Mystery Picture LA ‘34

So my dad died and I inherited his autograph collection.

Can anyone help me identify this postcard/picture? Signed & Dated L.A. ‘34

But considering the snow gear penguins and huskies... I don’t think it means Los Angeles

I appreciate the help Jow Forums


Attached: 7E9F6C14-B430-4361-9F2F-D99B411F420A.jpg (2400x2400, 806K)

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It's Bud Waite, chief radio man for Admiral Richard Byrd’s Second Antarctic Expedition from 1933 to 1935.

Hmmmm interesting I don’t know why this would be in his/mine possession

How did you know??

I was reading it as “bird” white

Is this anything of significance?

Radio operators in the 30s were magicians to most people. Vocal communications were still difficult over long distances due to technology limits, so Morse code was still very common and being able to turn dots and dihs into words was a practical skill that impressed most people.

Being one of the first people to make radio signals from the Antarctic was akin to Lindbergh's Atlantic crossing back then.

I'm an amateur radio operator and a history buff.

What kind of value/significance does this carry? It just sits on a binder so idk what to do with it. My father wasn’t like really into radio or anything like that so idk what to do with it

I doubt it's worth a lot. You're best bet is to Ebay it with keywords related to amateur radio (Ham radio, Radio History et al) and offer free shipping. Someone like me will likely buy it. It's an obscure piece of history to be certain but I'm almost certain you'll find a buyer in the niche market.

You're = your

It's wigwam of muskrat nation


huge market for arctic stuff

Well shit, guess I underestimated the value a bit.

Can you not read cursive?

hes a retard who wants to sell off heirlooms from his father, of course he can't read cursive

Seems like a QSL card, did your dad do radio?

Kinda related. Just dug up this photo of Bob Hope my dad took at a USO show.

aaaand I forgot the pic

Attached: IMG_20180727_131035.jpg (600x800, 78K)

Never mentioned selling anything dumb dumb. Asked for value- as an inquiry on what scale of worth this has to a person who may be interested. Maybe I can’t read cursive- but you can’t comprehend fuckin text

>So who the retard now?


And not that I’m aware of.. I know he used CB back in the day to play hide n go seek with other cars but that’s the only time he ever mentioned anything really radio related.. and he was into car & home stereo equip.

also found these books on the Kennedy Assasination

and again.. forgot the pic

Attached: IMG_20180727_131955.jpg (640x480, 66K)

Meanwhile, I wqs helping a cousin clear out my uncle's place. He threw a ton of stuff right in the trash. Maybe even a record player. Damn yuppies. I was looking through some trash bags of stuff for something I wanted that was gone and I found a few things like this old Goldwater pin.

Attached: IMG_20180727_132120.jpg (480x640, 82K)

Don't sell anything that's original. You can make a ton on prints.
t. rare Geronimo pic owner

>home stereo equip
go on