Who here would die for their country?

I wouldn't, unsurprisingly. The little man in Belgium is being shat on from every which way and we were never a country to begin with. I do feel a certain sense of pride, and despite what most of you might think, we share a common identity. But dying for your country? The very notion of that seems absurd to us. First chance we get, we'd bail.. Fuck you Europe, we used to be a pretty comfy country. Fuck your Europe!

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>would you die for a moon-sized ball of rust


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Id never die for this cucked shithole full of racetraitor politicans and people, they aint worth saving and i wont be the idiot cleaning this mess up they made.

Good or bad I'd die for the US. I love this country and everything it stands for.

For England, James?

>Die for Canada
Fuck that.
I would probably die for Nova Scotia though.
I would definitely put down my life for my community.

I wouldn't risk getting a paper-cut for my country.

Any country that has Open-Borders, doesn't protect its language and culture, and has Affirmative-Action to prop up the minority against the majority, is not a country I respect.

If my rights were being infringed upon, I mean the ones i care about, then yea. If the indian shit dick wins michigan im going to be upset, if he tightens gun control im going to be really pissed. If he asks to ban semi autos, that is the time to strike the system.

I would die for my version of my country, not for the current shit tier multi culti cesspool

Imagine that, if Mark Rutte came to tell me to enlist. "Yesh, user, we need joe, to die for Unilever, and Fouad's uitkering"

Yeah, no

Only if I was fighting Israel or saving Europe.

You love Israel, moral depravity, and the destruction of the white European?


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>Who here would die for their country?
I used to think I would, but idk any more, I neither recognise nor like the majority of people around me.

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Anything for my country

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I wonder what that's like. Only community feel we get around here is when our national football team does well. That's why it's so important to us. It was important to us because everyday we see and feel the consequences of European immigration policy. I see these 'beached' people everywhere. I don't mind. I will even speak their language: reaching a hand. But they are chimps and will rob, loot, rape and chimpout all the while living on government handouts which we fucking paid for. I sound like a total tool spewing this shit, but this is what is happening. And the media tells us we should be gratefull for this enrichment and if we think otherwise we are racist, narrowmindend and probably rapists too. Good fucking dear, how I have it in for them. We need a charismatic, well spoken person to stand up and pull the curtains to reveal the freak show that the EU really is. It's an abomination. Die for my 'country'? Hardy harr fucking harr.

I would die for the sake of my country.

Why do poos get to worship hitler and we don't?
I unironically love hitler.

>i sound like a total tool

Wanna know how I know you're not ready? Because you dont understand that one or two or ten generations of hard life for those "beached people" is nothing compared to the 100 generations of europeans that scraped a living off of rocks for thousands of years before they because so high in status. They did it because they wanted you to have it. Now we can only live up to it, it isnt earnable. Stop thinking with realism, yes, indeed, they do have shittier lives than you. the kikes would have you trade your luxury for their squalor, but why would you do that? that merely changes the positions. it does nothing to lift the world out of the cesspool it is, it just changes who is within and without of that pool.

What mt country really is I would die for. The ugly perversion that is being pushed on us as a national identity I wouldn't get a blister for.

Nope. Not me. That's why we pay soldiers.

yeah i would die for my country

For Brazil, never. For the white race and western civilization, no doubt.

Recently here in Germany a soldier got beaten up by a group of men after being called a nazi and a child murderer.
So no, I won't. Let this shithole die.

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I would certainly die for the United States of America as long as it were for a purpose. Dont be angsty when you get out of highschool and cuss the recruiters, president, and country. When they call upon you to join, do it with a burning fiery love for this great nation. You will regret it every day of your life if you dont.

>t. 34y/o faggot that desperately wants to serve his country.

Is thieving and raping part of the package? Walking around at 2 past midnight used to be no biggie for a woman. Now we can't let them walk home unescorted. And with good cause. Thank you Europe. I could've had another beer, but now me and my friends have to walk women home like because certain areas are a no-go past midnight. Reminder that we are a small city of less than 18000 inhabitants and not some big metropole. Europe needs to be disbanded. Not to incite hatred, but because the current situation is unsustainable. Realistically speaking it's not going to happen.

For Volk and Reich? Yes.
For the federal republic? No.

I die for my country and they put an immigrants in my house.

I would die for israel.
But only after we run out of americans.

not me


Not until someone with a pair of balls puts this country on the right track, fuck man how can we make the country actually worth a damn?

Since when are Isrealites able to perform quality shitposting?

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I would die for Barron Trump. Just one whiff of his used underwear. Where the sack touches the cloth.


I would give my life for family (and those people who aren't related to me but I consider family), not necessarily my country. But what threatens my country would often threaten them.

Dan? What are you doing in Australia?

I'd die for the US. I don't care who is leading it or what it is going through, this country is the essence of freedom, and if my life has to be taken for my family to live happily and make due with their lives, so be it.

Not for my country, but for my people and my family

You are a sad sack of shit and it is telling that even a waffle from a made up country has more sense of pride than you do. You are a penal colony and if we were to ship Jews over there en masse you'd probably have the best bantz of your life between the two of you.

Nice one

>I would die for israel.

I hope you die. In fact, I hope all your people die.

I'm sure you are well aware, but literally NO ONE likes you. Black people even have friends. We even like some black people! But not a single one of you people is liked. How does it feel to literally be hated by 7.5 billion people?

>literally NO ONE likes you

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You still crying about WWII? You know, that time we beat the shit out of you and you've been our bitch ever since?

Winning, it's an American thing you wouldn't understand.

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Winning for israel that is...


You know tats are for fags and I would beat you up in a fight right?

Ha. You think.

We dropped two nuclear bombs. We slaughtered the Vietnamese. Native Indians and slaves. We Americans do not care about jews. We are using the jews. Why? Because we want control of the middle east. Pax Americana bro. When the time is right we will release classified documents showing that Israel did JFK and 9/11. And the very next day your entire country will be completely destroyed.

But this is the fun part of the grand plan. Before we tell the world what you have done, the zionists will convince ALL jews from all over the world to move to Israel. In one single swift attack we will literally kill every single jew.

Oh glory glory God Bless America!

I love America. Nothing will dissuade me, especially not pinkos.

>Winning for israel that is...
Israel is welcome to ride the coattails of America,the greatest nation that there has ever been, just like the EU does now.
We fight for Americans and our needs, dont forget it.
We dont have over 300 million guns for no reason. Dont believe me? Try us. Come and invade, cucks. Weve been tolerant of beaners because they are majority catholics and our neighbors. Dont think well do the same for another country.

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Depends on the cause. If the south rises again I would join the fight to free Nashville then move to ghe stronghold of Memphis. If it is a cause in a foreign nation I doubt it unless it is against Israel. If and when Germany kicks off another WW I think we should just stay out and let Germany completely win then wipe the slate clean and rebuild correctly.

>You love Israel, moral depravity, and the destruction of the white European?
Dont like it? Do something about it, or leave. ITs pretty simple, Vlad.

you're a cuck
thank you for your service
;) ;) ;) lulz

>you're a cuck
says the pussy who wouldnt fight for anything because hes impotent and self-serving, with only one affinity, the love of black cock.

>We fight for Americans and our needs, dont forget it.
>We dont have over 300 million guns for no reason. Dont believe me? Try us.

They have to be subversive. If they showed America who they really are we'd fucking kill them in the most brutal of all ways.


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I love poos so much. I really do. Holy fuck they can literally walk in their own shit, eat shit, dig through shit to find more shit, sell it and still be happy. Poos will conquer this planet.

All us Western people can do is cement our own demise.

I would if there was anything here worth dying for.

What about your ancestral homeland? Is that not worth fighting for?

I'd die for a proper cause since those are unironically what go beyond borders, maybe my state or town. However I do not feel the US is worth dying for anymore unless Israeli interests, multiculturalism, and anti-white interests and policies are up your alley. The US hates me, why would I enlist again willingly?

My nation? Yes. My state or country? Fuck no.

Chill bro. Just enjoy some of our finest clothing.

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any anons who say different are the problem with white countries and have fallen for anti nationalist propaganda

it is better to die for your people than live for yourself


>The little man in Belgium is being shat on from every which way.
Pro-tip: voting NV-A or O-VLD won't fix this either,

>winning a fight
kek user i..

Yes, in a broader sense. But as it stands I see no way out of the hell we've built for ourselves. I'm quite happy to wait for it to collapse.

t. Muhammad
and I would die I it meant trying to liberate Belgium from you subhuman scum
Leopold would have taken care of the infestation a long time ago

I would die for japan

> implying kikes are the biblical Israelites
this is what happens when you become a pagancuck

the swastika is a nice touch

i would if the cause was just. for our gubbermint? never. I'd die fighting against it.

Lol Jow Forums is worse than Reddit. I'd die for my country without a doubt.

That's what makes Slavs different from western cucks.

Based bro

I used to think I would. Now? I don't have any friends or any loved ones who I would like to defend so – no. At least I would like to think I wouldn't.

lmao fuck that, no loyalties to a diseased police state

Prepare yourself then.

I would die for the English people.

But these tyrants that we call government, no chance.

All native western Europeans need to start building parrelllel ethnic European societies and preparing for south Africa tier hell.

The ride has just begun.

Two of my "brothers" gave their life for the idea of America. I also served. What people don't realize is that soldiers, sailors, and marines fight and die for each other not a country or govt. Also survivors guilt will kill you if you let it

I would not die for the US. If we were to be taken over by Russian I’d probably join the volunteer police.

For my country and its state? No.
For the nation and its people? Yes.

I'll give my life for my loved ones and some Americans, but I won't die for all 340+ million "Americans"


Depends on the situation, as everyone knows my country fights many pointless wars for the corporations and jews. But if we were ever invaded by a foreign army, then pic related.

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depends who's invading, this govt deserves to be mutilated and tortured, so another govt doing it to them I wouldn't care in the slightest

i wish flanders would be germanized by germany so we can enter their germanic empirre or something. our flag is already pretty germanish and and our first king was a german and because of our language we can be germanized easily. of course the migrants need to get out and the borders closed first.

I would die to fight against my country possibly if I'm being completely honest. Why would I fight for a government that corrupts it's people and wants me replaced by 3rd worlders?

There is no way I'm dying for my country. The idea by itself seems retarded to me there is no reason to do something like that

For my country? Yes.
For the political and finance elites in proxy wars in some desert shithole? Absolutely fucking not.

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Why would I die for a globalist shit hole?

>I would probably die for Nova Scotia though.

Also Bluenoser here. Would die for my corner of NS, but not for anything west of the Maritimes

>But if we were ever invaded by a foreign army, then pic related.

Make sure you find this guy if it happens and put a bullet in his head

This is a future worth dying for apparently

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only family, the elites can sacrifice their children if they want perpetual war.

depends who was invading. If it was chinks or shitskins,yes. If it was some based facist america then I would welcome them.

I'd die to keep southern AB white. Fuck off you zips. No muds

get kiked, oven