What should I say here, Jow Forums? Help me destroy this feminist

What should I say here, Jow Forums? Help me destroy this feminist.

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suck my cock, bitch!

you're here to pump muh dick, cunt

>Lol not here to pump your male ego.
You're here to pump your female ego.

I'd like to know what you wrote before her message before I answer

Gender roles are what the family unit (and as a result, society) is built upon. Also, is that the same wall where the /fa/ meetup pic was?

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Get back in the kitchen, and associate yourself with appliances.

suck my cock, bitch!

need context

Tell them they can have any gender role they wish to take on, but they must abide by natal sex rules when using the restroom.

"gender roles are good and cool actually"

Respectfully I disagree with your opinion but I think we're above fighting about it.

It's a shit test bro, you need to tell her to make you a sammich

Get a few beers into her and see what she actually thinks about gender roles.

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This. OP is a faggot for leaving out important details

fuck off soiboi faggot cuck

Kosovo is Romania

She called me cute and I said that's an emasculating word to call a man, basically equivalent of calling a woman handsome.

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Politely explain to her that her perception of gender roles is skewed. Explain that they are designed to ascribe work to each person per his or her own abilities. In business, you wouldn't reflexively ascribe the heavy lifting to a skinny guy who's more brain than brawn. Neither would you put a strong guy behind a desk by nature. Nothing says that if either is able to do the other job, they couldn't switch, but the basic principle is sound as a rule.


I met my gf on that site in 2010. We gonna be married soon. I told her she had nice tits and then we hooked up


Well played - u got a little bit of everything in there

Or that. I guess that works too. Doesn't help anything, but ok.

>trying to argue with a female
you already lost
stop caring about the opinions of women

Correction, it was good until the last comment. I agree with everything until the "jungle" bit.

Ask her what exactly made gender roles "stupid." Women still love gender roles, but only when they apply to men. They love men holding doors open, and paying on dates, and so on. If someone breaks into my house at night, I'm not going to send a woman to confront this person; it falls on me as a man. They prefer this.

So the good question is why women hate *female* gender roles. To me, its because we now live in a hyper-hedonistic culture that values wealth over basically anything else. Making money is considered a higher pursuit than raising children these days (evidence: look at how many two parent households there are. Kids are getting raised by daycare and the public school system). The foundation of modern feminism is basically the idea that we can make women "equal" to men by destroying femininity, destroying traditional female standards of success (e.g., raising good children, having a good home), and forcing women to be half-rate men. Explain to her the meta-level irony of feminism being a vehicle for the superiority of male standards of success.

Wow. I kinda feel bad now, because this is way more well-constructed than mine. Go you.

Lol based boomer leaf posting

Well I haven't been blocked yet lads. I guess this will be the test to see if I'm good looking or not. We all know she'd still reply to a handsome, high test Chad even after that message, the very figure she claims is stupid.

Gender roles were created by nature.

"We both know you don't respect a man who cooks and does dishes."

What a retarded autistic cringelord. KYS ASAP.

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"For breakfast you`ll get my cock, for dinner you can make sushi if you want"

>asks what to say
>says his own retarded bullshit

You fucked up you stupid leaf

ok bye, political discussions on the internet are boring anyway.

>You won't be pumping my ego, you'll be pumping my cock

You might be handsome, but a chad you are not

send dick pic to the cunt, 60% of the time, works every time

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Don't u have some civilisations to destroy Shlomo?

Tell her got agree and that the construction industry should start implementing female quotas.

It puts the mayo on the sandwich or else it gets the hose again

>Oh so you suck at cooking and cleaning?

Just ignore and block. That’s a lot cooler.

What did she mean by this?

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you are a retard because had you left out the the stupid feminist part you would have continued the convo and probably gotten laid.

Honest question guys, why do women keep saying that I'm cute?

when I get to talk to women and such, I always get called cute and a gentleman, obvlously this is problematic because I don't want to be seen as that

Dick pic now

she typed out a long response, deleted it, and then accidentally sent the punctuation

She’s being passive aggressive as these types of women usually do
You wrote a little too much and this is a normie thots way of saying
>you expect me to read all that shit?
just move on

she is right you know faggot

she screenshot it and she's going to send it to her group chat or tumblr blog where all of her friends will circlejerk over how cringe and embarrassing it and talk about the fragile male ego or something like that, it will die down in like a day and will maybe become a running joke in her group of friends which will be brought up at least two but less than five times.

how can the male ego be real if gender roles aint real?

She has nothing to say to counter the argument because she knows deep down that, right there, is truth.

lol chad writes like her and you write like a whiny little shit. you have to prove her theory by acting like chad, and not by writing 3 page long emotional paragraphs

she's mocking you for not using punctuation to finish your final sentence.
Tell her to enjoy her debt tattoos and loneliness.

tell them the truth
tell them you are homosexual looking for like minded homosexuals

"cool response"
"Wanna get together? I want to mold you into the ideal women"

because you look good enough for them to be interested in your looks as you would be more likely to produce good looking children, however you haven't made her sexually aroused.

pretty much sums it up. she either won't respond or you'll get some pseudo-vile thing about being an evil oppressive man.

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Just ask her if she thinks a man wants a mother of his children away at work and not tending to their kids. That will trigger her immensely.

>I got to school so I don't have to ask my husband to give me money to by a bunch of useless shit

Ask her who is going to raise her children and whether she will be more fulfilled having children with good characters and proper upbringing or being a barren 40 year old who worked a soulless career during her prime fertile years only to have an empty life built around consumerism.


tell her to join the army and die on the frontlines until female casualties make up 50% of wartime deaths.

She will remember the rejection for 2 decades.
Probably blog about it.

actually, you went a little too hard and angry at the end there.
the dot is a simple "ok whatever", so she got you beat by showing less interest and effort.
101 TRP stuff on texting.

>wants to have her cake and eat it too

do all women have the mental capacity of a child?

"I think 50/50 is healthy"

How can one look at the state of relationships and marriage that's based on equality and honestly think "Yeah, this is healthy"

>That joke fell flat. Speaking of flat, is it hard for you to buy swimsuits?

When in doubt always be a dick. The worst that happens if you fuck up is that you have to find new pussy.

I have honestly never seen a women shoveling snow or working on a roof

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what does 50/50 even mean. her and her husband take turns staying home with the kids? she's gonna mow the lawn half the time? and shovel?

Or does she mean she will cook and clean and do laundry, and he will do lawn mowing, garbage, snow shoveling, and roof repair...

so the 50/50 split works out in the natural way it tends, according to gender roles.

Youre almost certainly going to wind up on r/niceguys or some other faggot subreddit.

If gender roles are stupid why does she conform to them?

Unless she is a bulldyke then she is a stupid conformist by her own standards.

She's not wrong, OP you are probably an insecure faggot

Call her a cunt who will end up old, unmarried with no kids trying to figure out how to ks the least painful way.

50/50 means woman runs shit, ruin your self respect, turn you into a fat pathetic faggot and divorce you. Never let a woman tell you who you are or how you run your home. The man is the foundation of a healthy home and that comes with rules. If a woman runs your home your raising school shooters and whores. Look at our society today and tell me Im wrong.

50/50 means she gets all her money and half of yours. That nothing you did before you two met matters and youre only alive to keep her happy 100% of the time because the moment they are "sad" or "bored" their dumbshit minds wander.


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>and there it is. ffs.

Made me laugh harder than it should.

Just tell her to show bobs and vagene







Tell her she’s a handsome woman

she is asking if you are a faggot

My wife wants to be a stay at home mom but I force her to work because I want the money. I made 240k last year and she made 60k, but I make her max her 401k and she gets a pension. I let her spend 2k a month from her earnings which helps our budget as well. By doing this I think I will be able to retire about 8 years earlier.

OP just say "oh okay that makes sense". Then fuck her, delete her, and move on.

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just stop dude, why lose time

Say: "What's that? Speak English. I don't speak bullshit."

I'd say that you're idealistic to say money doesn't matter when it gets you better healthcare, safer neighborhoods, and more security if something goes wrong. People who say it doesn't matter are sheltered.

Anticlimactic leaf. You failed us

Since men today had divorced dads they're learning from this experience and thinking this way. This makes marriage with them probably hell because they're so determined to learn from their dad's mistakes they want a slave with no opinion for a wife.

She blocked me after I revealed my autism. Took a while though I think I actually planted a seed in her mind.
>you didn't even fuck her what a beta fag
Wasn't trying to. If I was I wouldn't have been posting the screen caps in the first place.

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we think alike, dude. we should hook up

>i am here to find a man that tells me I am stwong wamen that don't need no man
how did we get here boys

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You know what, Jow Forumsacks are pretty smart. And with group effort we could create the wittiest motherfucker on dating sites. Too bad mods wouldn't allow it. Sadly other boards are retarded for this. Although Jow Forums had some good input in tinder threads too. Not as witty as Jow Forumsacks tho.

I wish I could harness your autism, intelligence and wittiness into one person on a dating site, lol

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Tell her to get in contol of her animus. Her male soul part is in control of her making her act like a man. Probably daddy issues.

t. Carl Jung

Most "feminist" have pathological animus control. E.g. they act male.