The Stem Family (for lack of a better translation) is a form of family structure where the house is the center of the family (More is explained later)
Historically, Stem Families occupied the territories coloured in green, the darker green being the purest form.
As we see, German territories, southern France/Northern Spain, Irland, western Scotland are the historic territories of the Stem family.
It is worth to mention that Japan is also historically a Stem Family territory.
The Stem Family model is in concurrence with other family system, mainly the nuclear family (yellow and yellow stripes) and the communitarian family (brown)
What are the advantages of such a model in comparison to others?
Territories where Stem Families were reigning over benefited from the lowest crime rates, the highest literacy, decentralised authorities, highest religion practice rates, highest Ethnic conscience, high levels of conservatism, etc. In other words, they were the less degenerated and most durable territories, with a very high level of attachment for the land.
In short, a Stem Family is, as written before, a family where the house is at the centre. The house is the definition of the family. 3 generations, if not more, can live simultaneously in it. It is transmitted as an heritage to one child and one child only, often the elder. He will be in charge of it and the missions that come with it, such as welcoming any member of the family who needs it, holding regular family gathering, and of course making its land flourish.
Unfortunately with Modernity the Stem family has practically disappeared in favour of the Nuclear Family. With it came its values such as individualism, causing high crime rates, low attachment to the land, etc.
I have never seen the subject mentioned here. So what does Jow Forums thinks of it ? Is the Stem Family the Soul of Europe? Is it the ultimate redpill?