How can she have heart to send refugees back to war torn countries to die?
How can she have heart to send refugees back to war torn countries to die?
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Because she is as morally corrupt as the muslims she preaches against
because they literally start those wars themselves
If pakistan is shit, and pakistanis move to the UK then the UK is shit why is it so hard to grasp. Be a man and take responsibility
Imagine starting a war then being allowed to just run away somewhere else with everyone's shit you stole.
that's why immigration is BAD
I should just be as big a dickhead as possible and contribute to the collapse of one country after another by leeching as hard as I can until they collapse.
Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Thomas Paine - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Patrick Little - judeophobe
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
David Duke - Zionist shill
Laura Loomer - Zionist
Gavin mccines - Zionist
>Highlighting "Conservatives" that are against free speech
She's very brave for standing up for her beliefs in the face of adversity.
Stop making these threads Aidin
Yeah, no. Fucking faggot.
At least she has sex with them before sending them back
she rides the cock carousel like a pro