
> Forces NATO countries to pay their fair share
Chalk that one up to European countries fearing Russia and the US no longer being a trustworthy ally, which isn't really a win for Trump
> Resurrects American manufacturing
Doubtful, remains to be seen.
>I'm no kekistani bros
I fucking doubt it.
I've literally seen this copypasta seven times today. It's getting old.
do it faggot
you won't
i think people were expecting it to be better because the stock market is taking a big shit today
Maybe you should get into the gold shark aquarium industry instead of complaining that some people are better at making money
>not so fast
not ALL crazy bitches are full of shit.
>people that invested in the economy make more money when the economy does well
wow shocker
Fuck off, mass replying Autist.
fuck off retard shareblue nigger
>Media was actually incredibly favourable to Trump
Nigga whut?
>Media was actually incredibly favourable to Trump
Wait till Obama leaf gets w whiff of this thread so she can come in here and tell us how this is Obama's doing LMFAO. poor Canadian faggots got it bad.
Actually true, In 2016 he got more free coverage then all the other candidates combined.
>Obama leaf right now
>Facts, the Jow Forumstards one weakness!
and who will be dragging them into the streets?
doesn't mean it was favorable coverage
he played them, they wanted ratings and spent the entire time bashing him and accusing him of shit.
Trump is going to win, because he doesn't allow himself to believe he will fail. After winning the unwinnable election it's obviously Trump is going balls out and balls deep on anyone he actually hates. Even with the media, dems and bullshit democrat funded and planted investigation he's still winning, imagine if his party was behind him 100% instead of 30% and the media actually did their job instead of shill, protect and reinforce democrat talking points.
Are they going to wheel out another faux pas Trump did 10 years ago? because nobody fucking cares. 4% growth of the largest economy in the world is fucking amazing.
gas yourself boomer neocon
No such thing as bad coverage. Yeah they were bashing him but his face continued to be on the air. No such thing as "Bad Advertisments"
Has there ever in US history been a two years period where one party was BTFO this hard? Imagine having to be a democrat right now, the only way out has got to be suicide.
>100% of Trump coverage was negative
>B-b-but the media reported on the reality of the DNC and Hillary emails, factual reporting on investigations and the rigging of the Democratic primary is just not acceptable
>No such thing as bad coverage
how strong will your cognitive dissonance be when he wins 2020.
Trump is not a republican. Trump is the third party moderate we have been fighting for these past 25 years. He has a string view in immigration. Which ironically is to just enforce our current laws.
Not quite sure what your point is here, so we will just keep moving then.
There are no white people without America you faggot. Europe has completely surrendered without a shot fired. We are in a worse situation now only in terms of raw numbers. We are an aids patient who has a strong natural immune system and we just bought antiretrovirals. You have only had HIV for a year but have absolutely no intention to stop bareback fuckparties with randoms.
In 20 years you will wish you were america.
i wasn't talking about trump you spacker
If you want to see what the lack of negative coverage, just look at how the media treated Obama.
You stupid fuck, liberals literally worship that guy as the brown democratic Jesus, and they don't know shit about all the bad things he did.
>Trump’s trade war propelled U.S. exports in the second quarter as China and other countries rushed to snap up American basedbeans and other products ahead of impending tariffs
>stock market artificially inflated from corporation tax cut stock buy-backs
>agriculture artificially inflated by billions of subsidied (re: gibs)
[spoiler]bubble burst incoming[/spoiler]
You know maybe the rest of the world knows what is best. Maybe we are retarded for trying to keep the white mentality. New cultures means new ideas.
inb4 democucks claim a good economy is bad
This dumb bitch is going to make herself to be the jackass she already looks like
Pin a fucking tail on her or whack her with a stick
See if any candy comes out
we do need third parties but the two party duopoly and winner take all voting makes it impossible, only ranked choioce voting allows third parties to have real power, right now if you vote third party you are throwing your vote away which is exactly what they want, and why repugs funded al sharpton and jill stein
oh shit a paper from harvard
everything from harvard must be 100% factual right
>media was favourable to Trump
Bullshit. It was overwhelmingly negative.
>nothing to do with trump
So lowering taxes didn't affect growth? Are you retarded?
He still did inf% more progress then Obama ever did.
He got concessions out of them
>not a win for Trump
Making his allies actually contribute is bad? Piss off.
Manufacturing employment is increasing faster whilst it went to shit under Obama
>i fucking doubt it
You're full of shit. Hang yourself.
Yes and all that money is going in a sack with a dollar sign on it. From there it will stay in a room so they can stare at it while twirling their moustache
Great pasta.
you dumb fuck, rupert murdoch's cancerous media empire pounded obama 24/7 for no fucking reason other than to prop up the dying geriatric repugs
you know how i know you're a faggot?
Fuck that, these Marxist need to die to preserve the Republic. I don't give a fuck. The line in the sand is being drawn.
sorry i forgot that america was the based saviour of the white race that definitely doesn't sponsor liberal parties and revolutionaries around the world
I believe this what is called “copypasta” or should I “lurk moar”
>muh fox news
goddamn you post like a facebook mom
Best part of trump... I’m still waiting for when they start shedding light on how all the senators become multi millionaires while working for the government
I’d nut on her face, if you know what I mean.
>So lowering taxes didn't affect growth? Are you retarded?
Maybe only temporarily, but never to the middle class.
>Manufacturing employment is increasing faster whilst it went to shit under Obama
Why would anyone want to make things, We aren't third world nations. We should be making software and services, not working with our dirty hands.
Dems (leftists) would gladly hurt the economy to get Trump out of office.
Americas strength and success is actually considered evil, sinful, unearned and undeserved in their ideology.
>Trump has done all these things!
>Nope, those are lies.
Reminder that Trump claimed credit for the return of American remains, but that has been going on since 1990. Trump effectively negotiated for something the US already had. He gave away concessions to get something the US already had.
>Why would anyone want to make things, We aren't third world nations.
>Supports importing 3rd worlders to do stuff in the USA anyway
>Supports importing 3rd worlders to do stuff in the USA anyway
Of course I do, Why waste time making a screw when third world niggers can do it. Why would I waste time and money making something that niggas make things for next to nothing.
>not wanting a strong manufacturing economy
>doesn't want to be self-sufficient
Brainlet detected
Oh look, shareblue is trying to speak Nazi.
Hey pot, meet kettle
Look at you Jow Forums you are pathetic, anything that threatens your illusory reality, you ignore, you don't give it the time because you are to busy talking about a blond orange man, get your nutsack and talk it here, what happened huh? You can't stand it when the source is questioned, you can't stand it when someone like me calls you out on bullshit, you ignore it when the truth is beneath you, why? Because you are teaching each other to step all over it, you rather lie than come to and agreement with your opposers, you rather makeup than wash the face of the country you love so much, you hallowed Jow Forums, you are becoming nothing, I'm in love with my people not because of race, or the money we make, or the jobs we have or our position globally, I'm in love with American because the people, the balls it took to stay and fight your own brothers during the civil war, the sacrifices made to bring the country this far, here you go, giving it away because a group of men relate to your hate, pathetic, do you think the fathers hated natives? No they didn't, they simply fought and took over because of survival, everyone want to live but you "nu-america" you got no reason to live, you are pathetic and the Jews by your side will always come out clean.
I say again, we are currently on a trajectory to fix our shit - Europe is new at this and sprinting as fast as possible into the infected asshole
Your people have absolutely no will to prevent this. Half our population is getting ready to rip the scab off
You're a fucking retard.
>Lets import the 3rd world, we definitely won't become the 3rd world!
Theybassimilate entire countries and we fall back
The line must be drawn HERE! THIS FAR! NO FURTHER!
And I will make them PAY for what they’ve DONE!
Is this a tester post for your new gay pasta? Fuck off
>$50 billion drop in the U.S. trade deficit and a recent agreement with the European Union to negotiate a free-trade deal.
are you retarded?
The most ahistorical antiamerican shit you could possibly say
The rest of the world is shiteating peasants who believe in strange gods who think gun ownership is terrifying
I’m just waiting for the day we stop importing shitty European cars