The compliant media pushes fake science reports(written and coauthored and sponsored by jews) about circumcision being safe, harmless, and virtually equivalent to an intact penis. WRONG!
This thread is designed to discuss Sex & Circumcision. If you haven't watched the video or read the info graphics then where the fuck have you been?
This man is Eric Clopper, he lost his job at Harvard to give you this info. Take it. Share it. Meme it to your normie friends.
He names the Jew. And in so doing brings the JQ right to the forefront of public discussion.
>many shills in the thread will make the obvious point that Eric, is himself, a jew.
If he wasn't a jew they would be able to shrug him off as "anti-semitic" which of course they already did by calling him anti-semitic and firing him.
Watch and prepare to be more upset than you've been in a long, long time.