6 godzillion chicken eggs eaten every year is same as my 6 gorillion. Never 4getti!!1!!!!!!!1
6 godzillion chicken eggs eaten every year is same as my 6 gorillion. Never 4getti!!1!!!!!!!1
i think she just called jews swine
>Jewish girl upsets people with uncalled-for Holocaust comparison
colour me unimpressed
I love her in V for Vendetta though
She is a Jew.
There's a reason nazis were the first ones to create animal rights and tested medication on jews instead
But those things actually have and do happen so you can't really compare it to the holocaust.
it's much worse than the holocaust. history will view us all as savages, and rightfully so
>animal rights = human rights
This kind of thinking is why society is fucked up
Implying jews are humans
She implied it first, and even trying to reason as she does, she's still wrong
Remember when chickens left a flag on the moon?
such a cute jewess
I'm more disgusted about the chickens--there is actual video evidence of them putting the male chics into grinders.
brb, 5 guys
jews will get mad, they hate when u compare stuff to the shoa
Nat is cutest jewish girl. And she played good in star wars. I would smuggle her into white ethnostate and marry her.
Wait till she finds out how Jews make their kosher meat
>"You shaved your head in 'V for Vendetta.' Do you also shave your V for vagina?"
S-shut up, g-goy!1
This will have one of three effects:
>1. People will continue to eat meat, and be desensitized to the holocaust
>2. People will continue to eat meat, and find vegans even more insufferable
>3. Both
Sounds pretty good, keep on truckin' Hershlag!
She is Jewish. Just another jew.
I agree 100%
animal rights > human rights
Remember when Jews left a flag on the moon?
It's very obvious what she's doing. She's beginning to hit the wall and she's resorting to outlandish shit to stay relevant. Such is life for Hollywood whores.
checks out
its always the holocauster
i wrote that again and again
everyhting is the holocaust
do as we say or else
open the borders
wage war
sorry you plebs cant eat meat
muh holocaust
What episode of LazyTown was this?
This is some low key as fuck kike bait. She is def my Jewess.
Shes not the first to make the comparision and definitely wont be the last.
Were all going to void anyways, who gives a shit
t. Animal lover
Oy Gevalt!! Don't forget about the 6.000.000 cowsillions!!
>jews are going to void anyways, who gives a shit
Imagine being a kid that in Auschwitz, getting packed into a gas chamber after months of terror. Right before you get gassed you think "for what point, this was all a waste." And as you die from the gas you get a premonition, a moment of clairvoyance. You see your descendant speaking about the event, you think "at least we weren't forgotten". As the zyklon sets in the vision become stronger and to your horror you hear the speech more clearly. No, they aren't treating your memory with respect, instead they are pimping out your death to warn of the dangers of eating meat and of people that troll on video games.
Ya can see her acehole..
>a kid that in Auschwitz, getting packed into a gas chamber after months of terror
Nice story bro. Good thing none of that happened.
Let's extrapolate this statement just a few degrees:
Natalie Portman PETA video compares the extermination of Jews to making an omelette.
this is funny because the eternal jew includes a section on the practices of kosher food.
>kosher food
We, the gentiles, pay more for OUR food because some dumb ass kikes said "muhhh we need labels."
That's why I buy local. No labels. The jews hate me, and like Jesus said, I forgive them which makes them hate me that much more.
fuck jewish people. Seriously