Canadian Shitskins making SuperAIDS a real thing

Thanks, leafs.

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>faggots dying quicker
..and that's a good thing

Based Darwinism

>nigs and roasties die faster

Very good. More cost effective. They spread among degenerates, lower promiscuity among whites and kill of the shitskins without costing us a lifetime of medication.

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Are canadian abos also gay?

Heroin needles and unprotected sex with drug addicts I'd say.

Canada is AIDS under the form of a country.

>canada invented aids
>canada invents super aids
What the fuck is wrong with these leaf faggots?

This, but ironically

Oh. Hoped they won’t infect my cousins.

Theres risks involved with finding dogs attractive.

Honestly less phillipinos in canada wouldnt be a bad thing.

What kind of shitskins live in canada?

What's happening is the people don't know when they were infected, so by the time they go to the doctor, they got full blown aids.


>Based natural selection raking leaffags

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poor dogs

One can't fight nature...let it run its course.

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That's because people are reckless retards.

could this be the new Ebola

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how dare you deny me my (you), animal.