Daily reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with homosexuality

Daily reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with homosexuality.

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le 2 sec of cherry picking later

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You should all be gassed

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There honestly wouldn't be if it'd stay in the bedroom like you said but you faggots lied about that. You've dug your own grave.

There is nothing wrong with someone minding their own business with consenting adults. It is just that most homo's are raging lefty faggots shilling for literal the opposite I believe in almost every time.

Prove to me how a human being can be attracted to someone of the same sex when their whole species depends on reproducing.

humans enjoy sex whether they know it's for procreation or not.

personally I don't give a fuck what kind of hole I poz up this week

No. It's fine. If you like that thing. But its fucking gross.. that's all.

Nothing wrong you say?


Except that its unnatural and an abomination unto God.

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You will never be part of the straight master class fags hahaha

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Also, Gays have an 11:1 ratio of pedophilia vs straight people

Nothing wrong with homosexuality, a lot wrong with homosexuals.

>occurs in nature

>occurs in nature
>produces no offspring

As long as they don't molest children, they're ok
>[M]ost men who molest little boys are not gay. Only 21 percent of the child molesters we studied who assault little boys were exclusively homosexual. Nearly 80 percent of the men who molested little boys were heterosexual or bisexual
>Study after nationwide study has yielded estimates of male homosexuality that range between 1% and 3%.3 The proportion of lesbians in these studies is almost always lower, usually about half that of gays. So, overall, perhaps 2% of adults regularly indulge in homosexuality. Yet they account for between 20% to 40% of all molestations of children.

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That's probably because of the "closeting" phenomenon in previous generations. Adult male homosexuals abused young boys due to the social stigma against adult male-male relations. This isn't to excuse their crimes, but we can reasonably predict that the correlation will decrease as homosexuals are now able to practice their lifestyle openly.

your stats are old. Gays are 100% more likely to be pedo than straight people

Repent , user ! Christ is the only way !

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>able to practice homosexuality openly for 20 years
>they'll stop being pedos soon guys, dont worry!

Still got that jew rat face

>Daily reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with homosexuality.
>which is why faggots have been despised in almost every waking civilization, and have been the precursors to the fall of others like Rome and Weimar Germany

this but unironically

hello JIDF

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Slide thread. Sage.

>hello JIDF
Who are you fooling rabbi?

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>Jidf calls others Jidf.
>pushing faggotry
>And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Its time to repent , Chaim. Turn to Christ so you can be saved !

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Yeah. Gay subculture on the other hand is a cancer that should be destroyed. Gays are better off in the closet and doing their thing in the shades than out in the open.

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Only it doesn't occur in nature, horny roasties and faggots like you just apply sexuality on pack and flock behavior.

confess your sins and repent or burn in hell for your faggotry

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If there is nothing wrong with homosexuality how can faggot make children?!

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I thought Leviticus only applies to Jewish priests or something, no?

Daily reminder that there is everything wrong with homosexuality.

The Old Testament also applies to Christianity, but Old Testament law isn't practiced because it has been fulfilled by the prophecy of Christ from what I understand

Yeah, something like that.
Of course, there is the issue of homosexual intercourse not being able to result in offspring, but I don't know about celibate couples.

t. (((Christfags)))

Now you get it. We're the chosen of God !
Finally someone gets it. Now its time to embrace being chosen , Chaim. Don't fall back to the synagogue of Satan .

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I never had a problem with LGB until they added trannies and gay pride parades became nothing less than degeneracy.

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Best thing about you faggots is you don't pass on your genes.